The average difference in angle determination between the two methods was 0.9°; the maximum difference was 3°. Orthopaedic interest in humeral torsion goes back to the 70's. Epub 2017 May 8. Line aa* denotes starting position, postulated toy the writer. �w �e�$oy��,^����>������>\7cN��?Zx�d{/�Z��Fij�M���2AJ��)%\���z��Ƣ�r�xs�s�ؑ��_|k����b;+�RT�^���ԥj�6A��;}e����;�c=W:?Z��(���.��"
�o��Y���5-f"O*6�I�b�/ Tönnis D, Heinecke A. Acetabular and femoral anteversion: relationship with osteoarthritis of the hip. Measurement Methods for Humeral Retroversion Using Two-Dimensional Computed Tomography Scans: Which Is Most Concordant with the Standard Method? In this study, the parameters of the humerus were measured using CT. 2016 Oct;10(10):AC06-AC09. Currently imaging is required to quantify the HT angle, however, factors such as cost and non-availability of imaging to musculoskeletal clinicians limits its use. In 1971 DEBEVOISE et al. Determining Torsion Angle of Humerus Head Using MRI Method - PubMed Considering intersocietal anatomic differences, our study may shed light on torsion angle for Turkey by determining mean torsion angle value. Polster JM, Bullen J, Obuchowski NA, Bryan JA, Soloff L, Schickendantz MS. Am J Sports Med. Despite a wide variation in the humeral torsion angle among the specimens from the different cadavera, the angle varied little between the two normal humeri of the same individual (mean side-to … 3 ). However, little information is available regarding detailed changes in HTA and actual shoulder range of motion during the growth period. In general, increased humeral torsion angle was positively associated with increased IR ROM and decreased ER ROM ( Fig. 2006 Apr;73(2):77-84. Shoulder Elbow. After that, posteroanterior semi-axial radiographs of both humerus bones of 40 healthy volunteers were taken by positioning their arms in 20° abduction to the X-ray axis. 2013 Dec;99(8):887-94. doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2013.08.008. [Three-dimensional geometry of the proximal humerus and rotator cuff attachment and its utilization in shoulder arthroplasty]. The exact cause of this posterior translation is as yet unknown and is likely to be multifactorial. NIH Our own studies on this subject started in 1976 (13-16). Epub 2013 Nov 8. | H�|UM��8�ϯxG#e�4_�%�KVZe�A�C��
�#0ә�1$?q�����(; p�*�z� Influence of glenoid component design and humeral component retroversion on internal and external rotation in reverse shoulder arthroplasty: a cadaver study. Differences between results in terms of sex and age groups were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U test. Humeral torsion and retroversion in the literature: A reply to Larson 1995. Would you like email updates of new search results? The magnitude of humeral torsion (HT) affects the internal and external rotation range of motion at the shoulder. Clin Orthop Surg. torsion angle across the geographical locations (Figures ,, , and ). In an evolutionary context, humeral torsion refers to the orientation (angle) of the humeral head relative to the mediolateral axis of the distal humerus (Larson, 2007; Rhodes, 2007). Materials and methods: endstream
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The angle of humeral torsion may be determined in living subjects by computerised axial tomography, in conjunction with immobilisation of the arm on a rigid board. •Because of the internally rotated resting position of the scapula on the thorax, retroversion of the humeral head increases congruence of the GH joint. | RESULTS Average humeral torsion angles of 27±10° (dominant side) and 31±10° (non-dominant side) were demonstrated in this elite swimming cohort. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/22121.8672. Well, if total motion is the same (180 degrees) we can measure the amount of difference in either the ER or IR, you see that there is a 15 degree gain in ER and subsequent loss of 15 degrees of IR. Comparison between right and le sides of ... revealed that humeral torsion is inversely proportional to weight,length,andmid-sha circumferenceofthehumer-us. The angles between line A and B, and between line C and D were taken as torsion of the humeral head and glenoid version respectively. How did I come up with that? 1990 Apr;(253):113-7. posterior humeral head subluxation. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. 1995;81(5):419-27. We think that our outcomes can be used as a reference for prosthesis design and shoulder joint prosthesis replacement. The humeral torsion angle (HTA) was calculated using axial MRI images. In general, increased humeral torsion was positively associated with increased internal rotation (IR) and decreased external rotation (ER) ROM. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Another factor posited to contribute to Little League Shoulder is the angle of humeral retrotorsion. Angle of torsion=30 degrees posteriorly 32. %�R���g��ݧ���>�F�Mt*�}�)�R�~���
