The latest FAQ document adds further guidance for municipalities that wish to partner with nonprofits and private organizations, whether to issue premium pay or to address public health and economic impacts. See Treas. Application assistance is available from the PoliceGrantsHelp team and L3Harris. Local governments have until December 31, 2024 to allocate their ARPA funds. Whatareyour pandemic-related pain points, and how have those affected your ability to operate? If that project has benefit to the public, it may be eligible to come back into play with ARPA funding. The Final Rule states "recipients may use [CSLFRF] funds for road repairs and upgrades that interact directly with an eligible stormwater infrastructure project."[5] Paving could also be eligible under water and sewer infrastructure as a subsurface drainage measure. 200.317 to 200.327. It also can . Whats the Difference Between CARES and ARPA? Analysis of this expected trend begins with the last full fiscal year prior to the public health emergency and projects forward at either (a) the recipients averageannual revenue growth over the three full fiscal years prior to the public health emergency or (b) 4.1%, the national average state and local revenue growth rate from 2015-18 (the latest available data)., - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Fact Sheet, Page 6. You can also access these questions within this. . . For state, county, city, and tribal government, the ARPA established $130.2 billion in emergency funding. As of May 20, 2021, the Treasury claimsto havedistributed, Funding Request Information and Submission, Services and programs to contain and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, : Even as quarantine regulations ease, public services may still be safer with remote or online operations. Apply for American Rescue Plan funds to help your department purchase new radios/communication equipment. Austin, TX 78702, 14045 Ballantyne Corporate Pl. Elected leaders will need to decide how to best use the additional funding consistent with the ARPA requirements, which are very broad. Nothing in the legislation forbids spending on multi-year contracts. Communities around the country are developing strategies on how to win and invest American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. Finance officers are best positioned to help ensure the long-term value of investments and financial stability of its government using this one-time infusion of resources. In addition, Treasury encourages municipalities to consider the guidance issued in the Statement Regarding Compliance with the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Interim Final Rule and Final Rule. Additional enforcement efforts to reduce gun violence exacerbated by the pandemic, including prosecuting gun traffickers, dealers and other parties contributing to the supply of crime guns, as well as collaborative federal, state, and local efforts to identify and address gun trafficking channels The public health impacts experienced due to COVID are both direct and indirect. In addition to the revenue loss category, road work would be eligible as required by stormwater system infrastructure projects. Treasury considers an investment in infrastructure to be necessary if it is (1) responsive to an identified need to achieve or maintain an adequate minimum level of service, which for some eligible project categories may include a reasonable projection of increased need, whether due to population growth or otherwise and (2) a cost-effective means for meeting that need, taking into account available alternatives DWSRF and CWSRF eligible projects continue to be presumed to be necessary investments under the final rule, with the exception of projects for the rehabilitation of dams and reservoirs. Premium pay for eligible workers Government services include, but are not limited to, maintenance or pay-go funded building of infrastructure, including roads; modernization of cybersecurity, including hardware, software, and protection of critical infrastructure; health services; environmental remediation; school or educational services; and the provision of police, fire, and other public safety services. Dont forget to highlight plans for future funding orsustainability:If there are long-term financial or sustainability benefits, this will improve your plan! The influx of funds will undoubtedly benefit state and local finances, and aid in the recovery from the budgetary, economic, and financial impacts of the pandemic. Response to the public health emergency or its negative economic consequences These tools can accelerate aid to community members in the greatest need, and even increase the number of people able to be served through optimization. Suite 340 [3] Pay-go infrastructure funding refers to the practice of funding capital projects with cash-on-hand from taxes, fees, grants, and other sources, rather than with borrowed sums. A fund management platform can automate reporting for ARPA allocations, including timesheets, spend tracking, and more. [7] In addition, Treasury encourages municipalities to consider the guidance issued in the Statement Regarding Compliance with the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Interim Final Rule and Final Rule.[8]. Revenue replacement How Can Michigan Townships Use the American Rescue Plan Act Funds? It offers a total of $350 billion to state, local, and Tribal governments across the country to support their response to and recovery from the public health emergency. For counties, the $65 billion will be allocated based on the countys population. 