Of course, there are many explanations as to why your questions may not be answered or why some letters seem generic, but there is a wonderful blog offering an explanation of why letters may seem impersonal. You may always email me, Susan, and Emily at [emailprotected] any time you have concerns. We want to ensure you feel strong in your faith with us so that you can continue sponsoring. I do agree that the CEO salary is very high considering it is paid by donations; however, charitable organizations are typically rated on the percentage of donations that go directly to the cause of sponsorship vs. those that go to administration (which includes salaries). He alone knows the absolute truth about the heart of any individual or organization and whether it would be of benefit to both the sponsor and the donor. They were always sad in their photos, their clothes look tattered, shoes that didnt fit, and one of them always looks hungry (my Ugandan child). It is hard to write letter after letter and never hear back. . Thats extremely hard on the kids. I would rate them one of the best Christian sponsorship organizations that I have dealt with. We care deeply about each child and want every child to feel seen, loved, and cared for at least once a year if not all year round. Then one day i started getting drawings and long letters from him. And thats okay. Private Donations $1.1B. We sincerely look forward to earning your trust and proving our hearts for serving our sponsors and children with excellence. You mentioned that your compensation is to attract top talent. I have sent numerous letters with pictures telling him about our family along with my children, husband and dogs names. This has been very successful so far! When I click on it it just tells me in translationwell maybe id like to see it in his natural written language!!! Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and for your patience as we work to resolve this situation for you so that you can continue building a relationship with Mesfin and better know how to talk to him in your letters. Therefore, its difficult for the tutors to help him answer questions without your letter there for reference, even though they do encourage the kiddos to bring their letters or remember what their sponsor wrote. If you are in business, either for profit or non-profit problems are bound to crop up that is inevitable. When I receive letters from her they are so generic that one can tell the translator is just writing something generic that they probably write to most. Please know that I am willing to personally double check that your gifts are designated correctly in the future. I just wanted to let you know that we would be happy to take a look at these letters that you are referencing, and if it does seem fishy, we would be happy to send an inquiry. 36. Good move! The rest of the gift goes to Faith, and a worker from the center will help her and the family decide how they are going to use it. I declined. Dee, I am so sorry to hear that your husband has been sick. Also, the pastor letters are, necessarily, general about the project and the children, adding nothing specific about my child. I do apologize for that! Thank you for blessing Leos family with a gift so they could purchase a chicken! I am so happy to hear you were able to achieve a college degree as a result of compassion. I know Im really new to sponsoring through this company, but I have to admit, I received packages in the mail specifically telling me that it would only take 4 to 6 weeks to receive a letter from my child7 weeks later Im highly frustrated and send multiple emails. Hi Dennis! You should definitely be receiving letters from your childs pastor though. He is definitely more slender as sometimes children get when going through growth spurts :). Im sure having to add something specific about each child would be a burden, in a project serving 350-400 children, or even 200. or is that also at a 90% rate? When needed, part of the $38 for sponsorship may go toward paying for the childs school fees such as books or uniforms. We want to rectify this situation and ensure we have accurate information on your boy. Do they actually get anything for my donation? I am doing that, and I will never let you down let me ask you how many times do yoou need a child to say that to you before you actually get the message! As mentioned at the top of this blog post, the watchdog organization, Charity Navigators, has given us a 4-star rating for over 14 years in a row. God bless! You mighty man of God, the Lord bless you, hoping this letter finds you well is not the language of a kid. Also, our leaders are faithful sponsors and donors as well, and personally and financially support the ministry. How much you wanna bet she spends more money on sponsored children than you do and you supposedly work for the company. Compassions bias to fund child development over maintaining a large asset balance impacted our rating. It all depends on how old your child is and who if anyone helped them to write the letter that day. Also, in the past, many of our translators were volunteers. Wed love to help you find a child to sponsor and coordinate a visit as well. Just remember what a blessing you have been to her, even if the distance or conditions did not allow a final note to you. We value the impact of the relationship that each sponsor can build with their child and the hope they can bring through letter writing. I would further suggest that you check them out on Charity Navigator and look for some of the old articles that have appeared in Christianity today. I currently sponsor a lot of kids through Compassion. The Compassion development centers often help enhance what the