A simple example of how this works is outlined below. C = Charlie Occasionally, callsigns for Infantry Squads may include letters from the NATO Phonetic Alphabet beyond "Fox". 2019-2023. CENTAUR 50Jeffery T. "Jeff" Griffin, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1971-1972 CENTAUR 50Thomas William Olsson, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 69-Oct 1970 Platoon Sergeants are 4, wingmen are 2,3: If the 1st Plt leader is There are two cases where this generally happens: When an infantry squad operates outside the primary chain of command (Special Forces), or when a new squads are created to Reinforce existing platoons or completely new platoons. CENTAUR 40Roman Millett, CPT Gun/Scout PLT LDR, & XO Jan 1970-Dec 1970 https://9thinfantrydivision.net/9th-infantry-division-history/ CENTAUR 28Allen Brinckerhoff, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot SEP 1970CENTAUR 28William R. Cooper, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot 1971-1972 CENTAUR 15Robert D. Pooch Johnston, WO1 OH-6A Pilot 1968-1969 If you start at Squadron level (Cavalry ) 6th Regiment 3rd Squadron . The unit would often have either an official or unofficial nickname , 3/6 is The squad leader is the senior Infantry Soldier in the squad and is responsible for everything the squad does or fails to do. Pat Eastes Jan 2014: for years I thought that when I was in heavy scouts that I was C21, but that was evidently Rick Williams. Then we have thesedifferent Army Staff S designated numbers: S-1 = Personnel Powell to Fleming This centralized authority enables him to maintain unit discipline, unity, and to act decisively. Military call signs are call signs assigned as unique identifiers to military communications. Callsigns are assigned to two different kinds of things: Most Callsigns are "standardized", being assigned to the same units / individuals in each mission. There are times and rules surrounding when callsigns can be shortened. Here is an example of a unit similar to ours; seems like we should have some document like this somewhere: It was never clear to me what the "Official" title of the platoons and sections were. CENTAUR 6Ray Kenneth Clark, CPT D Troop CDR Jul 1969-Dec 1969 I might have been C24, and Doc Halliday was C23. I seem to remember that Mark Schmidt, kia Dec 67, was C25, but I am not positive on that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Special Forces squads typically receive the callsign Romeo (for "Recon"), though they can technically have any callsign letter. but "Charlie 1-6, Charlie 5 has traffic for Charlie 1-6 Actual.". Finally, he assesses the risk throughout. Centralized authority enables him to maintain troop discipline and unity and to act decisively. As explained earlier Brevity in communications is important and so using your full callsign on every transmission can be time consuming. Standardization allows identifying the type or role of an aircraft immediately by its callsign: If two or more aircraft belong to the same type or group, each receives a number suffixed to its callsign. Instead the ranking Section leader in the I = Item The Troop MTOE was structured that way with the Platoon Ldr the 9th LOH pilot. WebHitman 2-1 Actual - Bravo company 2nd platoon team 1 leader. Knows weapon effects, surface danger zones. 9th Infantry Division Signal Company: Nora Safe Side", https://www.army.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-11/northern_ireland_operational_aide_memoire_1978_0.pdf#page=21, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Military_call_sign&oldid=1093180135. To make it easy for you to remember, you can think of the 9th Infantry Division shoulder patch from the top to bottom. Maybe there was no other unit like ours in the Army. CENTAUR 3Richard P. Timmermeyer, CPT 1968-1969, OPS OFF Feb 68Aug 68 In addition to what the other people here have said, I'd like to add something. It has a bit of assonance in the "er-er" sounds and having an identifier that ends in "er" makes the following word sound almost conjoining. Enforces field discipline while the gun team is employed tactically. (b) Use varied transmission schedules and lengths. Is the subject matter expert for the squads organic weapons employment, and employment of supporting assets? Please contact me for any additions or corrections to this page. 47th Infantry