Cactus forests grow in the dry lowlands, while the uplands are covered with thick, moist vegetation, such as ferns and mosses. These pretty little sea lions are only found on the Galapagos. With the red-lipped pout of a Hollywood star, it is speculated that these lips have evolved to lure in mates under the sea. Aside from this beguiling balloon-like feature, the frigatebirdâs glide gives it away. Compared to other penguin subspecies, these are pretty unique. The Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is endemic to the islands of the Galapagos and is... 3. In the Galápagos, they frequent both coral reefs and the tidepools that form among seaside rocks; but youâll need to keep your eyes peeled to spot these sneaky cephalopods. A red-footed boobie finds a perch on National Geographic Expeditions traveler. Thanks for the info! Many say that these islands are a bird-watchers paradise. A great way to make your way around the Galapagos archipelago, spotting wildlife is with a tour. 6. If you have seen photos of the Galápagos Islands before, you likely already know that the Galápagos are famous for their giant tortoises. Being so playful and inquisitive, these cute animals are often compared to pet dogs! Some of the most famous animals on the islands are the Galapagos tortoises. They are the smallest of all small-eared seals, with the females only reaching 1.2 meters. Galapagos Islands Facts. (April 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template messageThis is a list of animals that live in the Galápagos Islands But the best sightings often happen underwater, where these curious creatures are prone to playing with snorkelers and divers. With about 200 left in existence, the species hovers on the brink of extinction and is especially vulnerable due to the volcanic activity in its ecosystem. Here’s what to look for: The Galapagos fur seal has a short snout, but sea lions have a longer snout Fur seals, as the name would suggest, have a very thick coat Sea lions prefer to lay in the sun, whereas fur seals prefer the shade Most Galapagos fur seals live on Fernandina and Isabela islands… Giant tortoises were once so abundant that Spanish explorers named the islands for them. 23. The archipelagos consists of 20 islands with only 4 being inhabited. Facts of Galapagos Islands. They are true giants! The Galápagos Islands are a group of 19 islands and more than 100 islets and rocks in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,000km off the coast of Ecuador in South America. They now roam freely across several islands, and are most likely to be spotted on a trip into the highlands of Isla Santa Cruz. Horribly, they are widely hunted, nearing extinction. The Galapagos Islands National Park and Galapagos Marine Reserve protect the majority of... Galapagos Islands Wildlife. A very loyal bird, they mate for life. The Waved Albatross is famous for their courtship ritual, which includes rapid beak clacking and the emitting of some funny “whoo-hoo” noises. Engaging interactive activities use Charles Darwin’s historic trip to challenge students to think like a scientist. From sea lions to marine iguanas, learn about the incredible array of biodiversity to be seen on a trip to the Galapagos Islands! Giant Tortoises. You can find her on LinkedIn. The Galapagos archipelago is perhaps one of the most bio-diverse places on earth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Take a look at our pick of the weird and wonderful Galapagos Islands animals that have perfectly adapted to island life. Your email address will not be published. The Galapagos tortoise are best spotted on Santa Cruz but can easily be found on most islands. Galapagos marine iguana swimming These pretty little sea lions are only found on the Galapagos. Another vibrant avian beauty, flamingos are among the rare Galápagos creatures that show shyness around humans. Tucan Travel offer a range of Galapagos Island tours that begin in Quito, Ecuador. Normally a dark black colour but in mating season that all changes. South America Species View all tours to the Galapagos Islands here. 17% of Galapagos fish species are endemic to the Galapagos Islands. Not all iguanas in the Galapagos... 3. Galapagos Penguins At 30cm in length and with a large pair of venomous jaws, the endemic centipede (Scolopendra galapagoensis) is among the Islands' most feared animals . Marine iguanas,... 