There is an article by Chris Lough on Worldhoppers here. A. According to Brandon, Felt has changed his allegiance several times. Waxillium Ladrian | By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Enemies Since it is a realm dominated and created by thought, locations expand and contract based on how much thinking is going on. I would think if any Terris person became aware of worldhopping, there'd have been a kind of Underground Railroad thing going on to draw away a large number of people to somewhere they wouldn't be forced into breeding programs, made into eunuchs or into broodmares like Tindwyl was. There could be any number of caches that went undiscovered prior to Harmony. Demoux doesn't have to be that old. But why would he choose demoux to be a worldhopper? -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! Wit may be helping the Good Guys, but hes by no means an entirely virtuous person. A medallion for F-atium wouldn't help with executing the Rashek Maneuver, though, as that requires constantly tapping an atiummind once one lives past one's natural lifespan,and to an ever-increasing degree. -M-NUva. On the other hand, it is fascinating to converse with the spren. Demoux is a loyal man to Kelsier and a terrific leader. More curious to see if I missed one/a few. And Iyatil and Demoux and Sandersons published Cosmere books contain highly visible worldhoppers like the Vessels, Hoid, and Khrissalla, but they also contain There is nothing more terrifying than the realization that one slip, one misstep or encounter with a powerful Cognitive being and one's life can be snuffed out like a candle in the wind. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Which means that unfortunately we have no way of speculating on it; we clearly miss some key piece of the big picture there. Breeze | i don't remember his name. In truth, Kelsier had just guided Demoux's sword with Allomantic Pushes and Pulls. Can we-- But some of them when we saw them in actual just books, before we saw them jumping between worlds, were not functionally immortal at that time. New Zealand There is at least one person from each world that can world hop so that leads me to believe that it is possible with each magic system. This topic is highly amusing to me. It appears that somewhere along the way I missed that one of the men searching for Hoid in the Purelake is actually Demoux. Theres really nowhere else we can start, is there? Well, the -din suffix is rather common on Roshar, so he might be referring to that? Now, she may be the famous terriswoman in warbreaker, but in that case, she actually does nothing relevant that we see, so we're still completely in the dark. The only time manipulation for which there is solid evidence is in Allomancy, bendalloy and cadmium (within The Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self and The Bands of Mourning), and that's effectively a relativistic effect. In fact, hes working with the Ire, the faction of Elantrians who interacted with Kelsier inMistborn: Secret History. Can we then take that to mean that they somehow became functionally immortal? yep! They do not age. I thought that she had just died. Shalash is the only one of the Heralds who may have been born on Roshar. Brandon does not give a definitive answer on whether she convinced Demoux or not, however, she is a part of the Seventeenth Shard. So the question would rather be: how his wife became a member of the 17th? During his ascension, Rashek realized that a person with both Allomancy and This may mean that Kell could permanently, via compounding, give Spook Feruchemical Atium. Unknown. Demoux is revealed to be a preacher for the Church of the Survivor. Started by Can be put on any tail feather, and will last until the feat Here's the topic where Felt the Worldhopper of House Venture was discovered (or the possible worldhopper, that is). A. I hadn't considered the fact that the 17th shard would be pre Harmony and I think that you may be right. Webhow did demoux become a worldhopper Blog. Ward departs Lubbock with three years remaining on her contract that was signed in October 2020; she was a late hire that cycle and signed a five-year deal at the He found himself attached to the Kholin family, though his role inThe Stormlight Archive has been small thus far. However, his motivations arent totally virtuous: In The Way of Kings, he tells Dalinar that hes willing to see Roshar burn if he can achieve his goals. Still, there are old stories and new whispers that claim that some of the Knights Radiant can send themselves physically into the Cognitive Realm without using a Shardpool. Preservation | Yep, (most of) the Heralds are worldhoppers. They came from Ashyn, another world in the Rosharan system, before taking up their eternal struggle against Odium and the Fused. I always thought that since Demoux was already an Atium misting, he was halfway to Lord Ruler style immortality through Atium compounding. She of the fancy mask is descended from the Malwish, the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere on Scadrial. For Scadrial, what about the possibility of a metal similar to a bendaloy that let's you create a distance bubble, essentially teleport. Alias(es) Like Demoux, Felt is a character from the firstMistborntrilogy: He was one of House Ventures chief spies during the events of The Final Empire, and helps Elend track Vin back to the crew hideout at Clubs shop. Perhaps the ability comes from something else and by focusing on the various magic systems, we're missing something. I edited out the 4 questions not pertaining to the point. On Scadrial, the best I can think of is to politely ask a local deity to sling you into another solar system. He works mostly with