Regiment: Nostril . Stan Allen (6Jan2017): During 1969 and 70 Mr. Zorger's call sign was C-28 . Two Slick platoon consisted of 10 helicopters each which inserted, transported, and extracted troops. Be prepared to assume the duties of the automatic rifleman and team leader. CENTAUR 14-- Wayne R. Cooper, WO1 1967-1967 84th Field Artillery Battalion: Notary, 9th Medical Battalion:Nostrum A Marine Corps aircraft might use a call sign like "Marine Delta November One-Zero-Two" or "Shamrock One-Zero-Two." Most players in the squad do not have a callsign, anyway. One = 1st Platoon Is the subject matter expert for all the teams weapons and duty positions and all squad battle drills. This means a 'C' Company could potentially have 'Checkmate' as its call sign. This is a very rare occurrence in ShackTac videos. CENTAUR 44Charles "Charlie" Johnson, 1LT UH-1C Pilot/Aero Weapons Jun 1967-Jul 1968 What happened to Delvy then? CENTAUR 32 (Patrol) & Ambush Patrol The grenadier currently is equipped with an M203/M320 weapon system consisting of an M16-series or M4-series rifle/carbine and an attached 40-mm grenade launcher. 1-61. CENTAUR 35Dale "Dinky" Dow, 1LT Aerorifle PLT LDR Jan 1968Aug 1968 What was Billy Vinsons position? Controls fires and establishes fire control measures. When Centaurs communicated on the radio, they used the word "Centaur" and a number to identiy themselves.Provide your input to Michael Peake (Unit Historian) , see recent comments - & additional comments: 1966-67, 1968-69, 1970-71, 1972, CENTAUR 3Robert Graham, MAJ UH-1C Pilot & OPS OFF Apr 1966-Feb 1967 He may answer calls adressed to his ACTUAL but should clarify that he in fact is only a 2IC. When maneuvering the team, the team fights using one of three techniques. PL knows his Soldiers, how to employ the platoon, its weapons, and its systems. Callsigns are typically assigned to a platoon sized unit or higher. 26th Field Artillery Battalion: Nudist 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion: Jersey, Part of a 9th Infantry Division Radio Report. The USAF also uses semi-fixed identifiers consisting of a name followed by a two or three digit number. CENTAUR 24Albert J. 1-65. He also receives training available within the units resources to improve the squads precision engagement capabilities at short and medium ranges. When a Platoon is assigned a callsign, all subordinate elements of the Platoon also adopt that callsign. Where there is continued usage of appointment titles, they are usually regarded as only giving a low grade of security cover,[14][15][12] with ACP 125 deeming them to be unclassified.[11]. C -3 Aug 68 Feb 69 Assigns clear tasks and purposes to the squads. Military call signs are a rite of passage for many who serve in the Armed Forces. The leader sufficiently weighs the main effort for each mission (for example, machine guns and antiarmor weapons) to ensure success. CENTAUR 6AWilliam Clifton Jesse, CW2 UH-1H PIC Nov 2, 1971-May 2, 1972 The name is assigned to a unit on a semi-permanent basis; they change only when the U.S. Department of Defense goes to DEFCON 3. Controls the movement of the squad and its rate and distribution of fire (including call for and adjust fire). Each entity that is eligible to receive a callsign will have one assigned to it, as well as a Map Marker that includes an abbreviated form of that callsign. If you remember Cpt Stephenson was the ranking officer in the Aero Scout Platoon so he carried the call sign C-10 after 9 Sep. You can substitute Bravo with Hitman since the call sign of Bravo company in the battallion was Hitman. L = Love Immediately assumes the role of gunner if the gunner is unable to continue his duties. 1-58. - Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks Warrior Leader Skills Level 2, 3, and 4 (STP 21-24-SMCT) REFERENCESUNITAF Standard Operating procedures (SOP) are adapted primarly from US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Another Notorious (9th Infantry Division) sign in Normandy, June 1944. Centaur 44 - Charlie 'Chuck' Johnson - Aero Weapons/HOGS Pilot - Aug '67/ Nov '67 CENTAUR 3Frank M. Hock, CPT OPS OFF 1972 The largest military subreddit on reddit. Special Forces units are rare enough that standardization is largely ignored for them. CENTAUR 28Daniel W. Dan Miller, WO1 UH-1H Slick Pilot Feb 1972-Nov 1972 Status of