In France, a traveler may say to himself 30 times a day the following four words: What a charming village. In Andorra, such words are not spoken, at least not in that order. And again back to the USA, my short stay in Tennessee.very, very friendly in spite of my being an outsider. My childhood experience in North America, Adolescent period in Asia and adulthood in Europe gives me many knowledge about the worlds vast culture. They hate their jobs and take it out on people they think they Men from South Korea did a bit better since 18% of them were labeled as beautiful enough. MAYBE travelers dont notice it but leave the nice hotel, let the polite translator have a day off or learn Manderine & you will find that they are really truly the rudest, most blunt, coarse, crude, uneducated(morally), impolite people you will have met yet. I can confirm that India is the rudest and ugliest culture in the world. This doesnt make any difference. So, France people are BOTH nice and rude? A man came to me, and said, Do you want to have dinner at my house? I politely accepted. The rudest people, by far, in my experience, are Americans. That such behaviour on the part of Indians from India must not be construed as negative in India, and that people from elsewhere see it as negative, when because of the circumstances in India, it is considered normal. The elevation here is 6,600 feet, and to reach the heart of Andorra, one must either take a highway tunnel south through the mountain or climb another 1300 feet over Col dEnvalira, the highest paved pass in the Pyrenees. Just stay your ass out in our country. They were like a pit crew at the race track it was done in about 10 minutes and they would not take any money. Mountains, blue sky and sunshine cannot bring redemption to the artificial scenery of Andorra. Linda. I would go back in a minute, or just as soon as the dollar regains strength. Italian bus driver shut the door in my face as I was about to get off and then drove me several blocks away and laughed about it. Other states everyone was kind. The Worst Countries To Live In, According To The Misery Index, Quality of Life Index by Country 2022 Midyear - Numbeo, Human Development Report - United Nations. My brother married one. Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. No idea at all why some women in Sydney are so rude. Beauty (or ugliness) is a primarily subjective thing. Even out of their turf, like in Lisbon and London they are so fake and rude. Rudest at home: France, India, China, Portugal, Spain, Sweden In my travel experience I have found French Canadians to be very warm, friendly people. RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. Especially NORTHERN WELSH and DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they detect a hint of a scouse accent ha ha! After my month-long trip to Australia I had to go through this with US Customs: Them: You mean to tell me that you just spent a month in Australia and all you took 10 Most Beautiful Countries Their reply was that the French treat everyone like that. I believe the secret to the wonderful way people have treated us has been the fact that we always try to speak a few words in the native language. I rode over the pass, arriving near sundown. Everyone you meet is either a con artist, a crooked cab driver or a general scumbag. I find them to be loving and warm. The people are mean and the women are not at all attractive. If you even ask someone directions they demand money. They can speak fluent English and are very helpful. Agreed. The ordinary people in the street that we encountered were wonderfully kind, thoughtful, and tried to help. Paler or tanned skin tones? Even in countries where everybody speaks English, I always learn how to say, Do you speak English? in the local language. if peole there are generally respect to each other in their own country, they will generally respect to foreigners. Argentines can be a hit or miss. Ive hitchhiked throughout America, Canada, many places in Europe and found the friendliness of Australians to be beyond compare. Service and service personnel are bad and rude respectively. XD u must be kidding me theyre the ruddest people on this galaxy if someone was nice to an american doesnt mean hes nice to others its all about money. Dont judge people from the cover The horn is only used in aggression after the event. I am Jewish and Israeli and my dad was in the army so we go there almost every summer if were not going elsewhere in Asia or Europe or South America. Other than those country, Vietnam, Thai and Aussie were so so. They had green mountains, with chamois and trout streams and wildflowers; they had cliffs and meadows and waterfalls; shoot, they even had the prettiest name in Europe, and they squandered it all. People in general only remember the poor interactions with those they meet. If you go by what many publications have suggested, then the ugliest person in the world is Ugandan Godfrey Baguma. PROGRAMAO. I find the English unbelievably self centred and rude. And when the Italians saw their forests, theyd have anticipated the truffles and porcini and other wild fungi that would grow there. There are good people and there are bad people. France the friendliest ? Just like if you continuously hit your head against the wall, at some point (probably after concussion) you realize that walls are hard. I was often invited to stay at peoples homes. Greek tour directors (licensing / union / what-not are comprable to Greek civil servants. I was in the Air Force for 27 years and traveled extensively in Asia, Europe, Africa, The Middle East, and the US. Friendliest people as a whole I have encountered in Cambodia. The opinions of forum users about the beauty of women from Germany were also not too high. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Everywhere we went in the UK , everyone was so nice and helpful, as were the Canadians. We were dining on a terrace. The rest of the family, who didnt speak a word of French, had neutral or bad experiences. -.