i��w�Nw�,��@�����W%�?�)������wE�0��B�J�>߽~���.��N��W���z]�i�Tt����Lu,�߇�Ϯ[[?���ƽ0��V�v8.��7p����ʤ�>uoit��&�Œ(� Hromádka R, Pokorný D, Popelka S, Jahoda D, Sosna A. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. Get the latest public health information from CDC:, Get the latest research information from NIH:, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: Players had statistically significant (P<.001) side-to-side difference in humeral head version, with an average of 10.6° greater retroversion in their throwing arm compared to their non-throwing arm.A significant side-to-side difference was not observed in the control group (average difference, 2.3°; P = .197). 34. So the humerus must be retroverted 15 degrees. Epub 2013 Jun 20. Humeral torsion describes the angular difference between the orientation of the proximal humeral head and the axis of the elbow at the distal humerus. Hcc #�AEY�)T(�������4��i4)jn_�T��ú 36572+ Manuscript submission, 9855+ Research Paper Published, 100+ Articles from over 100 Countries Mean mechanical lateral distal humeral angle, mechanical caudal proximal humeral angle, and mechanical cranial distal humeral angle were 89.5 ± 3.5°, 50.2 ± 4.5°, and 72.9 ± 7.8°, respectively, and did not differ from corresponding radiographic measurements. Moreover, this study indicated that HTA can be successfully measured using MRI. Angle of inclination Angle of torsion 33. Angles p , and nr are torsion angles as mea sured toy various authors. the individual to the degree of torsion of the humerus • 11 Superimposed proximal and distal ends of a 123 left humerus. 2018; 28 (4):678–684. Results: The glenohumeral internal rotation (IR) angle and external rotation (ER) angle were measured at 90° shoulder abduction, and HTA was assessed using indirect ultrasonographic techniques. The humeral torsion angle (HTA) was calculated using axial MRI images. STUDY OF ANGLE OF HUMERAL TORSION - Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research(PIJR) PIJR is a double reviewed monthly print journal that accepts research works Angle of inclination=130-150 degrees 2. Results: The profile of the intertubercular sulcus tangent line of the humeral head and the axis of the distal humerus was identified as the most accurate method for assessing the precision of torsion during MIS for humeral … Measurements The humeral torsion angle is the obtuse angle formed between the orientation of the hu- meral head and the orientation of the distal condyles of the humerus (fig.1a–d). The present study showed no correlation between the torsion angle and the length of the humerus. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. The side-to-side difference in HTA (d-HTA), glenohumeral ER difference (GERD), and glenohumeral IR … This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Clin Orthop Relat Res. No significant differences were found between gender and age groups. HHS Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. The identified associations include altered glenoid version [1], decreased humeral torsion [2], and variations in proximal humeral and acromial morphologies [3]. v�����2T������ӱ'U\��-�fh�
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2013 Sep;41(9):2015-21. doi: 10.1177/0363546513493249. Anthropological interest in humeral torsion has a long history, and several functional explanations for observed variation in the orientation of the humeral head have been proposed. Meanwhile, we have measured the angle of humeral … The humeral torsion angle (HTA) of throwing athletes is known to be greater on the throwing side than on the non-throwing side. A 3D comparison of humeral head retroversion by sex and measurement technique. RESULTS: Average humeral torsion angles of 27±10° (dominant side) and 31±10° (non-dominant side) were demonstrated in this elite swimming cohort. Transverse scans of each humerus through the proximal and distal ends were obtained in 28 control subjects. Results. The differences of humeral torsion angle and the glenohumeral rotation angles between young right-handed and left-handed pitchers. J … Hence angle of humeral torsion is 74 ° Humeral torsion viewed from above: O- original position of long axis of head lying at right angle to long axis of lower end (not drawn) on rotation of inner surface anteriorly the long axis of head lies at new position (N) torsion having occurred through 74°. 2017 Jun;9(2):223-231. doi: 10.4055/cios.2017.9.2.223. SS �+�9Q���O� ��O���l����o�S���yQ ��}�e��v)�W�b�°���k��0�ּ�J�Jxwx���B�V��JX݁u�ۇ����t�݊9��$��}����I�a�
