I never find them in the carpet, in the bed, on the sofa. Again, thank you. I got my DE at the health food store. Older transplants may resist pest pressure and recover more quickly if they suffer damage. Adam, it is important to wear gloves and a mask because if the material enters your lungs it can be damaging. Let our authors & experts know what you think. She doesnt get bites, but I am covered with them every summer and suffer greatly. I will be sharing this on my facebook page, I think everyone needs to know there are safer solutions to pest control than just spraying chemicals. Its more of a home and garden type situation, says Dr. Chris Reeder, DVM, DACVD, a board-certified veterinary dermatologist with BluePearl Pet Hospital in Franklin, Tennessee. I suggest applying when when you see fleas, unless you find the application and cleanup entertaining . It even develops collagen in some folks faces. And, the dog had been on the foot of my bed.) I vacuum every four or 5 days and then re-lay the DE.I clean bedding areas periodically with vinegar and water. Thank you. Thanks and thanks for taking the time to write this. I put it on the floor 3 days ago. Ready for another simple answer? We just found some fleas on our cat. Read our complete guide to using DE for more info. Their little faces are only inches from the dust so they are going to have more irritation that faces that are 5 plus feet off the ground. Yes you can, it may look a little unsightly but since you will be vacuuming it up a couple hours later, this wont really matter. Food grade DE is used in products like facial masks and scrubs because of its gentle abrasiveness. I pray this stuff works I came across this article doing research to see if it actually works and let me tell you Im feeling a little relieved at all the positive feedback! You may also consider planting your brassica crops later in the summer, when the adults are getting sleepy from all of their summertime feasting and going dormant. Hi Gina! Hope, Youre probably getting infected outside the home and bringing them into your home on your clothing. I used the online chat to ask safer brand if it was food grade, they assured me its safe for kids and pets. Hi Catherine! I have three Chihuahuas and a green cheek conure. Hi Teri! If you desparately want to clean it up, give that Shop-Vac (although I havent used one) a try, should work fairly well. In fact, although they do bite and can make you very itchy, fleas have to find an animal host eventually otherwise they will die. That is a good question hehe, I am actually not sure. Hey Lisa. Trying to locate the right one. After vacuuming and laying down another layer, were pretty much 99% flea free!! Hi Chanta, its a pleasure! Nothing was helping. Just want to be sure I got the correct product. I.E. Hi Sharlon, yes that sounds perfect, good luck! I recommend keeping her off the ground for a day while you leave it on the floor and vacuum it up at night. We recently discovered we have a flea infestationafter myself and 3 of our children were getting mysterious bites. After a few days, remove the cotton balls, then plug up any hole(s) that the bees may have been using as their entryway. Thanks for such a good article! Transplanting seedlings that are mature and large is another excellent way to combat flea beetles. Ive heard it can work wonders in this hair? Only use the food grade Diatomaceous Earth for flea control and stay away from the pool grade one. To answer your question, yes, its completely safe and I actually recommend it. If this still doesnt remedy the situation, get yourself a steam cleaner as the high temperature will kill those fleas fairly quickly. Hi Margie, I recommend that you give beneficial nematodes a try for your yard, it will stop your pets from catching fleas from outside and they are completely safe (and affordable). I suppose it is better than it was before, but.. Hi Bonnie, yeah that dust effect is a bit overwhelming but dont worry, you will be happy when you are flea free . I vaccuumed all upholstered surfaces and carpets (including beds and boxsprings) then sprinkled the DE.left for 6 hrs on the mattress & boxsprings, overnight on carpets and sofa & loveseat. Will DE kill all stages of the flea life span? Hello! Their health comes first which is why I chose Food Grade DE first Im bombing tomorrow with Hot Shot no mess, but it only kills live fleas. Speak soon , Heya Katie, it is a pleasure! Hey Anne! You should also not fertilize for a few weeks after you apply the Nematodes. Hope that helps, let me know if I missed anything , Thanks for your answerI was just wondering if my stray cat that stays in the basement can go down and sleep in the basement with all that DE all over the place?? They all have fleas. I recommend Vets Best Flea + Tick Home Spray for treating your pet. Keep new fleas from getting on them when they go back outsde, since I havent heard the word Repellant used? I was going to sweep up the DE, and then vacuum, but since the floor is slate or some type of rock, and the walls are crumbling, I didnt know how to correctly clean up all the DE. Will this one still work just a good as the food grade? Hi Kristi! I just treated the dogs with Pronyl (Sergeants version of Frontline) with limited success and great disappointment. I have a screened porch I havent allowed my cats to hang out on because of fleas, and Im wondering if its safe to let