Gabapentin should start to take effect fairly quickly, and relief should be noticed within one or two hours of administration. These growths developed quickly within two weeks and caused concern warranting removal and testing. My 11 Yorkie mix has had allergiesitchy feet mostly but all over at times, that we have tolerated as holisticly as possible his whole lifewith the occasional Benadryl. Xylitol is extremely toxic, even deadly, for dogs. No. Prescribed apoquel: 48 mg daily for 2 weeks (2 doses) then 16 mg daily for following 6 weeks. This is sad. I am certain that Apoquel caused this problem. After ten years of fighting severe inside of the paws allergies, to the point that this 150# dog could barely walk, I was elated that something finally worked. Fingers crossed she wont have any lasting problems from this drug. My Yorkie/jack Russell, around 8 years old is supposedly allergic to fleas, around 20lbs. 8 3/4 yr old unknown mix (black & tan head, white with black spotted body & pink skin) to the vet after almost 8 years. During this time we went back to the vet for guidance and he was put on Prozac for dogs. My vet bills have double. As luck would have it, I did a research on both meds as I normally do with any meds, and as fate would have it came upon this site. Very unlike him and the bowl belongs to a dog that visits a lot and he is head over heels in love with. I have had her and my other dogs on a special diet but it still doesnt help. He was a healthy and playful boy and certainly did not act his age!!! He had to have the dosage raised today after 2 seizures this morning. Does zonisamide interact with my other drugs? Shame on me for not doing my research. We went back inside and for the rest of the night she cried and stared off into space. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. We saw great results by the 2nd day and by now his gland would have flared up and has not, we were all getting to sleep at night! Please listen to Dr. Jones. It was under the skin, wide but flat so it didnt show under his hair and wasnt obvious when patting him. Despite providing the vet center with a copy of my letter to Zoetis and their request to have the vet contact them to discuss this AE, as of 9-6-19 the vet has not contacted them. After taking my 4yo Yorkie off Apoquel 2 weeks ago, (see my comment on 8/21) my girls UPC and albumin have greatly improved. They have been developed so as not to cause drowsiness. When we arrived, Ginny pooped alot which I thought was because of the travel. His nose is cold and his behavior is normal, but we are very worried. She was allergic to grass and any food that was not grain free. I am not a vet, just an educated pet owner who totally gets how frustrating it is to have an itchy dog. This is not like him.So I am going to quit giving him this med. I watch the Zeljanz commercial which is basically a very similar drug for humans.listening to all the huge long list of potential side effects.cancers have happened and they say it like potential for thunderstormslike no big deal. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not placed any time restrictions on the use of Apoquel. Just look at the case of mefloquine in humans; a drug which blocks receptors in the CNS being given to control malaria!!! Zoetis and veterinarians should be held accountable, how can you be killing dogs with no compassion , no ethics, no nothing. My puppy is exhibiting the same bad side effects others mentioned in this post. Now, after a couple of months of this intermittent accident issue.. she just wakes up and if she doesnt get out the door immediately.. she just goes! Im not continuing the apoquel! Somewhere all my English teachers and Professors are rolling in their graves. Within a day he began acting different lethargic and mildly aggressive but he never stopped itching. Great! Auggie needs this medicine this medicine needs to be cheaper and safer for his liver and kidneys. Antihistamines can also be used to treat anxiety, and to calm patients before general anesthesia and surgery. I have put her on a probiotic to see if that gives her some relief. She will not go out ,will not come out of her crate,will not eat and barely drinksI am 100 % sure it is from the Apoquel as 5 days ago she was her normal itchy self and now she has a hacking cough,skiddish etcDO NOT USE THIS DRUG IF YOUR DOG MEANS ANYTHING TO YOU!!!! Quite a misleading article. (I work a 4 hour shift three times/week) I noticed he was disoriented,walking into walls.He was well enough to go for a short walk. I was also giving him baths with malaseb or microtek shampoo every few days. Dead dogs dont itch. and irritable. Any suggestions for options other than what I have already tried, in order to get him off Apoquel? I cooked for him for 8 years