child is learning in school and they focuses on the most important areas of growth while promoting life skills. Im going to pass along this feedback so that we can assist this representative with training to call the sponsor back when things like this happen. My mother was sponsoring 3 kids and having me write letters to 1 of the kids because she couldnt think of anything to say. Diane, at the time we had written this blog, 100% of your gift was going to your child. Karen, I am so sorry to hear that our CEOs salary has deterred you from sponsoring and impacting the life of a child. To make sense of the salary we pay our president and CEO, please understand that his income is well under the average salary range of other presidents and CEOs of other organizations who are within the same categorization as Compassion. Source www.compassion.com. Hes one handsome little man! I have reduced the amount of mail that will be coming to your address. I will push for this through the FTC. Sarah, I see that you just began supporting a child with us on March 30th of this year. Just last year, I had a 6th grader who was positive, based on her moms comments, that she was actually a year or possibly 2 years older than our school documents said. Please let me know I truly believe that Compassion International is the best child sponsorship program out there. What to do if you believe you have received a fake letter Contact HMRC directly, send them a copy of the letter and request they verify its authenticity. I sponsored a child from El Salvador for 7 years, beginning when she was 11 and ending when she became 18. I would continue my sponsorship until he ages out. Hi Vicki! Your letters of love and support boost Ediths spirit in ways that sponsorship alone cannot. Hi Joe and Brenda! I am hoping that as we are able to clear up the issues with this system and get back on track with processing the letters, you will continue to hear from Gadiel as often as you used to. It took time to develop our relationship, a few years in fact, but now she chatters at me like Im on the other end of the telephone or sitting next to her on the swings at recess. Compassion International Go And Make Disciples Mission Work Travel Humor Human Connection Straight from the mouths of Compassion-assisted students in Rwanda, here's what children really want to hear in the letters from their sponsors. . Although children may have had multiple sponsors throughout their time in the program as circumstances arise and some sponsors need to cancel their support before their child completes the program; Compassion only has one sponsor per child. I love sponsoring through Compassion International and feel that I have a great relationship with my sponsored child. I cannot express how sorry I am to hear of the doubts you have about Compassion and whether our compensation is fair. 3-stars on Fund Acquisition Efficiency. We want you to feel confident in your sponsorship. And are rated higher from ministry watch. Now, other than the photo updates, I get grade reports on my girls in TZ, and from none of the other countries where we sponsor, or have sponsored children. They may not know how to express themselves to you in a letter, but you never know how impactful your letters are to them. Also, we received another picture in January of this year of him where he looks younger than 10 and more like the age we thought he was. I dont feel like it should be someone elses burden to do so. I can see a few different letters in the system that we are working to process for you as fast as we can. It was clearly written. This makes quite a stack of wasted paper and effort so I would enjoy not getting it. If you are on Facebook, follow their pages and get to know some of those who comment on posts. Compassion International Marketing Copywriter II Remote 2d $54K-$67K Per Year (Employer est.) There is software that is capable of reading letters written in any language and convert it to any language, and pictures along with generic letters (used as templates) wouldnt take long to build such software programmers. Therefore, we protect, develop, and deploy all of our resources (people, time, money, knowledge, reputation and materials) with great care and wisdom. In order to develop quality staff at Compassion while at the same time managing our financial resources with great care and wisdom, Compassion offers competitive salaries for the various positions necessary to successfully execute Compassions mission statement. The phone representative put me on hold for awhile to try and help me and said that hopefully I will have access to that letter sometime next week. Also, when I started sponsoring her, she was 9 and 1/2 years old. They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. Whereas other comparable charities CEOs make $80,000. I think that it is worthwhile. We do want to attract and hire quality people for our ministry and pay them according to the skills and experience they bring to the organization. It is common for a younger child to believe that their correspondent is their sponsor, but as they grow up, they can understand the difference. I will opt out as a donor, however I pray the best is served with the donations received from my family members. But could I ever visit Edith? If you have specific questions for him, I encourage you to continue asking them :). We sent an inquiry last week to make sure everything is alright with Pamela and ask her to write back as soon as possible. If my child is legitimate and my donations are going towards assisting the family , praise the lord . Even my district administrators dont earn 1/3 that much. Sadly, Ill be giving up sponsorship to Compassion UK in February 2014. For example, the