ammunition, casualties, and equipment to the platoon sergeant. Generally, following Radio Suffix is used for US Military. Commonly used: CO - Six XO - Five CSM - Seven S3 - Three Not as common to hear on radio. CENTAUR 20James "Jim" Moore, 1LT Aerorifle PLT CDR, UH-1C Pilot/SEC LDR Aug 1967-Mar 1968 Ensures security of the teams area of operations. They do not operate as semi-autonomous elements on the battlefield as snipers, nor do they routinely engage targets at the extreme ranges common to snipers. Should the individual die, their position may be inherited by someone else, at which point the callsign will transfer to the new individual along with the position. This translatesto being the 1st Platoon Leader of Company A, part of 1st Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment. The white and yellow tail markings designated the platoon so the troops would have an easy way to ALPHA ACTUAL), but in the case where all callsigns on a frequency are of the same callsign, ACTUAL can be used independently.Hence, only the proper leader of the callsign will answer toACTUAL, whereasa radio-telephone operator (or other designee) will answer to the callsign itself (without the "Actual" appended) as a matter of routine. Jim Walt (Silver Star) was his observer and Tom Dooling was his cover Cobra. The PL is 1, senior scout (alpha section SGT) is 2, most junior TC is 3, PSG is 4, bravo section Sgt is 5, his wingman is 6. I. Unused suffixes can be used for other call signs that do not fall into the standard call sign matrix, for example the unused 33A call sign is used to refer to the Company Sergeant Major. 610th Tank Destroyer Bn (Towed): Nuisance The following are standard callsigns specifically used for Aircraft. Determine his combat load prior to operations and manages battery utilization during operations. CENTAUR 27Kenneth H. Rucki, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot Aug 1969-Aug 1970 Similarly, an individual may gain someone else's callsign when inheriting their position, possibly losing their original callsign in the process. For example, the collective "Checkmate" might be assigned to an entire company and thus "Checkmate Red 6" would be the first platoon leader (platoons are red for first, white for second, blue for third, black for headquarters, and often additional colors for other portions under the command), "Checkmate white 6" to the second platoon leader, etc. I've grappled with this problem of call signs. For example, JAMBO 51 would be assigned to a particular B-52 aircrew of the 5th Bomb Wing, while NODAK 1 would be an F-16 fighter with the North Dakota Air National Guard. CENTAUR 30Richard P. Timmermeyer, CPT C-30 Jan 1968 - Feb 1968, But then if Sanders was 11 as Section Leader then maybe the 10 call sign was reserved for Gun Platoon leader. When communicating internally in your platoon or squad for example, assuming all subordinate elements of your Platoon or Squad carry the same callsign, then it is acceptable to shortern your callsign to just the numerical assignment of your element. Who was Gun leader when Delvy went to Opns? Under the fluid conditions of close combat, the SL accomplishes assigned missions without constant guidance from higher headquarters. The use of standard callsigns allows most players to immediately identify the type of unit by its callsign regardless of any other variables of the mission. CENTAUR 10Aubrey D. Dismukes, CPT OH-6A Pilot Oct 1971-Apr 1972 WebAppointment Titles. Also, companies often have the letter they are designated by ('A', 'B', 'C' or 'D') be the first letter of their call sign. CENTAUR 6Raymond Ray Trouve, MAJ D Troop CDR Jul 1968-Dec 1968 Operates in all environments to include the urban environment. Knows the ballistic effects of the weapon on all types of targets. CENTAUR 29Steve Borden, CW2 UH-1 Slick/"Nighthawk" pilot Jun 1971 to Sep 1971 This, together with frequency changes and voice procedure aimed at making every unit sound the same, protects the military against simple traffic analysis and eavesdropping. Airborne infantry units I've been with have never really had the need to use 'actual' because we were almost never in trucks. ShackTac uses a standard array of callsigns for specific types of units or player roles. CENTAUR 46Ted A. Pitcher, WO1 AH-1G Pilot 1968-1969 Feb 1967- Sept 1968. The letter part of the call sign is not the company's letter (B vs F in the above example). ACTUAL is used as the trasmittor is trying to speak to the commander proper. Sometimes cool guy nicknames would be used if something weird like two red platoons wound up working with each other. Callsigns are assigned to units before the mission begins. 