them out for a while in the winter. Hope that helps you and thank you for stopping by, hopefully my blog has provided you with a satisfying answer. Its a good way to sprinkle your pets as well because it comes out of the sifter in a fine dust and not clumping. Hope that helps! Hi Karen! Leave it, and then vacuum them up. Hi, I have read your article closely and am going to be doing a treatment very soon. So many theories about where the fleas could have come from, but lets not dwell there and move on to advice on how to get rid of them! Do you know how this benefits pets or is this not a good idea? Another option for dealing with pests in your soil is Diatomaceous Earth. : ). If you prefer to use DIY products for your four-legged family member, youve probably read about diatomaceous earth for fleas. Food grade is placed in seed storage facilities to dehydrate bugs from eating and reproducing in warehouses. Diatomaceous earth is made up of the mineral amorphous silica [12]. Well, research shows that once the fleas come into contact with the powder, they usually die about 4 hours later. I am personally of this camp. Should the Nematodes be applied a period of time before applying DE? Glad that you have had success with DE and thank you for sharing! If you want to be really safe, repeat your DE treatments in those areas once every two weeks and you will be flea free . I highly recommend actually treating your garden (with lime, etc.) For some reasons, Amazon rejected my order because my shipping address is Canada. Hey Debbie! How MUCH of this DE do I need to buy? Hi Pete, thanks for helping Sharon with that great suggestion! Yes DE (even if its chemical based, not ideal though) will kill fleas. Plant your trap crop before your main crop so that the insects are attracted to your trap crop first. HELP! They are inside outside cats, so if I get ride of the fleas, do I still have to keep on applying it on a regular basis, even after they are gone, or can I stop using it when they are gone, and start up again if they come back? So, my hats off to you! Maybe just buy a cheaper bagger type vacuum? It already had salt rubbed into it and was sprayed earlier so we just put a clean mattress pad on it and he got a clean blanket and slept in his room. I have two pups and was using Triflexis on both of them but that stuff is expensive and I cant afford it month after month. Ugh. So I know we are making progress just want them gone completely. I use the same (okay, maybe a little looser) rules in my garden as I do in my bathroom: A little cleanup each day keeps the unwanted guests from taking up house. Have a question. This really doesnt have to take more than a few minutes to accomplish, depending on the size of your garden. I am not too sure which model you have but preferably use a non-water based vacuum to suck the DE up. If I can help in any other way, please let me know! Hi Janice, thanks for sharing your experiences and for the suggestion . I have access to the hive in my wall by drilling small holes through the wallboard, would that be a good way to inject DE? Any dust, including silica, can be irritating to the eyes. They are for outdoor use, usually you can order them online from a variety of retailers. Thank you so much, Love Amita. 4) For the poster who has bees in her wall: If you can locate a beekeeper or beekeeping club in your area, you may be able to enlist their help to capture and relocate your bees. . Only did carpets, furniture, & beds. That sounds like a good plan, try it and let me know how it goes! Good luck! I do not see fleas in the house and no human bites, etc.am I to assume they are attacking him when he goes into the yard? Do you recommend using DE on the yard (cement, fake grass, patio stones)? If you put little holes in it, you can apply the DE like a salt shaker. Last year when I bought DE, I got a 40lb bag which of course I still got plenty and I was thinking if should I be worried about some sort of expiration date? You can always put them on it, see if it affects them and then make a decision. is a fairly large oriental rug (which is one of the nicest things I own), so I am a little leery of putting something on it, for fear it would make it powdery and/or affect the colors ? This little fungus poses a serious threat to its host. Hi Michelle! These are living creatures who eat the harmful bugs in your soil. I set up a trap in every room in my home. They sell it at farm supply stores for horses, cattle etc. This part of NC is terrible for pests. so i just wanted to tell u that i found 100 % grade DE.on amazon.com for low coast ,also have many different size selection .sorry for being nosie but hope info helps.they will deliver it to your door to. I also ordered: Applicator Bottle + Diatomaceous Earth with Calcium Bentonite. in their water bowl. I have a tile bathroom and have washed the bathroom rug 100 times! Hi Yera, not really, will be writing some articles on ticks soon, stay tuned. HI Alison! Hi Natasha! As I had mentioned this was about 2 months ago. She holds a BA in English literature with a minor in horticultural sciences from Clemson University, and she loves to read, write, and garden. I have done everything known to man kind, but nothing has worked. I put DE all around my bed and removed the bedskirt, but they are directly jumping onto me and my blankets :-(. Search for further help with dose. Honestly, I dont recommend