-, I totaly agree with you about Slovenians! The young Czech male drivers will literally run you over and drive on! Driving in the USA is safer than in those so called motorways in Europe where lanes are so narrow. Everyone treats you like youre part of their family. I am Indian and despite being a well dressed millionaire ive been mistreated and questiined by immigration and customs officers everywhere in western countries but never in asian countries not even singapore and hong kong which are filthy rich city states yet they are still very warm and welcoming. How, I wondered, could a mountainous country, located smack between two of the most handsome countries in the world, be dead ugly? I actually think that we here in the USA are the rudest people. On the bright side the sites were breathtaking and I did manage to meet a friendly czech couple who helped me navigate the metro system. It would be hard to say which country is the friendliest, but we have had good experiences in France, England, Ireland, and Croatia. I guess new yorkers arent liked much in other countries no matter how nice an respectful you are. How goofy! They are sooo nice and friendly!!! i Think new Zealand should be on the top i been there most friendly and people, No one has a clue here Arabic people is the most Rude people i have come across not all of them most of them, No! Surprisingly, Spanish men are viewed as more beautiful than the Spanish women. They had green mountains, trout streams and wildflowers; meadows and waterfalls, but Andorrans made their country the least charming in all of Europe. ???? The problem is not rude nationals, its rude visitors. From the moment you get off the airplane at Beef Island youre met by a rude Customs and Immigration Officers. Beautiful country and beautiful people! Top 10 Worst Countries in the World to Live In - Numbeo Quality of Life Index (Mid-2022): Nigeria 45.13 Bangladesh 68.49 Sri Lanka 68.90 Iran 69.38 Venezuela 73.03 Peru 81.29 Philippines 81.40 Vietnam 86.26 Kenya 90.94 Egypt 91.19 Stats portal Numbeo tracks a vast range of metrics, including its own Quality of Life index. I do not know what happened to you in France but I have been there 4 times, mostly outside of Paris and even though I encoutered a mean cop there, most people were nicer than New Yorkers. Turns out they are, since only 20% of Australian men got accepted compared to 21% of women. My god people, wake up ,.Australia is NOT a paradise!!!! We were refused service unless we each ordered a pizza. Their food? Take another deep breath when they allow you to leave and try to enjoy your trip. In recent years, this worldwide open marketplace has given rise to another growing trend: medical tourism. Americans are very rude, few manners and talk about money and religion all the time. Being friendly means someone you can confide with . Americans generally perceived to be like Trump. ..!!! If you expect rudness, that is what you get. On the other hand, picture a country whose residents must endure political strife (possibly even violence), rampant inflation, high unemployment, poor health care, substandard education, and uncertain security, with few social programs, let alone support for the arts. Another entry on our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world has more attractive men than female population. However, both my father and I spoke some French, and we found people largely helpful and friendly, with the exception of one souvenir seller near the Eiffel Tower, who was probably just having a bad day. There are beggars, prostitutes, and murderers as well. I hope you visit us on your next trip to France. You cant walk down the street without being heckled or beeped at by piggish motorists, or having random men on the sreet yelling patronising remarks at you in English. Here's the ugly truth: Detroit is ugly. Terms of Service The beauty of the place does make up for all of it! My first six hours (out of 24 hours) in Budapest, Hungary, in March, 2008, were my worst travel experience in my lifetime of 67 years. So my wife and I decided that were going to erase any negative thoughts of all the hearsay and the Quebec experience and go to Paris as freindly Americans with no negative attitudes. We (family) have travelled around the world, and agree that definetely French from PARIS area are the worst, but not so for the rest, even if one or them do not speak the language (English, Spanish or French). Australia! Central African countries dominate this list. Many Animals, Including the Platypus, Lost Their Stomachs. If your American, Scottish people will love you due to your accent! Particularly Orlando and Miami. Nothing is any problem to them. China is my number 1 when it comes to MOST RUDE COUNTRY ( I am American living in Taiwan for over 20 year). Their cultures Buddhist base really comes through in many ways. Especially if you come from the third world country. usa is the rudest country in term of driving on freways. I find these Filipinos very friendly to others from around the world. Not only is it surrounded by shantytowns, its most central districts seem devoid of planning and style. Hahahaha! Sometimes the police will play basketball in the street with you!! Whew! Employment: One percent in agriculture, 21 percent in industry, 78 percent in services. They seem to have a hang-up about all. Also discovered that the older the men were, the more they would flirt harmless but very fun. Male users achieved an acceptance rate of 25% while women came at 22%. I am from Spain and live in 8 different countries over 6 years I live in NZ for 3 years and Aus for 1 and kiwi people were kindest, nicest most genuine people I ever meet. At a restaurant there were people from France there taking advantage of the waiter and being very very very rude to him, Israelis are the rudest people in the universe . With such little tourism, I seriously Danielle Zito on LinkedIn: Kosovo, a Country Under the Radar to Add to Your List - Scratch your mapa Not enough data? France, I have been to Paris four times and most service workers like train staff or police were curt or unhelpful, definitely not friendly. Australia has the higest per capita drug uses in the world, so I