Khriss (who is the author of the Ars Arcanum at the end of each book), and plays a role as sort of a Cosmere James Bond.. A warning as always: This series will contain spoilers for all of the Cosmere books published so far. And we have WoB that a terriswoman is also hopping around. Also like Vasher, she features prominently inWarbreaker, as Vivenna. Marsh | With some I do like the idea of Demoux kind of tagging along for the ride via his love interest. When he ventures into the mists for the first time, he is stricken down by them, becoming one of the mistfallen. More interesting than their fruitless search for Hoid is who they are. Maybe that's why Brandon used him rather than the others; there was nothing tying him down. I could imagine using such a "super-Aon" to worldhop, though it can't be easy--you'd need a knowledge of cosmic layout that you'd be hard-pressed to gain without radio telescopes. Web4384 E Ashlan Ave Ste 101 Fresno CA 93726 Toll Free 800 247 1899 US/Canada 559 224 5427 . Assisted by Kelsier's Allomancy, Demoux wins the fight and Kelsier seizes the moment to invigorate his troops by proclaiming that Demoux had the arcane arts the Lord Ruler possessed, that they all might possess. The mistfallen are sorted into their own company due to the superstition and hatred directed towards them by the other soldiers, resulting in a brawl where a man named Bilg punches the general and is executed for it. If there were FTL travel or something then yeah, you would pretty instantaneously notice a difference, but that currently does not exist in the Cosmere. Demoux | The love interest ended up being a terriswoman making eyes at him at the end of HoA. Clubs | Do they just learn a new language for each world? Can someone tell me how he became a Worldhopper and ended up on Roshar? The name doesn't sound Terris to me at all. Whether we get answers in the forthcomingRhythm of War or Brandon is reserving that knowledge for later on in the Cosmere sequence, there is plenty to dig into right now! I will give you hints as you read the books. World hopping is not mentioned in Mistborn that I can recall, so Brandon can introduce it however he wants or not at all. Shai is also another Worldhopper.. if I am not mistaken.. is that confrimed? Thanks! There are around five in words of Radiance,,, Denizen of the Dark Alley, Head of R&D and Marketing. how did demoux become a Press question mark to learn the rest He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. Sign up for a new account in our community. WebUrgently hiring. Hammond | New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He RAFOed a later question about her being a feruchemist. Maybe she dragged Demoux into it. You're my favourite author, and I have a million things I want to ask you, but since I'm not the only one asking questions, I'll ask the ones most important to me. I will have to do some digging. Brandon has addressed Worldhopping; essentially, there are three ways Worldhoppers are able to do what they do: 1) Some are functionally immortal. Do-Gooder This woman, daughter of one of the Terris elders, fell in love with Demoux for his honor and his respectability, and he began to reciprocate. The Cognitive Realm may be a home to dreams and ideas of men, but some of those dreams are nightmares and come with some serious teeth. why did david baker leave forged in fire; stunner ro gravity; taylor morrison laureate park; sierra cosworth colours; degrassi: the next generation adam; gracile Some individuals know that the dangers of ideas are real in the Cognitive Realm. If there is concrete WoB I'd like to see it. There are others in many other Cosmere stories, including a few that we see people actually go through during those stories. Q. What would happen if the concentrated power would harm or kill? I don't know for sure, but Atium compounding is my head-canon. Origin Through research and help from friends I have learned that almost all world hoppers are from other cosmere books. Ruthless and violent, but also cunning, Hopper thinks nothing of killing ants, whom he considers lower than dirt, and his manner of speaking to Princess Atta is reminiscent of an abusive boyfriend mocking his terrified girlfriend. There is an article by Drew McCaffrey on Worldhoppers here. last i saw him was in the end of HoA with a broken leg. So to become a worldhopper one need a lot of investiture, much more than what is normally available. I don't think being an atium misting specifically makes you a better worldhopper though. In some cases, like in my Cosmere Primer, Ill be drawing on Words of Brandon (WoBs) for further information. New Zealand. I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you. He is the leader of the grasshoppers and Flik's arch-nemesis. They aren't actually hopping between worlds, they are trudging between worlds in the cosmere.[20]. Is felt a worldhopper? Q. As for known worldhoppers on roshar, there is the guy who made the map of alloy of law, and rescued jasnah stuff from under the ocean. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Also, the Shards got to the Shardworlds some how. Now here's the distinction. Ya, link was RAFO. I heard someone say a person had to have access to magic system or investirue..But does that mean for one Demoux is some type of access to magic.. This is a very interesting question. I think SH will become part of Arcanum Unbound, the Cosmere collection that will come out later this year. N/A Alexandra, 9320 Demoux I could have sworn there was some hubbub a while ago that the name of a one of Strafes servants was mentioned as a soldier at the end of WoR. Demoux had enough contact with the crew to make him memorable, but unless he became more involved in Survivorism, he didn't have a major role to do. It speeds or slows the passage of time relative to absolute time for a small bubble. The whispers of the Cryptics warn of the dangers that their fellows present. Some of them are using tricks of *searches for correct word* relativistic time travel to move forward in the future. Marasi Colms | But as the peoples of these worlds grow, it becomes more and more likely that others will eventually learn of the secrets of the Shardpools. Besides that, I suppose Demoux was the surviving cast member not otherwise occupied. Alexandra Office They restore order and lend organization to the Terris people who had been flooded with refugees. Is it said anywhere that Worldhopping has to be tied to the particular magic system of their world? Knowing how loyalDemouxis, he wouldn't just leave Aslydin behind like that. Offices: It's the one that says "corrosive: contains traces of Odium, press at own risk". It's also possible that, despite alternate, Scadrian ways to get between planets, Worldhoppers tend to use a single system which allows for buddies tagging along, or is focused/usable through devices or artifacts rather than or in addition to people. So I read a WoB that says caption demoux from the Mistborn series is "thinker" from the interlude about the members of the 17th shard chasing hoid. I always thought that since Demoux was already an Atium misting, he was halfway to Lord Ruler style immortality through Atium compounding. (laughter) Thats a good question, the answer is no. Demoux was named for a personal friend of Brandon Sanderson's, Micah DeMoux, who also took the photographs of Brandon for the book jackets. How is he alive? PS: I didn't read Secret History, does anyone know if it is in another format than Ebook? Now, while there have been worldhoppers in nearly every published Cosmere work, no book or series has seen as much crossover among the worlds asThe Stormlight Archive. The comment section is sure to be full of spoilers as well, so tread carefully! This is an interesting idea to me. While Iyatil wasnt born on Scadrial herselfshe was born in the Cognitive Realm city of Silverlightshe clearly still adheres to cultural traditions from Scadrial. Shallan Davar | This is just a wild guess, but maybe Demoux is a worldhopper because of his girlfriend. Well after some digging, I can find nothing. Also, I haven't read Row yet so please no spoilers for that one :D. Worldhoppers employ various means to become functionally immortal. Many Americans favored to see such landmarks as the "American dream" and "American freedom" embodied in countries with older cultural I shall have to watch it closely. Despite being almost a member of the crew, Demoux In the Cognitive Realm, they are a horde; most are more like forces of nature rather than beings of intellect. When I pressed it (without wanting to) there was a -1 that appeared at the bottom of your, Magestar. Can't remember if Raoden glowed less in Sarene's country. But the events of Wok happened hundreds of years after the events of HoA. Who knows, but it would be interesting for Demoux girlfriend to also be a worldhopper. A subreddit to discuss all aspects of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. There is this one, where he RAFOed it, but he clarified later on, if I remember correctly. but that still don't tell us how it actually is done. Some people you meet, you'll notice Sel is nearly impossible to visit, and very dangerous at that. He I know that one of them was Galladon from Elantris and another was Demeaux from the Mistborn trilogy. Yes, with an asterisk. The Feruchemental property of Atium stores age, so compounders can use it to make themselves younger. Because most of the time what you're doing is you're leaving a planet and going into the Cognitive Realm, where for the most part you're going to have the same sort of feelings of gravity and then you are walking slowly through Shadesmar to another place and you're not even noticing the minute changes. Ships in a business day with tracking. I should also add that Feruchemists (or maybe also just normal Scadrians) would have access to it too: He later added that she is to be found in. The most prominent of them is Mraize,the man Shallan has been most in contact with. Travel across the cosmere is difficult and dangerous. However, subtlety is often a more powerful tool in making things happen. Another confirmed worldhopper appears inThe Way of Kings, though just for a brief moment and not in a major role. Perhaps Elsecallers and Willshapers can use Shadesmar like a sort of warp space, allowing them to leap across cosmic distances. The -din suffix in particular suggests a Rosharan origin to the name. Do worldhoppers take time to adjust to the different gravity of a new world? For all we know, all the Harolds could be but we don't have any clear evidence. Demoux and his men then charged the incoming koloss forces with Elend, fighting with the power and determination of an army of Allomancers ablaze with atium. and then there are the three guys that were looking for hoid in the way of kings (galladon, demoux, and someone we don't know). Yeden, Stormlight Archive WebSo Brandon has confirmed that Demoux's partner from The Hero of Ages, Aslydin, is a worldhopper and a member of the 17th shard, and that her name's ethnicity "should Baon joined The Seventeenth Shard sometime after the events of White Sand. ah ok thanks! Scadrial had a pretty active Worldhopper scene via trade through the perpendicularity in the Pits of Hathsin, so it's possible he got involved with that and moved off-world (although that all became way more difficult after the pits got destroyed so maybe it was something else). He could just play the god card and say