2. The Galapagos Tortoise Marine Iguanas. Galápagos giant tortoise numbers are on the rise in the archipelago. One of the largest birds in South America and the biggest in the Galapagos, the Waved Albatross has a wingspan of 2.5 meters! Roxy is part of the marketing team for Tucan Travel. Galapagos Islands is considered as home to some of the astonishing and breath-taking wildlife in the world. With brown wings and a white body and head, the contrast is striking. Two types of frigatebird can be found across the archipelagoâthe great and the magnificentâand males from both species sport a resplendent red throat pouch during the mating season. Understand what makes these Islands so special with our range of interesting information and trivia. The Sally Lightfoot crab's rainbow shell makes it no easier to catch. Can be found diving all over, but prefer Fernandina and Isabela. Itâs not uncommon to see several sea turtles while snorkeling or kayaking in the Galápagosâcertain bays are teeming with them. In the mating season, their red throat pouches puff up to an incredible size, attempting to attract a mate. The unique species found here are perfect examples of nature’s bizarre solutions to evolution. Lava Lizard The swallow-tailed gull (Creagrus furcatus) breeds primarily on Wolf, Genovesa, and Esapanola Islands in the Galapagos. A cruise to the famed Galapagos Islands is a once in a lifetime opportunity and a mecca for wildlife buffs. Adaptation, evolution, endemism and fearlessness are probably the concepts that best describe the only animals that complement the natural magic of the Galapagos Islands. Your email address will not be published. The frigatebird can soar for hours without a single wing flap. The islands offer you the chance to see many fascinating species of mammals, birds, and reptiles. They typically live for over 100 years in the wild. Each year when they find their way back to each other, they repeat the elaborate dance performed the first time they courted – which can sometimes last for hours! Galapagos Animals . However, the fauna of the Galapagos Islands is much more extensive. There are only 1000 left on the Galapagos Islands and are now one of the rarest birds in the world. Once hunted by pirates and whalers for ship sustenance, Galápagos giant tortoises are staging a comeback in the archipelago, thanks to captive breeding efforts conducted by the locally based Charles Darwin Research Station. It is basically located in the West Coast of South America. Apart from a few small differences, they are very similar to the Galapagos Sea Lion – most notably their thick fur coat. The isles are mainly well known for their wildlife, flightless birds, giant reptiles and wild plant life which play a major part in the earths ecosystem. The Magnificent Frigate Bird definitely lives up to its name – the males especially! As the name suggests, these distinctive birds have bright blue feet! Horribly, they are widely hunted, nearing extinction. They are often found lazing in the sun on the the white sandy beaches, earning top-spot for the most photogenic animal found on the Galapagos Islands! A large number of unique animal species are present in this dynamic island. And the animals here are not your ordinary type – they are very unique, many you can only find in this part of the world. Some tortoises live to be well over 150 years old! All rights reserved. So of course the number one reason for visiting these little dots of paradise is to see the animals. Travelers from all across the globe come here to spot the islands’ incredible variety of endemic animals. Following is the list of 10 Endemic Animals of Galapagos Islands. For many visitors to the Galapagos Islands, it’s … These scale clad reptiles are endemic to the Galapagos Islands. There are three species of snakes in Galapagos and all are endemic to the islands. Octopi are masters of disguise, possessing the ability to change colorsâand even texturesâto match their surroundings. A great way to make your way around the Galapagos archipelago, spotting wildlife is with a tour. A marine bird which only lands to breed but is regularly seen on the Galapagos Islands. They are thought to weigh in the region of 250-250kg, and live longer than any other animal on the planet. Like a lot of Galapagos animals, they have an abundance of food and no predators, so they have no fear or reason to flee. Apart from a few small differences, they are very similar to the Galapagos Sea Lion – most notably their thick fur coat. There are 6 subspecies of Marine Iguanas, each one living on a different island. This is near the top of my list!! Five Astounding Animal Adaptations in the Galapagos Islands By Matt Kareus Pretty much everyone knows by now that the strange creatures that Charles Darwin encountered in the Galapagos Islands in the early 19th century played a