117-2, amending 42 U.S.C. That said, the interim rule does note eligibility for certain infrastructure maintenance projects considered a government service (maintenance or pay-go funded building of infrastructure including roads) and green streets. Unemployment is still high, which meanscommunity members still need support. That process is currently under development by the U.S. Treasury. As local government agencies contemplate how to best use this funding, its important to bring any organizational needs to the forefront for consideration. Renewal: registration is required for American Rescue Plan funds as well as other federal funding (including disaster aid). In Greater Cleveland, $1.1 billion will be coming our way, with another $331 million flowing to Greater Akron, $167 . Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership. TheAmerican Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA, was designed to turn the tides on the pandemic via a substantial infusion of resources. Suite 200 They may be used for any public purpose authorized by state law. [5] In summary, regarding revenue loss and provision of government services, the Final Rule may permit certain infrastructure projects such as road maintenance. As entities assemble ideas for using ARPA funds for Complete Streets and trails, the following points are important: . [6], Recipients seeking to identify the categories of projects that would be eligible to receive funding assistance should check the EPAs website for possible additional resources available in the event a project is not clearly eligible for CLFRF funds.[7]. Our services are backed by our Microsoft-Certified professionals who are ready to tackle the needs of our clients. was the first round of coronavirus economic relief payments, signed into law in March2020. :Omnichannel communication is critical for getting prevention and vaccine information to diverse communities. The Treasury did not release funding amounts for Tribal governments, as they will receive allocation information after submitting their funding applications. More than two-thirds of the $2.8 billion going directly to Minnesota under the massive COVID relief bill can be used to cover lost revenue, which could free the money from being governed by the . Suite 300 Show that you understand your problem, how your proposed solution solves your problem, and that you can implement and execute on your solution quickly. Responses must be related and reasonably proportional to the extent and type of harm experienced. The ARPA defines four broad use categories for the State and Local Fiscal . In General - A recipient may only use funds to cover costs incurred during the period beginning March 3, 2021, and ending December 31, 2024, for one or more of the purposes enumerated in sections 602(c)(1) and 603(c)(1) of the Social Security Act, as applicable, including those enumerated in section 35.6 of this subpart, subject to the restrictions set forth in sections 602(c)(2) and 603(c . Treasury interprets businesses in this context broadly to include non-residential users of broadband, including private businesses and institutions that serve the public, such as schools, libraries, health care facilities, and public safety organizations. The latest iteration of the FAQ was issued on July 14. Eligible projects must be designed to address an identified economic harm resulting from or exacerbated by COVID. We urge the House, Senate, and governor to join many other states in using ARPA funds for repairs of roads and bridges, and take a bold step to finally reverse decades of underinvestment in some . However, regarding infrastructure projects, the Final Rule states: General infrastructure projects, including roads, streets, and surface transportation infrastructure, would generally not be eligible, unless the project responded to a specific pandemic public health need or a specific negative economic impact. Its a must-read if you want to understand how to use ARPA funds. Lisa is a respected urban designer known for combining timeless community design and innovation with focus on fast-tracking advanced planning techniques and emerging technologies. Judge Lina Hidalgo called it "kicking the can down the road." Despite the misgivings and criticism, the commission unanimously approved the spending. It's a must-read if you want to understand how to use ARPA funds. How Much ARPA Funding Is Available for State and Local Government? The document provides a comprehensive overview of how funds from the program can be spent. The $1.9 trillion ARPA federal relief package, signed into law on March 11, includes $360 billion for State and Local Government . He said with the ARPA funds, broadband work can instead all be done at once. Recipients can use this funding to invest in an array of projects related to drinking water infrastructure, as well as wastewater infrastructure, including managing or treating stormwater (which must have a water quality benefit) or subsurface drainage water. As entities assemble ideas for using ARPA funds for Complete Streets and trails, the following points are important: WGI is working with communities across the country on complete streets and trails. Houston, TX 77019, 305 Church St Southwest, Suite 601 For two decades, researchers have amassed a robust body of research demonstrating the benefits of Complete Streets and trails. The American Rescue Plan Act specifically calls for its funds to be used to support the public health and economic impacts of these communities. Yes, while you cannot reprogram between the designated pots of funding, there is great flexibility in the use of the funding distributed under ATG and Law Enforcement due to the terms Tribal Government Services and Other Related Expenses. If you have a question you would like answered, please contact Jacob Ewing , online or mobile payments, service requests and applications, work from home for staff, and more. If you have specific questions or need