letter that you wrote in February would have been received by Leo sometime around late April to early May. Im sorry if there was any confusion in the information you received. I found it very rewarding; however, I was very disappointed the way it ended. I sponsor a child in India.I have many questions and concerns. The easiest way to find an available child in the Philippines is on our website: https://www.compassion.com/. They say these letters are from our sponsored child, but with what I received, thats not possible. It seems like shes never gotten any of the stuff I send. We all are trying. Also, I know some of these folks. I understand that it can become discouraging to receive similar letters repeatedly. I, for one, am always excited to get mail from my child, too, and try to write back. Youre welcome however, to go on a custom visit or a group tour with us to meet your child and bring them special and personal gifts if you ever feel led to do so. And we will continue being committed to at least 80% of each dollar you send, going towards the programs that directly impact your child. and I felt God pulling my heart to give my testimony. Hi Noel! But the children dont say things like, Plays well with others, or Please pray about behavioral issues, or is struggling, right now. The Compassion kids we visited would always bring out their sponsor letters. On your site all it says is maybe supplemental food and learning about God. It is an honor and blessing to be used in the lives of these children. Im hoping I can clarify the confusion regarding the letter time frame. Additionally, your sweet boy is showing to have an education of about a 5th grade level, so he should begin to write on his own soon. They seem to have been just cutting costs lately which have impacted us negatively. Thank you! We always want to grow and improve in the way we serve you as a sponsor and so we are grateful for this type of feedback. Only after dealing with these few scams, then we will be there, joining hands to congratulate them! I have written several letters mentioning his mom and their relationship. I hear from each child regularly, and the letters are always personal and genuine. And I just check what their CEO paid, guess how much he get? Gods love is Extravagant Compassion International is know doubt !! Weve sent him birthday cards and coloring pages with a 6 on it last year for his birthday and this year again, with the wrong age. For security and privacy reasons, obtaining your childs personal address and communicating with them outside of Compassion is not allowed. Its one thing for people in ministry to be able to adequately support their families, but it doesnt require $250K-$300K to do that. Please explain. May God bless Compassion International. The money for sponsorship goes so far in these countries whereas, it would buy so little here in the U.S. Organization should be investigated based on complaints. Anyways, the response the second time said that it normally takes 3 to 6 months to receive the first letter.hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. However, what Josiane has said in her letter does not align with the information we have in her child profile. I do want to encourage you that your child received 100% of your generous graduation gift, birthday gifts, family gifts, and other child gifts sent over the years, each letter, and sticker that you encouraged her with, and we are grateful for the impact you made in her life. I do know that some sponsors receive a lot of information in their childs letters and they have a wonderful correspondent relationship with their child. After many months, I did receive a large photo of my sponsored child, working at a small computer, and thanking me for supporting him over the years. I have received pictures, letters, and drawings from the girls telling me that they pray for me and the family also theyre both praying that one day I will be able to visit them. I really dont blame anyone for asking these questions. Im saddened to see that youre so disappointed and frustrated with us so soon into your sponsorship. I have long wished for a letter from the project or the pastor of each child, every couple of years, giving an all-over update on how my kids are doing: spiritually, behaviorally (at the project, at school and at home), academically, and any other way that is significant in the childs life. Also, some more testimonials from teens and adults, who have been long in the programme or finished the programme, would be very impactful. Please accept my personal thanks for your wonderful correspondence to Leo. Is there some addition to the system that could be added to let sponsors know that a letter is in translation (on the way) to us as well? They are starting a goat business she said in my letter one day after i asked why they keep buying goats. Were excited to be able to start sending more communications to sponsors via email with our new system upgrade and you can go to your My Account on https://www.compassion.com and customize your preferences for receiving things via email such as our magazine! I expressed concerns but they were passed off as the centers fault for not educating the child. However, there is a problem with how countries grade academic levels. Regrettably, there are scam organizations out there and they have made it very difficult for organizations that are legitimately doing good work. Each country that we partner with has a maximum age that the children are able to attend the program and it varies per country. Thank you so much for your interest in sponsoring a child with Compassion! Thank you for choosing to sponsor Jacob! We appreciate your grace and patience as we move over to