crucial role in the development of his world-changing theory of evolution by natural selection. It was visiting the Galapagos that inspired Charles Darwin to create the Theory of Evolution! The Galapagos Batfish is actually not much of a swimmer! Compared to the enormity of the Amazon Basin, Galapagos is a very small archipelago lost far out in the ocean. Remarkably, they are the only Cormorant in the world to lose its ability to fly. The Galapagos Islands are a living laboratory where most of the animals and birds have no fear of man. Like a lot of Galapagos animals, they have an abundance of food and no predators, so they have no fear or reason to flee. Galapagos Land Iguana – Galapagos Animals Plants and Animals Because the Galápagos are so isolated, the plants and animals found there are very unusual. These penguins are the only one of their species to live in a tropical climate, north of the equator. They alternately lift each blue foot and strut around the female, trying hard to grab her attention. Facts Continent Interesting Galapagos Islands facts: some people speculate that marine iguanas inspired the tales told... Galapagos Penguins. As mentioned above, Galapagos has its own uniqueness including the animals inhabit there. They stand proud at just below a meter and have temperaments a lot more gentle and docile than the others. Choose from a 7 or 8 day cruise that focuses on either the North, East, South or West islands, or chose a more in depth 11 day tour to take in more of the archipelagos. A small number of birds also breed on Malpelo Island off the coast of Colombia. Thinking about a trip to the Galapagos Islands? Over 400 species of fish have been recognized in the Galapagos, with 41 species unique to the islands. These rainbow beauties hang out in the surf on most islands, and while they may be easy to spot against achromatic sands, getting close is a different story. 10. Fur seals are a close cousin to the sea lion, primarily distinguished by their smaller size, thicker coats, and the shapes of their ears, eyes, and snouts. Did you know that the islands are named after the Galapagos tortoise? A ubiquitous mascot of the Galápagos, sea lions make their presence known throughout the archipelago and are particularly charming when you happen upon them communing with humans on settled isles. Galapagos land iguana in rock formation Perhaps this is due to over-fishing and poaching for their fins, which– when combined with their slow reproductive rate– has landed the species on the IUCN’s Near Threatened list. And the animals here are not your ordinary type – they are very unique, many you can only find in this part of the world. Though large Galapagos Sharks can be aggressive, the smaller ones we have seen while snorkeling were among the most human-shy of all the Galapagos Islands animals. Here are 11 awesome native animals … These are the facts we can only find in Galapagos: 1. They can weigh up to a hefty 417 kg – the largest recorded being nearly 6 feet long! Learn Galapagos Islands facts with NatGeo Expeditions. They’re so famous that the islands are named after these grand animals. If you hurry, they hurry. Their escapist abilities are so legendary, John Steinbeck once wrote of them: âIf you walk slowly, they move slowly ahead of you in droves. 1. Galápagos Wildlife: Common Sightings and Rare Finds, They aren’t very agile on land but are great swimmers and the only lizard in the world who can forage at sea! You can find her on LinkedIn here. Other birds need to guard their supplies around them as they have a tendency to steal! Going on a Galapagos tour is like walking into a David Attenborough documentary! Amazingly, they can spend years at sea without reaching land, but come to Espanola to mate. Galápagos tortoises are some of the largest tortoises, being a similar size to the only other living species of giant tortoise, the Aldabra giant tortoise. Click here to see our tours. Only a few hundred live throughout the islands, and to spot one youâll have to venture inland, to one of the brackish lagoons where they feed on crustaceansâthe food that gives the birds their pink plumage. Read our top 10 interesting facts about the UNESCO awarded Galapagos Islands. If you visit the Galapagos Islands during mating season, you might get to see their spectacular dancing skills. The Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) is a ‘hairy-tailed bat’ that is resident on the Galapagos Islands. They crawl along the bottom of the ocean on pectoral and pelvic fins, searching for prey. Try spotting them from Zodiacs as you cruise by the western islesâ coastal cliffs, or watch for them as they fish under the light of your ship late at night. They are the smallest of all small-eared seals, with the females only reaching 1.2 meters. 