clarification, GFOA has launched anonline portalto gather member questions to help shape engagement and solicit answers from the Administration. Localities will receive the funds in two tranchesthe first after the U.S. Treasury certifies the proceeds to each jurisdiction and the second one year later. Pre-project development expenses for eligible water and sewer projects are also allowed, and State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds may be used to support energy or electrification infrastructure that would be used to deliver clean power to water treatment plants and wastewater systems on a pro-rata basis. As with previous COVID-19 relief packages, implementation will be an extensive process as new or updated guidance and FAQs are developed and released by theU.S. Treasury. Counties will receive $65.1 billion, with fundsallocated based on population size. Overview. Supplant General Revenue Expenditures for Pandemic Purposes. For water and sewer, the Treasury aligned the types of projects with the wide range of projects that can be supported by the Environmental Protection Agencys clean water state revolving fund and drinking water state revolving fund. Suite 375 Along with allocations of funds by government entity, the eight-page fact sheet clarifies uses of funding. Project Description:What are you doing, andhow would a tech solution enable your org to address these pain points? Funds allocated to states cannot be used to directly or indirectly to offset tax reductions or delay a tax or tax increase; Funds cannot be deposited into any pension fund. Browse our collection of helpful resources on citizen engagement and government software solutions curated by our team of industry experts. The $15,000 needs to be used by the end of April, but funds can . Our software implementation services offer our clients flexibility when choosing their solution. And once a shortfall in revenue is identified, recipients will have broad latitude to use this funding to support government services, up to this amount of lost revenue.A method for computing reduction of revenue is provided: Recipients will compute the extent of their reduction in revenue bycomparing their actual revenue to an alternative representing what could have been expected to occur in the absence of the pandemic. If your agency needs atoolto manageand process applications,ARPA funds could also purchase that solution. Most of the county officials interviewed expressed frustration that the ARPA funds can't be used, under current guidelines, for normal county expenses, such as maintaining roads, replacing . Learn how Rock Solid solutions have helped local governments across North America improve citizen engagement. We can also provide example project proposals from around the country. In-depth insights from industry leaders on engaging and managing citizen communication. ARPA would fund $3.8 million for the city's bridge construction program, so that $3.8 million in bond money can go towards public art. Initial federal ARPA funding to the states and their political subdivisions was estimated to begin as early as May. Recipients may donate funds to a non-profit that serves to benefit the community as a whole (e.g., a municipality could give the funds to organizations like "Friends of the Library" or "Friends of the Park" and those organizations can use the money to improve the library or purchase new park equipment. The American Rescue Plan Act specifically calls for its funds to be used to support the public health and economic impacts of these communities. Suite 115 To offer swift guidance on the use of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF), the U.S. Department of Treasury (Treasury) published the . A municipality may wish to consider the above scenarios in determining the eligibility of a supplemental project that is not specifically identified as eligible to receive CLFRF funds under these provisions. If your local governmentis eligible,you must request your funds through theTreasurys submission portal. West Palm Beach, FL 33411, 1232 Winter Garden Vineland Road Q: Can the Tribal Government Services/ATG General Distribution funds be used for purposes such as Road Maintenance or JOM? The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), signed into law in March 2021, provides $350 billion in relief to states and local governments to combat the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We can provide tips on getting started, including making the case, how to stage projects, engage new stakeholders, and set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Revenue replacement 31 CFR 35 at 266, available at: ARPA Funding for Technology: Whats Next? Lorain's estimated ARP allocation is $31 million. Check with your local finance entity or fund administrator for priorities or additionalrules. For many jurisdictions, the funding provided under ARPA is substantial and could be transformational for states and local governments in their pandemic rescue and recovery efforts. Hybrid approaches to government services, accessible both in person and online, allow constituents to access services on their channel of choice. The relief funds are being distributed as follows . 