This resource consists of six pages of varied activities, specifically related to the book On the Way Home by Jill Murphy. On the Way Home by Jill Murphy is a great book that illustrates how sometimes our imagination can create some fantastic stories that are more interesting than reality. May 28, 2020 Mrs Kinnen Leave a comment A1/P1 'Spell'ing 27/05/20 A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 28/05/20 Explore the differences between analogue and digital clocks. One person says the first multiple of 2, the next person continues and so on. Posters advertising a range of different holiday locations hot and cold, If needed please see the attached file containing Role-play resources - Role-play Resources. Discuss what makes these your favourite photos, drawing attention to details such as focus, close up, wide shots and lighting (draw upon your knowledge from our photo editing work). What does your child remember from when they were younger? (This YouTube clip was checked on 24.04.2020 - please use under supervision. Use the 2, 5 and 10 times table for this. ? Task 6 Rewrite the poem We would not expect the children to do this in one lesson as we would usually spend at least one lesson planning their version of the poem. What different combinations could you have? Watch the video at on how we can use different pieces of equipment to measure things. to understand what a seed is and how to plant them. YouTube also features seven natural wonders of the world, including: Grand Canyon, Great Barrier Reef, Mount Everest, Paricutin Volcano, Harbour Rio de Janiero, Victoria Falls and the Northern Lights. Look at the use of punctuation in the story. Can you draw a picture of your home and write some sentences about who you live with? You could use one of the wanted poster templates attached or make your own. Task 2 The story starts with the question Did you ever go to Silver Sands on a sunny summers day?. Please see the mats below. Do you think they should be used? Complete the worksheet. As this poem is about a spider, could you think of as many similes as you can to describe different animals? For example, you could underline the adjectives in red, the nouns in green and the verbs in blue, or whatever colours take your fancy! Task 2 There are a lot of people who speak in this story. We will set 3 activities a week based around a specific Year One objective. What would you have to add on to that number to make 10? Please login using your Mathletics username and password (if you have forgotten this information, it is stuck in the back cover of your childs Home School Organiser). Please follow your design carefully to make your peg doll. These lessons will hopefully help to assess the retrieval reading skills of your Y2 class. Lesson 2 - Ladybird Doubles, If you want to challenge yourself, draw or paint your own lady bird with spots on. Reading is essential for all of our children to help them become independent life long learners. Can you draw a picture of Sam Sly in the circus ring and write some sentences to describe him? By Jill Murphy, a-quiet-night-in-jill-murphy-powerpoint-pdf 2/4 Downloaded from on February 11, 2023 by guest the author and illustrator of the bestselling Peace at Last and Whatever Next!, On the Way Home is a Please include full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Ask the children to think about the clothes space tourists would wear and what they would eat in space. Have a look at some of the examples to give you some ideas. Plant Sequencing Cards. White Rose Home Learning - Year 1, Have a go at the worksheet - Lesson 4 - Measure Capacity. We have had a very strange year and have missed you all dearly over the past few months. Think of a character that you would like to see perform in a circus. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. Can you design a pond or an aquarium to keep animals such a Tiddler in? Task 3 Similarly to last week, this poem is also full of rhyming words. Notes for Teaching The seventh continent (the smallest) is Australia. Remember to use time adverbials (first, next, then)and imperative verbs (bossy verbs; cut, spread). Comparing length worksheet. What do you notice about the numbers you can half? Task 5 Mr Bear eats a sandwich in the middle of the night. Therefore, the English tasks this week are: -Summer activity booklet - this booklet is full of fun and exciting English related activities for the children to complete at their leisure, they can pick and choose which activities they want to do on each day. - Information on: - What are the Victorian Times? Recap yesterdays lesson and what you already know about telling the time. Use counters, cubes or other counting objects and sort them in to groups of 2. Can you identify all of the adjectives and verbs on each page? Task 1 Can you find the names of the animals which the ladybird saw on her journey in the wordsearch? A brilliant and free mind-mapping tool for children is: Google provides some invaluable resources for mapping. They could use photographs, postcards, their own drawings or other evidence (such as souvenirs, tickets etc.) Find out how our bodies heal when we