because he wouldnt eat dog food. We finally discovered her allergy is to chicken and a diet change cleared up all allergy problems but she now may die from an opportunistic infection that wouldnt have happened had she not been given Apoquel. I was suspect of this drug before I read the study. Apoquel targets specific cytokines (proteins) that lead to itch and inflammation. The result was: a depressed dog with increased appetite and it did not help against the itching at all. You are corrupting owners, but they are even more to blame for consulting you instead of the scientific literature. Aloha. I was not told he could contract opportunistic fungal infections, but this is a huge risk for dogs who are on this drug. After 3 days we stopped the medication because her organs were shutting down. Youll also want to think about whether you want to give your dog a pill or liquid form of the medication, and how often youll need to give the medication. Colostrum is taken away from baby calves and sold to supplement companies to make money, and the calves suffer. Its been about 21 hours since he had a pill, so Im hoping that by tomorrow morning, its out of his system. We tried everything with no resolve. Finally the neurologist did and MRI and found no stroke, no tumor, her blood vessels looked good and she was over 6 yrs old. If Cytopoint and Apoquel are going to be effective in a particular dog, they typically begin to work within the first 24 hours but may take a little longer to reach peak efficacy. I WOULD NEVER GIVE THIS DRUG TO A PET I LOVED. My 13 year old did has suffered from severe late summer/fall allergies for the past 8 years or so the usually end up with a lot of missing hair and her in a cone until a long freeze. Be very wary of any vet, or human doctor for that matter, that touts a medicine without side effects. We had tried everything, including allergy shots. I have an eight year old cockapoo, who has been like my third child. Total bill for this visit was $309.95 of which $126 was for another Rx for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg, Over the following months, we started to see these growths appearing all over his body that appeared to be papillomas (warts) in addition to having interdigital cysts between his toenails causing him to constantly chew/lick them to the point of becoming scabbed. I thought we were going to lose him. Hamish is very threadbare and I have been loathed to clip him. I have also noted some days he does not want to eat. I decided to look up the side effects of Apoquel, as that was the only thing that was new and I wondered if GI upset and diarrhea could become an issue while on it. What is the lesser of the two evils? Well I got home and gave her, her first dose not much longer after that she seemed higher than a kite, a few hours later she started throwing up clear foaming liquid (about 6 times in total from afternoon through out the night) she hasnt eaten anything, she licks at her lips quite a bit until she settles and has body shakes. What do we do to protect our fur babies? Her albumin went from 1.5 to 1.9. In the summer when his allergic signs are more common, I am bathing him twice a week. This happened three times over a few weeks, he also learned how to open the door to the garage and was scratching at the window trying to escape. I tried weening him off the Apoquel but after a few weeks he started getting worse. Then the swelling of the legs, so bad that it looked like he had huge donuts under his skin around his ankles. He weighs 12 pounds and the hydroxyzine was 10mg to be given twice a day. I thought a noise outside may have scared her, so I gave her belly pats and love until she settled down and went back to sleep. He had been on it continually for about two/three years as I was I informed that there was no serious side effects and that it could be used for as long as it was working. Sometimes he didnt even realize that he was urinating. But now its scared me to continue to give him the next dose! On January 25, 2018 we had to take Aries back for a medical progress evaluation and for the removal of a cytology mass in his left ear, most likely a papilloma. She is much more alert and somewhat less itchy. One leg even appears lumpy. In general, Cytopoint is safe to use in combinations with other medications including Apoquel, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics, antifungals, and even with allergen specific immunotherapy.You should not give the following drugs at the same time as Apoquel without consulting your veterinarian: cortisone-type medications or Atopica.In If these sort of dermatologic/parasitic overgrowths occurred in humans from treatment with JK inhibitors, it would certainly prompt the FDA to take action to protect the patient population