that Demoux was world hopped by Harmony because Harmony needed him elsewhere. PO Box 91 N/A There is speculation right now that Atium actually is the method for World hoping among Scadrians. Sylphrena | Also, to my knowledge, there is no indication thatThe Way of Kings takes place too long after HoA. I think I found the WoB you were talking about. When Elend arrives, he discovers that the mistfallen had not been stricken down by the mists for nothing - they had been Snapped, awakening the Allomantic powers of a Seer (an atium misting) in all of them, including Demoux. So no idea. The only reference I can find to it is from the "What Non-Rosharan Would Like to See On Roshar Thread". What am I missing? I wonder if we're ever gunna see any misting powers or aonDor on Roshar. The fact that Brandon even highlighted the fact that the ethnicity of the name is off suggests that it's probably offworld, with -din suggesting Rohsar. The short answer is Shadesmar. If anyone has any idea who the other one was I am quite curious. Felt is also on Roshar, so maybe they left at a similar time. It's easy! Is burning Atium related to Scadrian worldhopping?Brandon Sanderson. They can warp time in the same way that gravity, large masses, can warp time.[15]. He is native to Scadrial, but hes been around for a while, and his motives are up in the air. 122: Miami (Ohio) Miami RedHawks football to meet Ohio . Felt from Mistborn is also a possible worldhopper in WoR. Attributes and AbilitiesEdit. Hoid is such a master. It is possible that the only way he can reasonably be tracked is by watching the points where he can travel. Thanks a lot for doing this, Brandon. Last week, Alice and Megan took a hard look at all of the secret societies operating on Roshar. Is Demoux the Kandra? Although I'd say that investiture is involved in it, since every known worldhopper was already a magic user before. Knights Radiant | Worlds may ever push to expand their borders, seeing opportunity in the lands of beyond. There are likely others out there that traverse the worlds beyond their home. The only possible exception would be travelers from Sel. So to become a worldhopper Oh I hadn't thought of that, he has also said we've seen Rosharan worldhoppers before without knowing it so that's possible. Obviously the other person with Galladon and Demoux. It's supposed to be quite difficult on Sel, most theories for Scadrial involve one of the god metals being involved, no idea of how it could work on Nalthis except potentially the flowers being involved. EDIT: I should also add that Feruchemists (or maybe also just normal Scadrians) would have access to it too: There's a Terriswoman running around, if you keep your eyes open. As revealed inOathbringer, not every worldhopper goes from Physical Realm to Physical Realm on other worlds. he shows up in Way of Kings, actually, looking for Hoid. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 12/31/2020 at 0:55 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said. Is there one universal language? His babsk, Iyatil, is even more mysterious. Worldhopping could take you outside of time, so the whole time difference isn't necessarily a problem. Anyway, it's just really surprising we didn't spot Vasher as a potential worldhopper before WoR was released*shrug*. The weekly need for Breath played a part in his relocation to Roshar, where Stormlight ismuch easierand more ethicalto acquire than Breaths on Nalthis. Perhaps like so many things in the Cosmere, using the Shardpools in this way is more about intent, rather than physical limitation. A community to discuss the fantasy series The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson, along with other Cosmere-related works. People who are getting between planets either are individuals with no physical form as it's currently basically just the Shards, right, or are getting there through Shadesmar, basically by walking or riding or something like that. Though Kelsier attempts to kill Bilg through Demoux, Demoux resists, and Kelsier soon changes his mind, allowing Bilg to live. All the Cognitive Realm is dangerous for the physical bodies that walk the dark paths, but Sel is far more so even than Roshar. Demoux and his troops arrive at the Pits of Hathsin where the Terris survivors have settled. If you imagine a lobster talking, it probably has a British accent. The philosophers of the various worlds often discuss the dangers and natures of ideas among a population. After asking Kaladin what Heightening he was and using the curse Merciful Domi!, it became clear that Riino was much more than just a Rosharan who decided to divine the future in Shadesmar. Kelsier's Crew | He is fromWhite Sand. (I had this crazy theory, which I wrote up at one point with details but don't remember any more, is that he and Spook gained access to spikes for Feruchemy - or even a host with full Feruchemy built into it - via the First Generation of kandra, who were originally human Feruchemists like Rashek had been, and perhaps still were on a Spiritual or Cognitive level the way we see former koloss appearing as human again in Secret History), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Chris King (Miyabi) Right, the one from a future book. I should add that it is suspected that Scadrian Worldhopping might not have anything to do with Allomancy at all, or at least that all Allomancers has access to it, independent of their own ability. Tricks of * searches for correct word * relativistic time travel to forward! Name does n't sound Terris how did demoux become a worldhopper me at all of the Cryptics warn the... How loyalDemouxis, he is native to Scadrial, but the events of HoA a... 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