709th Ordnance Company: Nutty During tactical radio communications, from Squad networks and above, names of personnel are never used in communications, callsigns are used instead. The standardized callsigns listed above only describe the most common callsigns, which always (or nearly always) have the same meaning and can be used to identify a unit/person's type and role instantly. I am not sure but it may have been the call sign for Night hawk leader. During World War 2, the first letter of a Division would usually be the first letter of the call sign name. I do recall that the slick section commander was always Centaur 36 in my day Cpt Wilde and later Cpt Fisher (I was C-35 as the ground platoon leader). Each radio communication starts with the callsign of the intended recipient, followed by the callsign of the sender. CENTAUR 14Larry M. Dau, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Sep 1970-Sep 1971 Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/Appointment_Titles. United Task Force is an online gaming organisation that simulates real-world military operations using Arma 3, a sandbox PC game and custom software. Assumes duties as the platoon sergeant or platoon leader as required. Is the subject matter expert for information contained in (FM 3-22.68). Pre-BATCO systems used a series of appointment titles to identify users and individuals, "Sunray", for instance, referring to the appropriate leader. This centralized authority enables him to act decisively while maintaining troop discipline and unity. The weapon section was by MTOE a separate section. For example, JAMBO 51 would be assigned to a particular B-52 aircrew of the 5th Bomb Wing, while NODAK 1 would be an F-16 fighter with the North Dakota Air National Guard. Checks with squad leaders ensuring 360-degree, three-dimensional security is maintained. Fights the close fight by fire and movement with two fire teams and available supporting weapons. The M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) provides squad-level fire support. Procedure: Brevity, Clarity and Confirmation. STABLE BOYThomas Fleming, MAJ TRP CDR, SER/MNT PLT LDR Stable Boy as CPT Feb 1967-Jan 1968 CENTAUR 4Clarence C "Buck" Buxton, 1LT SER/MNT PLT LDR STABLE BOY Aug 1967-Feb 1968 Ensures the platoon is prepared to accomplish its mission, which includes supervising precombat checks and inspections. b. wire/mine breach teams. The following are standard callsigns for Weapons squads, whether they travel as infantry or use a mounted weapon on a light vehicle. Military communications are "ALPHA" is dropped because both elements carry the same callsign. Tactical voice communications ("combat net radio") use a system of call signs of the form letter-digit-digit. In my unit (USMC, Infantry) platoon commander is always "actual" and platoons sergeant is "6". The 9th Infantry Division radioman had to know all the call signs. Al Menzl, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Apr 1966-May 1967 I have notes that say I was named Gun Platoon Leader and C-20 on 9 Sep 1967. This, together with frequency changes and voice procedure aimed at making every unit sound the same, protects the military against simple traffic analysis and eavesdropping. CENTAUR 59William Hayden "Pappy" Jones, CW3 UH-1H/AH-1G Pilot Apr 1972-Feb 1973 Keirsey to Harrison Holmes 4 Nov 2020 Tom Meeks who shared the Centaur 27 callsign was a close friend of mine when I worked at FT Lewis. CENTAUR 6John J. Spencer, MAJ F Troop CDR Feb 1972-Aug 1972 In addition, a suffix following the initial call sign can denote a specific individual or grouping within the designated call sign, so F13C would be the Charlie fire team. And movement with two fire teams and available supporting weapons would be used if something like! Prepared to assume the duties of the keyboard shortcuts most players in Army! Fire ( including call for and adjust fire ) //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Military_call_sign & oldid=1093180135 the. 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