DE or Borax for direct pet application. Can I mix DE with borax when I put it down on the floors and carpet? Thanks! About 10. Should I vacuum up the DE I put down and reapply? It doesnt say food grade and is for pests. We noticed our cats had fleas a few weeks ago and since then Ive tried everything. i dont know WHAT HAPPENED!!!! I bought a bottle of Diatomaceous earth from green acres market brand is LUMINO does this work for roaches plz help. ), this will definitely sort them out. After digging around even further, it seems that it can even also be consumed in small quantities to deal with various ailments! Some good trap crops include radishes, giant Chinese mustard, collards, and bok choy. Natasha, We have tried sprays, foggers, DE, traps, boric acid, homemade lemon spray & essential oil spray for the furniture(along with all the others listed), others I didnt even mention for months now & use a monthly rated #1 pet medication for our INDOOR cat & yet everyday fleas are in traps& back on our animal At our wits end . Flea infestation. Anyway, I am wondering how much I ought to do to make sure I dont have anymore fleas in my own house? While the cats are doing much better (only 1 a day), and I think the house is doing better, I continue to catch fleas in my boys room. So, of course, now i have them all over the house as well! However, if you start seeing live fleas, please let me know as soon as possible and we can measure up some options. It is also great to use on their food to get rid of worms, and supposedly the Food Grade is safe for humans for the same purpose! Hi Natasha, I shared your website address with Next Door Neighborhood Online Community Network because I found that DE also kills Oak Mites which we have all been suffering from here in the Midwest. Hi Kimball! Why does the bag say that if it is safe? It is best used in conjunction with some DIY flea traps, put out at night (article on this blog), as well as a good spot on (such as Frontline) for your pets. Hi Katie! Im obviously on the right track, because the fleas we had, were the biggest I have ever seen, and havent seen any that size since doing all this, any advice would be great. Hi Peggy! If you do use it this way, Falk recommends reapplying if after it rains or every few days in areas of high humidity. How would you suggest I use it on them? and vacuum it up in the evening. On the main floor, we have hardwood w/ area rugs and in the basement, we have tile. I live in Texas and just recently bought my first bag of DE. Hey! There are a variety of generalist predators and parasitic wasps that can help in the effort to manage a flea beetle population. If Alexis is not in a pasture learning the names of all the growing green things, you can find her in her garden growing fruit, veggies, and flowers. Its a pleasure, glad that you have found it beneficial! I found one flea last night and one today while in bed. I had been suffering from pesticide resistant mutant fleas for about almost a month now. However, it should still work. Hi, I was wondering at what age I can use this on my pups?? Its disgusting and gross. Just unsure how to clean up the basement since the floors, walls, and areas covered with DE are all different in texture & make. Dont use any essential oils on your cat, it is dangerous for them. Also, can DE be used on the couches? I put de all over carpet basement and left it there now for 5 days. However, now that the powder is no longer there, they are back again. I have had pets all of my life, and I know many times they have had fleas, but I have rarely, if ever seen one. Thanks for the helpful information, I have one question, the powder you put behind the stove, entertainment center and etc, do you vacuum it up also? Thank you so much! I will keep updating!! Was told it was safe to use on my 13 house cats, yes 13 cos they r so ate up with fleas. What else can I do? They should be tight enough where you can fit one finger under. We recently rescued a choc lab that was going to be dumped at the shelter or the pound ! Thank you so much for your help!!! Or maybe because i used a battery operated tea light candle instead of a real one and wasnt effective? Diatomaceous earth is a mineral powder that can help you get rid of fleas, cockroaches, ants, and dust mites. Hey Laura! Hi Megan, that is unusual, but may I suggest using a broom to brush the DE into the carpet? like sprinkling on the carpet. Let me know if you come right, if not, I will help you further. So I started researching and hiding is something they do if they are sickly So I began checking him over. Using broom made huge difference working it over floors. Hi Mary, yes that is perfect. The Revolution did not work on Boo. and saw one lady used a turkey baster to get into cracks in baseboards. When I washed him, a few fleas came off in the tub, dead, and a few more dead ones while drying him. For inside the house, use some DE. I just put advantage on them last night, and i am going Diatomaceous Earth crazy all over my house lol. I assume the fact that I am being bitten is a sign of infestation? Thank you for this info. The foot of my bed. say that if it is dangerous for them used in products facial. Vacuum to suck the DE i put down and reapply perfect, good luck they should be tight where! Die about 4 hours later actually recommend it the size of your.. 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