The messengers of the devil are HUMAN and it is but the leaders of Christianity that spread this most blasphemous and damnable message in their temples of terror (churches) not even realizing that it is Satans headquarters. Jesus did not live in luxury and, as far as I know, did not have a home. Read about Billy Graham. Thats in the Word. There is no consciousness in Sheol or Hades. We love you brother David! An uncommon site for a church service, my school was the meeting place, and a small brick wall was my platform. Ministry and Spiritual Position were not even a concept in my mind. Do we have any REAL WORLD evidence that living things are alive and dead things are not? Christian leaders like David will read the biblical outline of this word as it is described above and he will use that as proof because he agrees with such nonsense. Please pray for me. At the time, he directed worship for our church. David was born on March 22, 1989, in Artesia, California, and was brought up in a Christian family, so it was no surprise the life path that he took. He tries to make the comparison that since ruwach and pneuma can mean different words, `owlam, aion, and aionios should also be able to have different word meanings. I didnt even do that good of a job, though I tried my best. Even if we disagree on the specifics of hell, to say that I dont get the idea of hell at all when Ive written an extensive piece about hell is an arrogant and a very dishonest position for you to take. The first thing that you need to understand is that the Epistle of Barnabas although not a part of biblical canon was a letter written in GREEK not English so the use of this writing points to more of an argument at the credibility of bible translating. When we lose a loved one, we say silly stuff like, they finally got their wings suggesting that we just transform into angels to fly around in heaven I guess. The punishment must end before the child can practice better behavior. We already know that oceans are large bodies of water so it would be just a play on words to say something like that. There is no logical or scriptural justification for David to assume that the grave is really the afterlife. Shop our collection of Alibris Books Books online and get free shipping on $49+ orders! I would often display the wrong slide or mistype a word. The following are some of his books. (Note: the word might is NOT in the Greek) and bible translators often added these kind of helping verbs to help perpetuate the lie that Christ will fail at drawing ALL of humanity to Gods salvation. Davids definitions of Sheol and Hades are actually correct and that can easily be proven from the scriptures however, his definitions of Tartarus and Gehenna are extremely bogus. He laid his hand on me, and I felt the power of God bolt through my body. They go to grave Hades where there is NO WORK, NO PLANNING, NO KNOWLEDGE, AND NO WISDOM. Before we run to attach ourselves to the loads of religious garbage that comes out of Davids mouth, lets pay attention to all of the words and understand what they mean biblically. Why would you make an argument on universalist according to the logic of something they dont even believe? I didnt even get to finish my next sentence. Is money the God or Jesus? There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. You can check Davids opinion. If we follow along with the biblical teachings about death instead Davids far reaching interpretations, it is simple to follow that there is peace in death for there is no pain, suffering, worrying, etc. I was born on March 22nd, 1989 in Artesia, CA. The fires of Gehenna are symbolic. Damning billions of peoples family members to some godless hell to be barbecued alive not even for a quadrillion eons but for all eternity is rank evil. Jesus taught in parables to HIDE the spiritual application to his listeners. Nothing is impossible and Only Believe are David Diga Hernandezs mantras. Hell is not only what you make of it, its what you learn from it. A new youth leader had stepped in and began to lead the youth group I attended. in Artesia, California. Based in Southern California, David travels worldwide to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and heads an anointed evangelistic healing ministry. He heads an evangelistic healing ministry based in Southern California. Is it not to correct? You have to keep adding wood or the fire and smoke will go out. The hour is late, and the signs of the last days are all around us. The fact that he thinks this is even literal is hilarious! Greetings from Spore. Prepare yourselves for a revelation about David since he wants all of his followers to believe that he is doing the will of God. I sobbed tears of joy, as the perfect love of God dispelled all fear. (New Living Translation). From beginning to end, God is God There is NOTHING wrong with that statement and it would appear again that David is the one playing biblical gymnastics. My story belongs to the Lord, and it belongs to those who will be encouraged by it. I was thirteen years of age when the overflow began. They seem righteous compared to you. Hell itself is a doctrine of pagan origin which Gods people learned after He commanded them not to follow in the ways of the pagans. It seems you are easily offended. 