guess that doesnt help things. And they expect you to do as you say you will and not otherwise. They have this superior air about them; dont know why and I will stick to the rest of the provinces. Canada is such a beautiful and wonderful country, full of nice, bright, and happy people! People from Texas and Portuguese people they are so helpful and polite. We recommend visiting the country and then making up your mind. Any question or issue was addressed immediately. That is one the biggest reason I choose to live in the Philippines for the last 18 years. Ive never been to Paris, but in Alsace the people I met were very nice. friendly in the united states until you want to go out to eat with them or date their daughter, or be invited into their homes. And I found Irish the nicest people Ive ever met. (Other then Denmark) But Israelis will always be the number one kindest people ever, Nah The above article denotes extremely poor traveling experience, as though French, Italians or Australians were mysterious subjects requiring deep wisdom to get dealt with. They also have a superiority attitude about their own traditions and cultures and food. There is virtually no unemployment in Andorra. even New Yorkers. Consider yourself lucky as you are westerner For us, arabs are shallow and double standard & those in Saudi & dubai are the worst, Lebanese are by far the rudest tribe in the middle east, Yes. But in our daily life Im a victim of my fellows rudeness almost every day. Ive found friendly people everywhere! I was a woman traveling solo and I cant tell you how many people stopped to offer their help, carry my suitcase up the tube stairs, etc. However, on several occasions, I have also met German people and I would have to say that I have received the WORST treatment by these people. Armed forces: None. During our trip to the Slovak Republic, everyone in that country seemed to be interested in making our trip an excellent experience. My wife and I are native New Yorkers and I can tell you that two things are completely unnecessary in the Big Apple. The reasons: Most of the indihe are so arrogant and very selfish. Shutterstock. Rude, racist ill mannered unwelcoming. I totally agree re the rudeness of Spanish people! On the other hand, 2020's worst country in the world to live in, Venezuela, demonstrates the worse end of the equation. But the others ruin it for them, and Ill never set foot there again. Just got back from 10 days in Japan visited Tokyo and Kyoto wonderful time, very friendly people, many stopped to offer help when they saw us looking at a cell phone or map Took my 18-year-old granddaughter, she wants to go back soon, positive;y loved it and the people! Many Americans misinterpret the aloofness of French (Parisian) waiters as rudeness. Ive always found people are much the same the world over, friendly, rude, arrogant, depends on which side of the bed you get out of on that day. PhilipPinos are the rudest people I have ever met. I agree a lot of people in the US are the New Yorkers. I dread going overseas because I have to deal with these losers when I return. Waiters are at best disinterested and at worst hostile. By the way, Ive also worked in law enforcement and have no illusions about sensible areas to visit. Cookie Settings. As I mentioned above, I strongly believe that skin colour or poverty has anything to do with the matter. 1 Lord_Sheev2612 8 mo. Other cement buildings seem abandoned, making them fair game for graffiti enthusiasts. Theres nothing in there but a bunch of dirty underwear. I have been living in Brazil for 5 months now, and it has been the worst experience of my life. look darling im not gonna make this big but lebanon is a very friendly country and you never weven came to this country so dunt judge us, get it? Or maybe the most attractive? Only bad experience was i almost got mugged in the Metro.Maybe the Americans who are rude and nasty try to give them a bad name. The people were always striking up a conversation with us. However, people can appear to be rude because of communication issues. I think Canadians have far more uptight than Americans but oh well. In Tiverton, England we were arriving at our B&B where some people were outside enjoying themselves having a beer and they even helped us with our baggage and asked us to join their party and they didnt even work there! I went to a restaurant in Orleon, France and had a very difficult time communicating my menu order. Everyone is struggling for survival, so nastiness becomes a national trait. Plus everything is way overpriced here in terms of what you get in way of quality etc. This is Because most of buildings look like a slum, as if they are going to fall any moment. I want to take my parents there. I have also travelled quite a bit in different parts of the world. I have been in several middle eastern countries where IRAN tops the rank of most hospitable country ever. They always treat you as a long lost relative and really seem to like Americans., The friendliest and nicest people in the world live in New Zealand!, My offering is Spain. The country they work has made them shallow as hell. They cant do anything else in life and take out their misery on people who are But this country have NOTHING like the other Nordic countries. A Frenchman on the bus in Ireland gave me directions. Heres the truth that a lot of Americans do not know about. are good at saying hello and a 1/2 smile but not so good at really being interested. Much more friendly and helpful people. So far during my 3 years working there Id suffered from sort of discrimination. Based on working with them for 6 years now, I have to say all of the above is true. If an applicant receives the majority of beautiful votes in 48 hours, he/she is in. Revealed: Top 9 UGLIEST Countries In The World 2022 World Realities TV 367 subscribers Subscribe 12K views 3 weeks ago Ugliest Countries In The World 2022. I think Croatia surprised us the most with their enthusiasm toward visitors. Not only is it surrounded by shantytowns, its most central districts devoid. 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