utilizing these medications from these severe adverse events I still use the same vets but now use a different vet who we use exclusively so she is aware of my boys issues. He has lost 1 1/2 lbs. To the author..nice try, but no matter what your lab results showed, it seems the public test runs have proved otherwise. (I also am a retired RN) Every drug can have side effects and be different just as with humans. Apoquel never did stop the itching. Your email address will not be published. Gave this med to my 9 year old Rat Terrier.. now she is dead. We thought we were going to lose her. He had pancratitis attack 2 yrs ago, so they do not want to give him prednisone alot. My dog has severe allergies and has been under treatment by a dermatology vet for almost two years.. After switching up his allergy shots and exhausting medications including steroids she put Ollie on app quell.. Making people afraid of drugs, of their own veterinarians, or anything else is effectively terrorizing them. My dog has also been getting large pyoderma lesions on his skin for about a year now but we were told this was part of his worsening allergic problem as he aged.I now know this was the drug preventing him from fighting off skin infections. I dont trust drugs and I dont trust doctors, or car sales men, or lawyers for that matter. (2023), Are Catalpa Trees Poisonous to Dogs? Nothing worked. Not sure it will make a difference or if they even care, but I hope this message will bring hope to others who are currently experiencing the downside to Apoquel. Her itching is down 75% over three weeks and her coat is beatiful and shiny, she has tons of energy. During the initial first 14 day period her itching just vanished BUT I noticed her having one or two weird wobbles, not thinking much of it I continued with the Apoquel. I began coming in from work and finding that he had been sick in several spots. My vet says it is safe but will listen to me if I tell him about this which obviously I will. Good. You may even want to read about the legal definition of slander: and drug toxicity to the liver and bone marrow suppression, Seeing this dog die, eyes open, tongue hanging out, not breathing lingers as if it were yesterday. Thank you all for comments. It can be used with most other medications, with no known negative drug interactions occurring to date. It was told to us in private that the long term effects of the Apoquel could be the cause of her cancer. We will know more next week when the report comes back from histopatholgy. We were miraculously able to revive her. Both drugs are relatively safe, so the risk of side effects is low when they are used together. looks great but also is sseems to want more attention than usual Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Active and happy. We tried Benadryl, Temaril-P & homeopathic remedies. The longer your dog is taking Apoquel, the higher the likelihood for them to develop serious health conditions. 1.Less Allergenic Food. He has a low platelet count. One studyfound that 54% of dogs with atopic dermatitis that had been given antihistamines to treat the condition responded favorably. We havent been able to test for what his allergies could be yet, but the vet thinks it could be something environmentalmold, pollen, dust, something. My Shepard has bad itching and was given apoquel yesterday and Im taking him off after two pills and reading these comments, Id rather have a dog thats itching than having to bury him, ill do the holistic thing for now until he gets relief. Went back to vet and they wanted her to go to specialist which she did this week.only wanted to run $2000.00 of allergies testbut vet didnt even put their hands on her.. Didnt think much of it until I watch her over the weekendOMG this baby was having a seizure !!!! After several trips to the vet,nothing was resolved. My dog has the latter. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. We had to use the Apoquel because he needed surgery for a torn ACL and couldnt use prednisone. The vet put him on Apoquel 16mg a day. He is lethargic and seems to have aged rapidly. My 6 year old french bull dog was put on Apoquel on 17/3/17 he had his first seizure on 2/4/17 he passed away on 4/4/17 my dog was fit and healthy up till his first seizure. Minimize risk; assess risk and consider an alternative drug, take steps to circumvent the interaction risk and/or institute a monitoring plan. I have three Shih Tzu on Apoquel for three months. Some medications may interact with . And Univ of Iowa is now under clinical trial for past 4 years. No more. I cut the dose by half and this side effect stopped. Well after about 4 mths I couldnt take it anymore. He takes 16 mg. daily and the scratching has almost stopped. However, when the pollen count starts to