801 et seq., at 603(c)(1)(D), available at: Investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure. Rebuilding Public Sector Capacity to Support Economic Recovery, Recipients may also use this funding to build their internal capacity to successfully implement economic relief programs, with investments in, - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, Lets say, for example,that your city uses ARPA funds to set up a loan or grant program for local businesses. Care should be taken to avoid creating new programs or add-ons to existing programs that require an ongoing financial commitment. The period of performance continues for an additional two years, through December 31, 2026. Recipients will compute the extent of their reduction in revenue by, comparing their actual revenue to an alternative representing what could have been expected to occur in the absence of the pandemic, . ARPA provided $350 billion in state and local aid under what's known as the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program. In summary, local government can use ARPA funds to: According to the Treasury, recipients of ARPA funds have broad flexibility to decide how best to use this funding to meet the needs of their communities.. TheAmerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)is the third round of Coronavirus economic impact payments. Section 9801 of the ARP Act increased the CCDF mandatory and matching appropriation to $3.55 billion. Did your local government have a technology project postponed or cancelled because of pandemic-related budgetary concerns? The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package or American Rescue Plan, is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 117th United States Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021.The intent of the legislation is to speed up the United States' recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the . Lets say, for example,that your city uses ARPA funds to set up a loan or grant program for local businesses. These tools can accelerate aid to community members in the greatest need, and even increase the number of people able to be served through optimization. The Treasury Department did, however, prohibit premium pay for employees who were allowed to telework during the public health emergency. The ARPA permits the use of its funds for select infrastructure projects: water, sewer, and broadband. Links to specific funding amounts for each groupare listed, Howto get your local governments ARPA funds, If your local governmentis eligible,you must request your funds through the. Save time, stay compliant and reduce risk while easily managing the ever-growing number of requests for public records with our FOIA management solution. Applicants have 60 days to apply for a grant, which can be used to fund new or existing cybersecurity programs. A recipient funding street paving in response to a specific pandemic public health need or a specific negative economic impact should (1) describe the harm or need to be addressed; (2) explain why a capital expenditure is appropriate to address the harm or need; and (3) compare the proposed capital expenditure against alternative capital expenditures that could be made., However, under the provision of government services, the Final Rule specifically lists maintenance. Authorized representative name, title, and email, Contact person name, title, phone, and email, Funds transfer information, including recipients financial institution, address, phone, and routing number and account number, Completed award terms and conditions (to be signed by the authorized representative), Though there is no application deadline as of the publication of this article, funding requests for those who have completed applications are already being fulfilled. We are leaders in government software solutions and services. [4], In addition to the revenue loss category, road work would be eligible as required by stormwater system infrastructure projects. Reg. Simplify managing agendas, meetings, and committees with a single, end-to-end solution to optimize and digitize your legislative management process. , lets local government provide better service to diverse community members at scale. We're passionate about creating stronger communities and better organizational efficiencies for city leaders. Technology ishighlightedas an area for spending to address the negative economic impacts of the pandemic. , or ARPA, was designed to turn the tides on the pandemic via a substantial infusion of resources. In addition, the Treasury guidance allows for spending on cybersecurity aimed at protecting water and sewer infrastructure; projects promoting climate change resilience (for instance, reducing energy consumption on water and sewer facilities); and lead water line service replacement. ARPA funding eligibility will rest on clearly articulated needs and/or negative impacts of COVID. For state, county, city, and tribal government, the ARPA established $130.2 billion in emergency funding. As a place to start, a basic set of questions for a technology project plan is below. The Treasury has established a methodology to calculate the reduction in local revenue during the pandemic, and allows recipients to recalculate revenue loss at several points throughout the program, supporting municipalities that have experienced a lagging impact of the crisis on revenue. However, under the provision of government services, the Final Rule specifically lists maintenance or pay-go funded building of roads as a government service and therefore eligible under revenue loss up to the extent of reduction in revenue. WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects. From the earliest stages of transitioning toremote governmentto the present distribution of vaccines and easing of lockdowns, local government leaders and staff stepped up to the platein novelways to serve their residents. Unit #14 The U.S. Department of the Treasury issued an interim final rule on permissible uses of $350 billion in state and local aid included in the recent American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Can ARPA Funds Be UsedOnMulti-Year Contracts? Reg. Anticipated Project Benefits:Demonstrate who benefits from these activitiesand the benefits expected., City, county, Tribal, territorial, and state governments are receiving much-needed funding as part of the third round of pandemic economic stimulus to lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery. Technology, from, constituent relationship management platforms. Any budget shortfalls that led to the reduction of staff or projects can be covered. Funding is one time in two phases. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates if additional guidelines are implemented. ARPA provides funding for many programs and services nationwide. As a place to start, a basic set of questions for a technology project plan is below. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues while renewing your SAM registration, please contact the Federal Service Desk at 866-606-8220. Links to specific funding amounts for each groupare listedonthe Treasuryswebsite. . Whenever possible, expenditures related to the ARPA funding should be spread over the qualifying period (through December 31, 2024) to enhance budgetary and financial stability. Services to address individuals experiencing homelessness. The ARPA funding has broader parameters and a lengthier timeline for spending. Nothing in the legislation forbids spending on multi-year contracts. The Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF) provide recipients with broad latitude to use funds for the provision of government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue due to the COVID-19 public health emergency relative to revenues collected in the most recent full fiscal year prior to the emergency.[1] The U.S. Department of the Treasurys (Treasury) Final Rule, effective April 1, 2022, identifies the maintenance of infrastructure (such as roads) as a government service that may be funded by CLFRF under certain circumstances. WGIs Lisa Nisenson highlights some ways that Complete Street and trail projects may potentially qualify for funding. To learn more, contact Lisa Nisenson at if you would like to leverage ARPA funds for local Complete Streets, trails, and green street projects. Funds will be allocated based on population size, but cannot exceed 75% of that unit of governments most recent budget. Winter Garden, FL 34787, Civil EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEnvironmental ConsultingGeospatial & Land SurveyingLand PlanningLandscape ArchitectureMEP EngineeringNew Mobility, Parking SolutionsResiliency + SustainabilityRestoration EngineeringStructural EngineeringSubsurface Utility EngineeringTraffic Planning + EngineeringTransportation EngineeringWater ResourcesArchitectureProject Delivery. Local jurisdictions should be cognizant of state-level ARPA efforts, especially regarding infrastructure, potential enhancements of state funding resources, and existing or new state law requirements. On May 10, 2021, the U.S. Department of the Treasury released details on how local government can use ARPA funding. 27th Floor Please click here for GFOAs analysis of ARPA. The economic relief package of$1.9 trillionbecamelaw on March 11, 2021. Following that notice, the City Council directed the City Administrator to prepare a plan for allocating the funds. [1] Treas. If technology can support outreach, applications, placement, or other relevant services, it is likely valid for ARPA funding. There are three areas where Complete Streets and trail projects may align with ARPA funding criteria: public health, addressing economic impacts, and infrastructure. The Treasury recently clarified that not every household or business being connected as part of an eligible broadband project needs to be un-served or underserved if the project is a more holistic approach including a wider area. Once a shortfall has been identified, municipalities have broad latitude to use ARPA funding to support government services, up to the amount of lost revenue. For more information and helpful resources on the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program, . Using the money for federal matching funds Distribution of the first round of American Rescue Plan Act payments to cities, counties, municipalities, and states is already underway. The $1.9 trillion ARPA federal relief package, signed into law on March 11, includes $360 billion for State and Local Government Fiscal Recovery Funds. In other Northeast Ohio cities, ARP . ARPA funds can be used to support distance learning, tutoring, and after school programs for both K -12 and higher education students These funds can also be directed to support the emotional and mental health needs of students ARPA additionally allocates $7.1 billion for the E -Rate program, 19 emergency, the new rule states that the funds can only be used to cover costs beginning March 3, 2021. According to the U.S. Treasury, the objectives of this funding are to: The CARES actwas the first round of coronavirus economic relief payments, signed into law in March2020. TheU.S. Department of the Treasury(Treasury) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) FinalRule directly states: In the final rule, Treasury is maintaining the approach under the interim final rule that general infrastructure projects, including roads, streets, and surface transportation infrastructure, would generally not be eligible, unless the project responded to a specific pandemic public health need or a specific negative economic impact.[1]. Offer our clients two years, through December 31, 2026 while easily managing the number. # HAECAA3A95C4E4FFAB6AA46CE5F9CB2B5 did your local finance entity or fund administrator for priorities or additionalrules and innovation with on. And appointed leadership, prohibit premium pay for employees who were allowed to telework during the public health emergency period... Employees who were allowed to telework during the public, it may be eligible to come into. 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