22. Marine Iguana The archipelagos consists of 20 islands with only 4 being inhabited. The first habitants of the islands: It is presumed that tortoises arrived floating with the ocean currents, while iguanas and other small animals possibly latched onto tree trunks or other natural rafts and were dropped by the currents as well. Located in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, the Galapagos Islands are almost 620 miles from the American continent. Going on a Galapagos tour is like walking into a David Attenborough documentary! tours which combine Peru and the Galapagos, Heading in to the Jungle : Zoe’s Gorilla Adventure. Roxy is part of the marketing team for Tucan Travel. They’ve been caught snatching food from others mouths and even eating their newly born chicks! The Galapagos Islands are a bird watcher’s paradise. Sadly, one of the only animals in the Galapagos Islands to be fearful of people. They've captivated visitors since Charles Darwin visited in 1835, but how much do you really know? This bird has black and brown feathers, piercing blue eyes, a deep growling voice and wings that are too small to fly. This article includes a list of references, related reading or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations. Animals of the Galapagos Islands The abundance of friendly and plentiful wildlife makes the Galapagos Islands a perfect destination for animal lovers. Visiting the Galápagos Islands is like walking into the middle of a wildlife documentary. Sea lion, Galapagos penguin, Giant tortoise, Great white shark, Leatherback turtle, Sei whale It is also the largest bat normally found in Canada.The Hoary Bat averages 13 to 14.5 centimetres (5 to 5.7 inches) long with a 40 centimetre (15.7 inches) wingspan and a weight of 26 grams (0.9 ounces). Galápagos tortoises are among the world’s longest-lived animals. She has been travelling solo for years, predominantly around Asia, Indonesia and Europe. When you plunge at them, they seem to disappear in a puff of blue smoke.â. Galapagos Iguana To maximize your chances, visit during the hatching season (between December and April). Read about some of the other creatures you could see on one of our trips to the Galápagos. To give one illustration, the Amazon is home to over three hundred species of reptiles: Galapagos has only iguanas, tortoises, lava lizards, geckos and snakes. Related to other Batfish species but endemic to the Galapagos Islands, this funky looking fish is very unique. Pink land iguanas rank among the archipelagoâs most elusive creatures; their habitat spans just 15 square miles across the slopes of the active Wolf Volcano on Isla Isabela. Galapagos Tortoises 2. Galapagos Finches They are often found lazing in the sun on the the white sandy beaches, earning top-spot for the most photogenic animal found on the Galapagos Islands! The Galapagos Islands are known for their unique array of wildlife, and they are home to many species that are not found in any other place in the world. If you come toward the end of that span, you might even see hatchlings emerging from their eggs. Being so playful and inquisitive, these cute animals are often compared to pet dogs! But there is one key difference that makes them relatively elusive in the Galápagos: their propensity to hunt at night and sleep amid rocky crevices during the day. She has been travelling solo for years, predominantly around Asia, Indonesia and Europe. Legend has it that the name “Galápago” comes from the old Spanish word for “saddle,” which refers to the big old saddles tortoises wear on their backs. The Galapagos Islands: facts, animals & travel bloggers The Galapagos National Park. Animals Colorful Animals Pet Birds Galapagos Islands Animals Galapagos Crab Weird Animals Animals Wild Marine Iguana 22 Sally Lightfoot Crab Facts: Guide to Galapagos's Grapsus grapsus Sally lightfoot crabs are reddish-orange with a baby blue underbelly. And the Galapagos... 3 ( as scavengers ) on a Galapagos tour is like walking the. ’ that is resident on the Galapagos animals of the galapagos islands facts Lion – most notably their thick coat... From the American continent to pet dogs inline citations Zoe ’ s bizarre solutions to evolution trees eat... Are so isolated, the Waved Albatross has a wingspan of 2.5 meters hundred live the... ( Lasiurus cinereus ) is a ‘ hairy-tailed Bat ’ that is resident on the Galapagos archipelago part! 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