rise, so does the risk of our dogs suffering from allergies. it may even exacerbate cancer, Diarrhea, vomiting, (both w/ They have only been on the drug for two weeks but when my husband petted Hamish he noticed a massive lump on his chest. The other option would have probably would have been a lot worse. My dog had a history of pancreatitis, vet should have known this product and think this is not good for this dog. O.K its very late and a long stress filled day Swelling and inflammation. However, his alk phos was literally off the chart and we could not get it down. He never does that, he always tells me when he has to go out. eat, no appetite, and started throwing up. Just curious? The most common side effects were: Drug interactions Hydroxyzine magnifies the effects of sedatives and inhibits the effect of stimulatory medications. Nothing can bring back my Ginny, she is gone ;( please please do not give Apoquel to your fur baby. Im hoping this continues. This generation of antihistamine also crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts on the histamine receptors in the central nervous system. I stopped the Apoquel. No spam, just the good stuff. Last week I took her off the Apoquel, out of nowhere she started eating again, even playing and drinking water. If you want to help call: Roger 586-343-9003 Yes, it stopped his itching but at what price? There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to determine which is better for dogs Benadryl or Zyrtec. Another dog required Coma and apnea in a dog with hydroxyzine toxicosis. Yes these two options are commonly offered and usually the best ones. There are a few things to bear in mind when giving your dog antihistamines: We hope this has helped to answer your question. Sep 14, 2018. I'll do all I can to help. Both drugs are available in pill form, so it is easy to give them to your dog together. when this drug came out. (Answered 2023), Is It Legal to Eat Dog Meat in Canada? No drug is totally safe. Dogs who have a weight of 10 to 14.9 lbs should be given 5.4mg tablets daily and two times. She was totally out of it. Dont listen to what your vet says, arm yourself with knowledge by researching this and everything else they say, youre lining their pockets, they have a business to run and the companies that make these drugs have profits to make, do you really think they want you to have a healthy dog? Especially short term steroids are very effective, but increasing dosage of apoquel can be used as well. dog? He actually unlocked a sliding glass door aggressively scratching at the walls and door jam and got out and was digging under the fence when our neighbor whom we called came and put him back in the house. But it needs to be taken under the supervision of a professional. I was at my wits end after failing to relieve his itch, but I refuse to subject my love to seizures and liver damage. We had a lovely dog who frequently got ear infections and because of this drug we have no dog. It was generally well tolerated, with the . The ringworm lesion is slow healing due to her weakened immune system, but Im confident we are on the mend and will continue to see improvement. No more seizures so do yourself a favor and stay very far away from this medication. We drove her tp the vet which advised us that her pancreas was way over the chart as well as her liver enzymes and showed to have a severe infection that her body could not fight off. He is now experiencing tremors all over and weakness/pain in the front legs. Theyll be able to help you figure out the best course of action for your individual dog. (Answered 2023), What Are Cat and Dog Paws Adapted for? I should have switched him to the prednisone after his ACL surgery but didnt think about it and didnt know that he had this tumor. I hate that we now must take him off the medicine because he has been able to live a more comfortable life, but I cant ignore the side effects and how its affecting him. Apoquel is suppressing the immune system, and this caused pneumonia, mange, skin infection, bladder infection. Scariest thing Ive ever seen. She examined him and told me that he was having a reaction to the hydroxyzine so dont give any more to him. Can any of these symptoms be reversed or are they permanent damage? One of the advantages of the oral treatment Apoquel is that it's nonsteroidal and takes effect quickly. I thought I had found relief for him and for us but obviously not. The colostrum dose for dogs with allergies varies based on the company; I advise giving of the human dose per 20lbs daily. An OTC alternative might be Benadryl for your dog. His liver and kidney function tests which were normal 3 weeks ago are now abnormallikely due to the damage from the infection. Kind of mad at my vet that they were so casual about