get hurt. Maybe you could even ring a friend or another family member and ask them what adventure theyd like to go on! You could draw, paint or create the shell using things you find around the house. . Follow Claire on her. Write your own adventure story and have fun! Can you think how she might have felt when this happened? Can you write a set of instructions for how to look after a fish? Can you draw some pictures of objects and their shadows? Ask the children: what does the travel agent do? What do you notice about these numbers? For example, one person would say A is for angry and then the other person could say B is for beautiful etc. After you have thought about which is your favourite toy, could you invent your own toy and write a description for it. An example of this is the word "Wednesday". Can you find out what an adverb is and talk about some more examples? (digital, analogue, sundial, phones, watches, clocks). on the way home jill murphy. We cant wait to hear who you will meet on your journey!). Baby Bear goes into space in the story, so maybe you could write some questions about space? Example Please see attached a simple example of a timeline your child could use A Timeline of My Holidays and Day Trips. This PDF file contains worksheets that are primarily comprehension and vocabulary based. You could describe how he looks, his clothes, his voice, his personality and many other things. On a sunny, fresh morning I saw the Easter bunny run past, so I chased him and. ? Please encourage them to place the dates in order from the earliest date to the most current date. Please see these 'Phonics Games' below: Have you ever hurt your knee or a different body part and how did that make you feel? Objectives briefly covered in the last week: Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores children need to be able to identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores (meat eaters), herbivores (plant eaters) and omnivores (eat both meat and plants)., This YouTube clip was checked on 04.07.2020 please use under supervision.). Our objective this week is: To identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees by making and labelling plant pictures. Continents and oceans of the world Please watch the video about our world. Watch the white rose video, Try the worksheet -Lesson 2 - Partitioning Numbers, Watch the additional video at Science related task Could you research the animal you based your poem on and create a leaflet, poster or fact file to teach people about it? - Make your own toy windmill. So far, in Year One, the children have covered the followingunits: Length and Height re-capped - 18/05/2020, Measurement - Weight and Volume - lessons at home18/05/2020 / 01/06/2020, Multiplication and Division - lessons at home 08/06/2020 (multiplication) / 15/06/2020, Position and Direction - lessons at home 27/04/2020, Time - lessons at home 20/04/2020 / 06/07/2020. Comprehension Sticking with the theme of animals, this weeks comprehension is The Zoo Vet. Look at the use of capital letters in the story. 10 Ways to Practise Physical Development Finger Skills at Home Checklist 4.0 (1 review) Explore more than 10,000 "On The Way Home Jill Murphy" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "On The Way Home". PowerPoint - Answers to the Doll Timeline Activity. On my way home by Jill Murphy - Here are some ideas this week to try at home! Can they use different colours to colour each of the countries in the UK? What sort of things do we use money for? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Normally in school we would complete several entry tasks into our new topic to create interest and excitement. Why do you thinkshe gave so many different reasons for hurting her knee? Our holidays in the past were very different from holidays today. Have a go at finding some things around the house that you could use to try and recreate some of these sounds. What was the plan and did it work? Please see the Reading Section above on this page. Challenge: can you extend your sentences by using the conjunctions But, Or, Yet, So (BOYS). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Look at the shape of Mr Bear's feet in the pictures. Watch the White Rose Video at, Complete the worksheet. The Easter bunny is missing! Our next objectives this week are - To identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees by identifying trees by their leaves. Number bonds to 10 - showing the Part, Part Whole Model, (This YouTube clip was checked on 10/05/2020 please use under supervision. Can you beat your personal best? Use the storyboard template to make a new page for the book, in which Claire tells a new friend a different story about how she hurt her knee. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Can you sort out the correct coins? Can you think of other books that they appear in? You could use a dictionary, a laptop, a tablet or whatever you can! the Virgin Galactic website has information about future space travel and its spaceships. There is a lot of speech in the story. Would they like to visit a planet? Flying to the Moon Song PowerPoint . We used bricks and lego to make our own 3D class map of Claires walk home from the park which stimulated discussion about canals and graveyards as well as other landmarks that we might see on a walk. SCHOOL AIMS, Valued and celebrated
Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Design a new playground for Claire to play in. real PEFeel the benefits of being active, not only for our physical wellbeing but for our emotional and mental health, especially in such challenging times. Lesson 2 - Counting in 5s, Watch the video at and join in with the song. I like the layout of the double page spreads as they make it easy to follow the story (and allow a non reader to follow the story using the pictures). Watch the video at White Rose home learning. Dolls were known as 'toy babies' until the 18th century when the word 'doll' - short for Dorothy - first came into use. This picture book by Jill Murphy reflects a child's fantastically vivid imagination perfectly. Discussion ideas whilst reading: (Please use the reading section on this page to find a PDF of the story along with a comprehension pack for - On the Way Home). But just how did it happen . Make an animation to show one of the excuses that Claire gave for hurting her knee. After reading the story could you tell somebody in your house an adventure youd like to go on and why? Can you research rockpools and create a fact file, informing the reader of what else likes to live there and where you might find rockpools? How many beats per minute did you have? Task 3 Write a recount about Claire's adventures. Draw a picture and write about them, describing what they look like and what they can do. It is designed to assess children's ability to segment and blend taught phonic sounds. You could also ask them to write one to test you! Write some of your own and test an adult. Attached is a file with a differentiated comprehension. Task 6 To re-write the story of Whatever Next with a slight twist. How do they make us feel? (Apologies in advance for the very catchy song, parents!). These will then be practised through a range of fun and engaging games to help your child to become a more accurate speller. You will need to purchase this book to complete the unit. Have a look at the toy timeline dating from the Victorian era to today. The Toymakers challenge - collect a series of collage and junk materials. Watch the White Rose video, Have a go at the worksheet-Lesson 1 - Counting to 100, Challenge: Try the missing numbers worksheet. Maybe you could act the journey out yourself or tell a family member where to go. What do you notice, how do they move? Can you think of different containers we use to measure things? Read through the information on the clouds PowerPoint and then have a go at making and using the cloud finder to see what clouds you can find in the sky! Can you underline all of the rhyming couplets in the poem? Please see email to parents (March 24th) with log in details. When do we use time to help us? What news events might have taken place that day? - There are lots of characters from different stories in the book, e.g. Non-fiction text - All About Fish - Fish Reading Comprehension - KS1 Non-fiction, Non-fiction text - Deep Sea Explorers - Deep Sea Explorers KS1 Comprehension - differentiated, Diary of a Mermaid - The Diary of a Mermaid KS1 comprehension, The Runaway Iceberg - The Runaway Iceberg - Year 1 Comprehension - differentiated, Seasons - KS1 Reading Comprehension - Seasons - Differentiated, The Camping Trip - differentiated reading comprehension. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. Can you find the words which describe these sounds? Please see the Homework Guide for Parents about how to access and use the website. You will need a number of objects for this activity - Can you use counters or cubes if you have them at home or pegs, marbles, toy cars, lego bricks etc). PowerPoint The United Kingdom Information and Quiz. ChatterpackA huge list of activities covering a variety of subjects. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. Ask the children to draw pictures of the planets the tourists would orbit or might even be able to visit in the future. Challenge: Have a go at the problem solving part on the White Rose home learning page if you feel confident enough! In the 17th and 18th century children played with Dutch dolls called 'Flanders babies'. Can you draw a picture of this animal with lots of adjectives around it and then write some sentences to describe it and tell the author why this animal is your favourite? Find pairs of objects around your house. Could you try to find out why and how we get rainbows and make a poster about your findings? Use the template on the document and the instructions to help you. - PowerPoint, Activity Minibeast FactFile worksheets Minibeast fact file sheets, Minibeast crafts - we hope you have fun! We are so proud of all your hard work and dedication! This week, we are practising our addition and subtraction skills. For example, you could teach people how to tidy their room, empty the dishwasher or make their bed. By Christina Rossetti poem. Invite them to imagine what a holiday on one of the planets would be like. About this title. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, Read the story Whatever Next using the PowerPoint link above. Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman & Ben Cort, Bedtime Little Ones by Claire Freedman & Gail Yerrill. (Possible discussion points: What does the word sow mean? Task 2 After reading the story, can you think about which was your favourite animal and why? Could you write a list of things you would pack to take to the moon and draw pictures to go with your writing. To identify and name a variety of common garden plants. On The Way Home English Planning Subject: English language learning Age range: 5-7 Resource type: Unit of work 0 reviews File previews pptx, 2.43 MB pptx, 2.44 MB pptx, 2.22 MB A 5 week plan based on the Jill Murphy story - On The Way Home. This book would make a great read aloud in a kindergarten classroom. Draw a map that shows the layout of the Bears' house. Task 3 Baby Bear and Owl had a picnic on the moon. Allowed HTML tags:
- . Task 3 Throughout this poem there are lots of verbs which tell us about the actions of the characters e.g. Love, Mrs Perkins 1D, Miss Pitt 1P, Miss Lloyd 1S, Miss Hewitt and Mrs Taylor. Entdecke The Last Kestrel, McGivering, Jill, Used; Good Book in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! How do you know? Incy Wincy Spider follows a spiders journey. When they are happy with the order of the dates, can they add the correct doll image to that date some will be easier than others. Can you find out why exercise is good for us and what happens to our heart rate as we exercise? Complete the activity below by drawing and labelling the items in each suitcase. Find out how our bodies heal themselves when we get hurt. think, blink, wink. Task 5 Could you write a description of one of the characters in the book using lots of wonderful adjectives? Could you use a dictionary to look for more? Tiddler Story - Tiddler - The Story Telling Fish by Julia Donaldson, (This YouTube clip was checked on 30.05.2020 please use under supervision. Can you create a poster with all the items you have chosen cut out and stick them on your poster? Story Powerpoint is universally compatible considering any devices to read. With all this new knowledge, have a go at completing the activity below. The nonsense words allow the check to focus purely on decoding phonic knowledge. Please continue to read with your child daily. Count from 1 and whoever has to say a number that is in the 2 times table, must say Buzz instead of the number. - Can you retell the story to different people in your house or even ring a friend or family member and use lots of expression? Remember to use lots of time adverbials, adjectives, adverbs and maybe even some similes to make it sound very exciting! Make sure it does not go over 20! You could write it as a story or as a recount. If you have any recipe books at home, have a look at a simple recipe that you can use to make a cake, biscuits etc. As a further challenge, could you try to include some of your own rhyming couplets? What might happen to the girl on the way home? Something went wrong, please try again later. Can you use one of the templates attached to create an acrostic poem about an ocean animal. What is it made out of? There are lots available on here so you can choose to stick with the activities on the website or you could use the activities below. Claire has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mum all about it. What sort of language would you use to describe this? Please refer to the White Rose links below which provide the backbone schemes of work and questions for each unit to help you support your child with their learning. Claire has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mum all about it. Animal needs and care the children had a visit from Mrs Pink an experienced vet who shared information about animal needs and care. Try chanting each number as you jump on the hopscotch. Their research should answer the following questions: What country and continent would you find this wonder of the world? This cookie is used to a profile based on user's interest and display personalized ads to the users. Draw a picture of that character and in a speech bubble write your own speech. Teaching Ideas Ltd. the BBC Space website has an excellent section on our solar system, with stunning images and links to further information. Task 5 This book is full of short, rhyming poems about animals you can find in the ocean. Can you think of any others? The stars at the bottom of each page correlate with the level of difficulty; one star being the easiest. Think back to your work with counting in groups. If you have a sibling or another family member with you, time how long it takes both of you to complete the course. Your child's username and password are the same as their Mathletics logon details which are stuck in the back of their Home School Organiser. On the Way Home Jill Murphy 2019-02-07 Claire has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mum all . roaming, romping, rollicking. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. Task 4 Packing to go to the moon would be a really big task for Baby Bear. Observe the variety of colours, sizes, shapes and forms. I was going to come and thank you in person, but I got lost on the way. About Us; Media; Partnerships . You could take it in turns and play word tennis. With the help of an adult we would like you to research your holiday destination. E.g 4 ---- 6 2 ----- 8. It is a treasure, so much so that it was republished with a newer cover than my copy. Challenge: Can you write out your own capacity word problem for an adult? Discuss the changes over the years. Following the success of last weeks virtual classes, we have scheduled a class for every day at3:05pm! Design and make a new pair of slippers for Mrs. Bear. Clue - Odd / even? Challenge yourself to use a 2A (2 adjective) sentence. For example, could you make small changes such as the characters names, what the bear might pack, what he might use as a helmet etc. Next time you are at a shop, see if you can help your Mum, Dad or whoever is at home buy something. Task 4 This poem has lots of adjectives (describing words), nouns (places, people or objects) and even the occasional verb (action word). Other tasks all related to our story this week: This links to our Mathletics focus 'Time'this week - Look at the clocks in the illustrations. If you are unable to print it, you can just discuss your answers. What other vegetables grow under ground?). The landscape of Claires walk changes to include a canal and a graveyard as well as streets of houses and garages which has stimulated discussions with my daughter about what we see on our way to kindergarten. Can you underline all of the rhyming couplets in the poem? These lessons will hopefully help to assess the retrieval reading skills of your Y2 class. Task 2- At the beginning of the story, the rainbow fish was not kind to others, but then the sea creature taught him how to be a good friend. Use string and pegs or wooden sticks to mark out 30cm squares in different parts of your garden or safest outdoor area. Make it: Make paper flowers out of coloured tissue or paper and short lengths of straws. . Insects are creatures with three body parts and 6 legs. . boom, crash, bang.) Who might be the tallest? Handprint Fish Instructions, Can you create your own Singing Mermaid? Ask your child to use their imagination and become a toymaker. If you are feeling confident and want a challenge, you can select Up to 20g. Can you create a poster teaching people how to be a good friend? How long do you think these things would take? We would not expect the children to do this in one lesson as we would usually spend at least one lesson planning their version of the poem. On the Way Home by Jill Murphy is a great book that illustrates how sometimes our imagination can create some fantastic stories that are more interesting than reality. What does it look like? Can you think of any other stories where characters get bigger or smaller? Task 3 Mr Bear is tired. Claire has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mom all about it. (Remember to write the word down the margin of the page and use the first letter of each line to write an Easter themed sentence.) Can you retell the story to others? In this pack, you will find 2 x whole class lessons (an hour long for each - or you can split them), an editable PowerPoint presentation; vocabulary focus; the task sheets with scaffolding support, and the texts all ready to print. A mind map, on which they can draw or write their information, would be an ideal tool to use. White Rose Home Learning - Year 1, Have a go at the worksheet Measuring MassLesson 1 - Measuring Mass. Could you set up a Toy Museum at home, use a range of toys from pop up, pull and push toys, metal, wooden, plastic and battery operated? Children could use colour coding to highlight and categorise different types of information on their timeline. Place them on the floor and move them in to different positions to see the different numbers you can make. The jungle? Ask them to write or draw their information under headings such as: Using technology is a fun and engaging way to encourage children to present, share and organise their ideas. Look at the photos you have taken - which do you like best and why? E.g. ), About some of the pictures that are used to record holidays. Could you rewrite the poem changing some of the key aspects and add in at least one more verse? How do you think the characters felt when they got smaller? to sequence the events. The minibeast description game Minibeast Game - What am I? pink (end of the 1st line) and brink (end of the 2nd line). E.g the clashing of the alligators jaw, the slithering sound of him crawling, the growling of the wolf. E.g. peace a last . Could you make sketches and take photographs with a range of digital devices such as cameras and iPads so that you can refer to these in forthcoming tasks. Bears ' house Minibeast fact file sheets, Minibeast crafts - we hope you have fun identify. This PDF file contains worksheets that are primarily comprehension and vocabulary based and happens. 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