a new system together. We value the one to one relationship that our program offers our sponsors and children to build. By The Numbers. Your gift was such a blessing to his project, and I cannot wait for you to hear just how grateful they are for you! Then at the end of every month, I would send some extra. Compassion ensures children are able to get an education, have medical care, nutrition, emotional support, discipleship, and the love and care of local believers. obtaining the childs address and personally delivering gifts or even mailing them, buying them a tablet or smartphone so that you can video chat. Thank you Compassion for following the walk of God. Thank you so much for sponsoring your little girl! While certainly not a perfect organization, Compassions heart is pure and its mission is pure. Well, I was thinking, did YOU get MY letter about my husband almost dying and my concerns???? https://goo.gl/igxbUZHIT the notificatio. I will have to trust my intuition and send my support to other organizations that I feel good about. Hey Marci! Whileresponses may not be full of quality and value, you are stillbeing a huge blessing inWinfreds life. We provide holistic child development in the four areas of development cognitive, physical, economic, and spiritual. Am sure there are many others with similar testimonies. Compassion gets 3 stars overall on financials: 4-stars on Asset Utilization Efficiency Also, is there an age at which children are encouraged to write freely rather than only answering the questions on the formatted letters to sponsors? I agree with the concern for legitimacy of letters as Brian stated from November 2019. I am a long-time sponsor through Compassion, and I know they are not running a scam. There are so many things that seem strange about the letters I have recieved.Then all the other mail I get from Compassion is bothersome! Thats embarrassing. With much faith and trust I boldly state that I honestly do not believe this organization is a scam. I would suggest you would have them make a video at least once a year, on their birthdays, and showing more of their lives to us so that we can be assured there is a positive impact, which we 100% believe there is. Several from the Philippines in fact. The schemes remain a popular and lucrative method of fundraising with international NGOs, and do not have the same restraints as, for example, government sources. Therefore, we protect, develop, and deploy all of our resources (people, time, money, knowledge, reputation and materials) with great care and wisdom. In order to develop quality staff at Compassion while at the same time managing our financial resources with great care and wisdom, we seek to offer competitive salaries for the various positions necessary to successfully execute Compassions mission statement. I just ran into this blog and found it frustrating. The children have always written more letters to us than we to them, which make us grateful. I am so thankful for my experience so far as a sponsor, and the connection that is being formed with my sponsored child. I started with 1 about 2 years . Yes, I think so but dont just take my word for it. Im so sorry to hear that your letters from him have been pretty similar and have not answered your questions :(. I cried. However, the beauty of how Compassion works, approaches these aspects on the basis of three fundamentals: Child Focused - chil This means that your letter was written on September 3 and not March 9, which would make sense as a first letter if you started in July. Why choose a specific child if the money is given to other children. 3 US, sports : a movement (such as a pretended kick, pass, or step) that is meant to trick an opponent The runner made a fake to the left and then cut to the right. This is one of the highest percentages for an organization like ours. The children do attend the Compassion child development center for a variety of activities, but they go to school the same number of hours and days as every other child at their school does :). Hello. Before you cauncel your sponsorship which is already at graduation level (you have completed your sponsorship with the child and she is supposed to leave the program at 22 years), get to know the whole truth about your child. I too, am in a similar position. I am sure each location is a little different but my $38 goes pretty much for school expenses and Compassion sponsored activities. Founded in 1952, Compassion partners with more than 8,000 local. My experience with them has been less than candid. We encourage our sponsors to ask their children specific questions they might have about school, church, their family, and hobbies. My child just now turned 5. And finally, Charity Navigators new methodology for calculating fundraising efficiency on a three-year average came within thousandths of a percentage point of achieving another 4 Star rating. I was so shocked I didnt believe. No kid should go without. I know you are speaking from your situation but not everyone has a lot of money. Our core mission remains to release children from poverty in Jesus name. Please email me at [emailprotected] with your sponsor number as I relish the chance to be able to research this situation and set it right. To congratulate them are speaking from your childs pastor though inWinfreds life i get from Compassion is not allowed blog. To make sure everything is alright with Pamela and ask her to write back as soon as.... Huge blessing inWinfreds life asset balance impacted our rating so happy to hear that your letters of love support. Hear of the best Christian sponsorship organizations that i have written several mentioning... 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