giving it to her again. Sooooo happy with it but All of a sudden, she has developed a whole new set of even more significant and really scary issues: She started going kiki accidentally, when she would start digging on furniture, in bed, where ever! Michael (would be happy to share more in private with you.). Stopped drinkingeatingswollen abdomen (Ascites)low albumin is to blame for swelling.proteinuriadiagnosis of Protein Losing Nephropathy. She has bumps down her back and you cannot touch her or brush without her lowering herself like it hurts. I chose to start frequent washing with 3% BPO shampoo to deal with the yeast infections from allergies, (at least thats what the vet told me was causing this). P.S. All dogs itch sometimes, but when you notice it happening more and more, it could be a sign of a medical condition. And one last comment, you claim that Other veterinarians may have their short comings, but at least they are more concerned about their patients and less about their wallets. Anything that prevents the immune system from functioning properly is dangerous. Lets have a look at how hydroxyzine is used to treat dogs. Apoquel is safe to use in dogs one year and older. Can Apoquel be used with other medications? My guy was put on apoquel for his allergies. I have read your comments about your pets having side effects. There are 384 drugs known to interact with zonisamide, along with 11 disease interactions, and 1 alcohol/food interaction. Wow!!! I suppose its possible that if it works at all the side effects would be the same? The vet said she He is scheduled for more blood tests and an examination He also has a nodule on his spleen which will now be getting investigated. Im not convinced and will certainly not be giving her anymore. The vet prescribed it and at first her allergies were better. I wish I had researched this forum before. It is also effective in reducing the number of lesions associated with atopic dermatitis.. I appreciate the work that Dr. Jones is doing. Last week we had to say goodbye. Bloods came back as normal and vet said it wasnt the Apoquel that caused the fits. Have an exit plan in place with you vet before you begin and dont question you own gut feelings. The et did not tell be the possible side effects. Apoquel can be used long-term at maintenance doses or seasonally as needed. The only saving Grace from all of this is I got to whisper in her ear, Its OK baby Girl Mommas got you. Vet took her and watched her for a day and said blood work came back fine. Just seems like a lot to me. was hospitalized for cystitis secondary to urolithiasis (after day 80 of therapy). We were writing down anything different that has been given to her and Apoquel was it. Fortunately many other pet owners think otherwise. I was too afraid so I gave her 1/2 dose and I thought she had a mild shake. At first it was great because it suppressed the itching. I blame this drug. Other veterinarians may have their short comings, but at least they are more concerned about their patients and less about their wallets. No more and I will be talking to my vet about this. Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine, used to treat allergic skin disease in dogs . It worked almost immediately. To all dog owners WARNING do not give your dog Apoquel . Your vet will determine which form will be the best way to treat your dog. While the drug helped the itching slightly it did not stop it. She had 10 seizures in 3 months. Thats why I blame Apoquel. It has a different mechanism of action than steroids, cyclosporine, antihistamines, allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy. But for cases of severe pruritus, many still prefer hydroxyzine. Even when it was off the market, I had a doctor who had a source for me to continue getting the drug. Without that terrible Apoquel. She would trip out the doorbumble around in the yard and occasionally just trip and stumble while she was searching for a place to do her business. There is a wide variety of reasons your dog may be itchy. I should have typed EFFECTS not AFFECTS. Thanks for sharing and I hope your dog fully recovers! More serious side effects can include coma and apnea. Worst of all she has gone instantly blind. Were writing down anything different that has been given antihistamines to treat anxiety, and to calm patients before anesthesia... Didnt show under his skin around his ankles any of these symptoms be reversed or are they damage! His skin around his ankles dog together, take steps to circumvent the interaction and/or... Longer your dog fully recovers in this post to rise, so Im hoping that by tomorrow morning, out... Talking to my vet about this which obviously I will be talking to my vet that they so. 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