1. Top TV Evangelists Televangelists Ministers Net Worth Houses Homes. We are now in preparing to launch the next phase of Encounter TV. Think about it like this Lets say a CEO of a company goes away for business and says he will return but nobody knows when. original sound - David Diga Hernandez. The fact still remains that life has a purpose and this purpose is a guide to existences. Then you went on to say, You like to think you know, but you dont. that and Claudio Freidzon also airs on Daystar = automatic 2nd red flag I have on him, but I am curious what both teaches exactly, especially Freidzon since I am not really familiar with south American televangelists. In fact, a majority of my ministry time was spent traveling at youth events. Does that qualify as conspiracy theory connecting of the dots as you so fervently intend to purport David? Amen! Dead: deprived of life, no longer alive, lacking power to move, feel, or respond. When God cuts off or cuts out our sinful carnality, we will grow (learn righteousness) in the future and this is through the experience of Gods age-lasting pruning (corrective judgment). Let me be honest. I happened to tune into your TV program about one month ago and since then Ive never stopped watching you teach and preach in order to continually stir up the same fire for God within me. When all things have been completed, Jesus Christ himself will be subject to the Father after Christ subjects all things to himself which will ultimately result in GOD BEING ALL IN ALL! I didnt think it was. The bible is clear about the state of the dead and life occurs again only in the resurrection and not in some literal fairy-tale kingdom called heaven. David states, Why would the scriptures condemn necromancy if it wasnt an actual thing? Then he states, :Why would God command us not to commit the sin of communication with the dead if it werent possible to communicate with the dead? Are you freaking kidding me? There is no such thing as dividing people with the gospel. Davids interpretation of scripture is consistent with what Christianity teaches and as a loyal teacher of Christendumb, he submits to all of her dogma. God exists because He is the very essence of life and He is IMMORTAL! We were introduced. Many things contributed to my spiritual growth. David wants you to believe that Jesus was ALIVE literally preaching to some spirits in prison when he was supposed to be DEAD and dying for the sins of the world. One day I hope we all find ourselves in agreement. Now rememberDavid himself has stated on more than one occasion that CONTEXT DICTATES MEANING, so why does he so often fail to consider the context in his own teachings. There were many people that died in the days of Noah but Christ being made alive in the Spirit that is to NEVER taste death again so the work of Christ is HERALDED and PROCLAIMED to the past dead (the spirits of the dead locked in the prison of death and the grave). His first service to the ministry was flipping songs to ensure the congregation was following up since there were no digital media in those days. David criticizes the universalist position that from age to age, God is God but what is really wrong with that statement except for that fact that it proves everlasting to be a spurious word? David next tries to tackle the subject of the word Gehenna and he fails once again trying to link Christianitys pagan hell to Gehenna which literally means Valley of Hinnom. I dont think we truly grasp how horrific and how atrocious our rebellion against God is.. If you feel any content is copyrighted & to be deleted please mail to. David does You have used nothing but heresy to justify the man-made creeds and traditions you cling to. You see, some people view differences as a negative thing. and guess what he says? Amen! 9780768410211 . Change). He has no spiritual insight whatsoever and his carnal minded teaching is consistent with the evil heresies spewed all throughout Christianity. that can NEVER die This is what the leaders of Christianity say is JUST punishment for the person that rejects God. They have to believe that God raised Christ from the DEAD! He joined a Charismatic Church where he nurtured his leadership and teaching skills. And your soul humble, Pastor David, you even remind people Im not a teacher while everyone trying to raise themselves. He heads an international healing ministry based in Southern California. The man introducing us, tapped him on the shoulder. If I set wood on fire, the smoke from the wood burning will smoke as long as there is wood remaining. The Early Church didnt believe in Hell2. David Hernandez Debunking the Heresy ofUniversalism, Exposing the Counterfeit Gospel of Christianity, Context: The Truth about Scriptural Interpretation, Gods Plan of Salvation for the Whole World, Christianitys Most Sacred Cow The Doctrine of the Trinity, Immortal Worms, Unquenchable Fire, & the Furnace of Fire, The Parable of the rich man and Lazarus Explained. I plead the precious blood of Christ Jesus over you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. I rest my case. The bible translators changed sheol and hades which means the grave to hell. 1 Corinthians 15:22-28 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever (not forever but beyond). Pay close attention here the scriptures NEVER state that Samuel came back from the dead. Before David begins his teaching he takes a moment to basically call universalist arrogant for thinking that our understanding of the scriptures is right while the thousands of bible experts and bible translators got it wrong. They hate that they had to give up the world they loved so they want God to torture sinners in hell for all eternity! He was challenging those who have a love of money, not those who love and serve God! All they have to do was speak in tongues and walk! The sound system was cheap. Be aware of who you choose as mentors. Notice that this verb tartaro is translated as the entire phrase, cast down to hell but Christianity has already translated other words as hell so shouldnt it have been something like, cast down to Hades, or cast down to Gehenna? We should form a habit of thanking and praising God as soon as we wake up each morning. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You can only fill a cup so much before it begins to overflow. Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. IT IS WRITTEN! Your family and your ministry. Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. Man has struggled with the concept of death for centuries and the best way to cope with such a difficult idea is to just make up fantasies. Back then, we didnt use computers and electronic projectors for the song lyrics. There was a constant awareness of God and the scripture. The other employees do not get to experience the special cruise. But thats how God wanted it. Go out and do so. Therefore look! How can someone receive everlasting punishment without also having everlasting life? Moreover, David also used to hold secret Miracle Services on his school campus and attend missions with his youth group. David, being as inconsistent as he is now flips (pun intended) back to his favorite bible translation to quote Genesis 21:33; Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he worshiped the Lord, the Eternal (Hebrew `owlam) God. What are you going to do, if you stand before God and you find out you were wrong leading (millions?) His ministry is distinctly marked by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. I followed him online ever since, and now Ive joined Spirit Family. They are sent to prison to be separated from society to avoid the possibility of re-offending. Lets Pray to Unite (not divide, humilty over pride). Guess what!? This is not an ordination program, so all may take this course. Course curriculum. He says it was at the age of 11 that he met Jesus. Understand? Case closed! The word prison as it appears in 1 Peter 3:19 comes from the Greek word phylak not the Greek word tartaro which was itself erroneously linked to the Greek MYTHOLOGICAL teaching of Tartarus. The preachers net worth could be approximately $1 million. The word herald itself is defined as an official messenger bringing news such as what we see stamped on the front of newspapers. Required fields are marked *. The first Miracle Service I ever preached was July 18th. You gather the scattered sheep and watch over those You have gathered. The Holy Spirit led me to your teachings as I looked and was hungry to know about the Holy Spirit. If this part of the scripture isnt literal then why does David contend that the supposed everlasting fire is literal? You think God saving all sinners is wicked while believing that God torturing BILLIONS of sinners in Christianitys pagan hell to be RIGHTEOUS? Samuel himself was NEVER brought back from the dead because he was dead and just as the cloud disappears and vanishes away, so he who goes down to the grave does not come up. It makes NO SENSE and that is was logical people call, an OXYMORON. He also has a weekly program, The Encounter, on JuceTV, a subsidiary of The Trinity Broadcasting Network. Humanity is still suffering from the bondage of sin and that is were judgment comes in to play. For years, I walked with Him and felt His presence everywhere I go. Thanks, Pastor David Diga Hernandez. The YouTube channel David Diga Hernandez gets more than 3.22 000 000 each month. There is nothing spiritual, loving, reasonable, or logical about torturing people with real fire. He heads an evangelistic healing ministry based in Downey, California. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christs at His coming. So, what is everlasting fire and is it really everlasting? He says that the person he was discussing with said that he would point to God and say, You are a bad God and I dont want to serve you!, DAVID? What is clear, is that the Greek word aionios does NOT mean eternal or everlasting. Jesus is the narrow gate that leads to aionios age-abiding life (not eternal life) in the next age where only few find it. Here is a question to the reader in regards to Matthew 18:8, do you really think Christ is instructing his disciples to literally cut off their hands or feet? The Greek word in question here is tartaro and this word is a VERB It is not a noun a person, a place, or a thing you know like what we learned back in 1st grade TARTARO IS A VERB and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Christianitys pagan hell. This statement has been objected to by Christians who believe that the Bible has no record of such a statement. David has two siblings: Raquel and his younger brother Michael. I was stuck with a doughnut in my mouth. Listen carefully, there is NO WORK, NO PLANNING, NO KNOWLEDGE, and NO WISDOM in Sheol (the grave). David is a so called faith healer and is indeed a New Apostolic Reformation like signs and wonders false teacher. Tartarus is NOT a biblical word. Posts Reels Videos Tagged I have already explained that the word Tartarus doesnt even belong in the scriptures and the fact that David thinks that God would inspire Peter to use a pagan mythological word in His word is preposterous. David has quoted several bible verses to contend that this everlasting fire is indeed everlasting and he quotes Jude 1:7 as his last verse to argue his position; Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. How many is NO ONE? Why did they stop at just two evers? Luke 14:16 Then He said to him, A certain man gave a great supper and invited many. Read Isaiah 26:9. Seems that your big hurdle to overcome is not so big after all. Please pray for me and my family especially for my 2 daughters for the fulfillment of Gods promises about their calling and ministry. The reason is because David doesnt have a clue what he is talking about. Jesus said to him, "Feed My sheep. The god of context is yet another example of one of Christendumbs sacred idols. They believe it is right and just Unbelievable! He travels all around the world preaching the gospel of salvation through Jesus and ministering the Holy Spirit's power and presence. In verse 3, we have (those who are wise) and (many being led to righteousness) but these verses appear to contradict if we fail to apply the accurate translation of `owlam. It is unbelievable and unimaginable that this man is in a position of leadership and I feel sorry for his puppets for he is leading them far down the road of deception and destruction. Others, however, defend this statement arguing that it is proper for people to get the context of his statement to understand what he was saying. David will not let go of the evil lies he believes for anything. Amazing preacher, so much wisdom! People who are offended about hell are people who have a normal sense of morality. Then why is it that the clergy of Christianity is so convinced that God will not get what He desires? God doesnt exist in eternity for Gods existence has NOTHING to do with terms created by humans. For He must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet. He inserts his interpretation of some scriptures as to justify the pagan belief of an afterlife. It must have been quite irritating or even odd for them tohave to answer the pressing questions of an eleven-year-old. Justice involves doing what is right, not getting even, which is exactly why Christians despise the word of God. In Revelation 1:18, Jesus says that he has the KEYS to HADES and DEATH but we all know that Jesus isnt talking about literal keys. When in college, David held secret miracle services and attended missions with the Youth Groups. I knew the scripture but not the truth found within them. by the time he was completing High School, David had started his TV ministry and by 20 years his ministry Miracle Encounter Services had started. Finally, on a wednesday night, I approached Pastor Eddie. In Matthew 25:41, we read that aionios fire has been prepared for the devil and his angels but who are devils messengers? The Holy Spirit will sort out the good from the bad in time. That would be like calling an ocean a big ocean. Does this qualify as a scholarly answer David, even though your entire sermon lacks any worthy academic scholarship? The CEO goes away and comes back entrusting a few to keep the business operating in his absence. saw and heard David for the first time in Orlando,FL on a Saturday evening, and after 5 minutes was filled with joy overflowing! David talking about universalist using biblical gymnastics is humor food. Your teachings about the Holy Spirit have been inspirational and transforming lives; my personal life included. The chairs were metal. The company is your life on earth in the mortal carnal state that is subject to death and the CEO has a plan to save us from death. Get enough sleep. I am thankful for being a vessel for God in delivering people from the lies and deceptions of the church. Only eight people were saved from drowning in that terrible flood. That leads me to note this important thought: private prayer is always revealed in public power. However, I am interested in where that money is going and how the ministry is serving. God is not God in a limited set of ages God is God in ALL of the ages. Christians using the God is a God of JUSTICE and God is a God of wrath is NOT justification for the belief in God torturing sinners in hell. At the 20:00 mark of his 1st video, David quotes actual scriptures that indicate that there is NO consciousness in death then he turns around and contradicts himself in stating that there are actually scriptures that give greater descriptions of this so called afterlife. Look kindly on all who follow Jesus, Your Son. Naturally skeptical and analytical, I am the last person who should have ever been put into the healing ministry. Look at this picture This is a picture of the Greek interlinear of Romans 16:25 taken from Strongs Exhaustive Concordance on the Blue Letter Bible website, a source that David himself quotes in his sermon. Now understand this David is CONVINCED that this WITCH has the power to resurrect a real person back from the dead but what do we know about the resurrection? Knew the scripture but not the truth found within them heresies spewed all throughout Christianity that be! In parables to HIDE the spiritual application to his listeners large bodies water! And praising God as soon as we wake up each morning messenger bringing such! A church service, my school was the meeting place, and felt. From it is nothing spiritual, loving, reasonable, or logical about torturing with. Universalist using biblical gymnastics is humor food always revealed in public power to note this important thought: private is. By Christians who believe that he is doing the will of God dispelled all fear such. They are sent to prison to be RIGHTEOUS in where that money is going and how atrocious rebellion! Just a play on words to say, you even remind people Im not a teacher everyone. 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