N�O ��Φ�Sq�p�P�kw|�9X�r�W7����U��W�8�n2�P�������Dy/$��Le"mf� �H�'PE����B�0�Eʿ��|���,�~ [Humeral retroversion and shoulder prosthesis]. HTA median value was 19.5 degrees (25th to 75th percentile: 8.3 degrees-30.5 degrees; range: -4 degrees to 41 degrees) in all healthy volunteers. First, by using a specially developed frame, the humeral head retroversion angles (HRAs) of 20 dry humeri were measured by an anatomist and an orthopedist. The reconstructed model can be used to restore the physiological magnitude of humeral torsion and measure the alpha angle of the humerus. Results indicate humeral torsion angles bilaterally of approximately 30° (dominant: 27 ± 10°; non-dominant: 31 ± 10°) . [Google Scholar] 46. The gender of the bones was also determined... Observations: The humeral torsion is greater in the male than in the female and greater on right side than left side humeri possibly because most individuals are right handed. OM��J|ǚv!w$�}�oI�]6�i*1'��f��������Èv#�LA7ޢ�N�Y,�|Lr�k�@��~#Y����ޒ� J��BI.��Wr��O�����{�M�G�{�2���z�C�2���9s���};�9\}�J���3!y%��M)��
5�iD�0�/��1)d)���b��NX>�n��_�Υ���{����m��.kPi�x�y�p.�%﨏K���~;��. West EA, Knowles NK, Athwal GS, Ferreira LM. 2018 Jul;10(3):192-200. doi: 10.1177/1758573217711897. NLM Moreover, we also think that this study will provide benefits in examining pathologies related to the shoulder joint, such as recurrent anterior dislocation syndrome. ANGLES: 1. Epub 2016 Oct 1. Considering intersocietal anatomic differences, our study may shed light on torsion angle for Turkey by determining mean torsion angle value. Retroversion of the humeral head in the normal shoulder and its relationship to the normal range of motion. Humeral torsion d Release Point Low torsion High torsion a Figure 4 | Humeral torsion and throwing performance. Background/aim: Differences between results in terms of sex and age groups were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U test. Additionally, the growth plate is more susceptible to torsion than it is to tension. The median HTA was 21.5 degrees (25th to 75th percentile: 7.8 degrees -28 degrees; range: -4 degrees to 36 degrees) in females, while it was 18.5 degrees (25th to 75th percentile: 7.5 degrees-32.3 degrees; range: 2 degrees to 41 degrees) in males. The angle formed by a line drawn through the center of the longitudinal axis of the neck and head of the humerus meeting a line drawn along the transverse axis of the condyles, when the base is viewed from above, looking straight down from above the head of the humerus; the normal angle of retroversion of the humerus is 20 to 40 degrees. Moreover, this study indicated that HTA can be successfully measured using MRI. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. were the first to suggest a relationship between humeral torsion and shoulder instability (3). a–c Low humeral torsion shifts the shoulder rotational ROM externally (a), enabling increased negative work during arm-cocking to be stored as elastic energy (b), and ©2013 To measure the torsion angle of the humerus using images obtained via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in healthy volunteers and to evaluate outcomes with respect to sex and age groups. endstream
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Lines xx* and toto* represent the long axes of proximal and distal ends, respectively. Conclusion: [Results] The average angle of the glenoid version was -4.26° on the throwing side and -1.18° on the non-throwing side. Epub 2017 Jun 6. J Clin Diagn Res. angle between these two lines was measured at least 3 times for each scan. In this scenario the amount of humeral retroversion is 15 degrees. The study consisted of 36 healthy adults (18 males and 18 females aged between 20 and 68 years). Study Of Angle Of Humeral Torsion,Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research(PIJR) PIJR is a double reviewed monthly print journal that accepts research works. | A recent case study suggested a rapid change in the humeral retrotorsion angle … Mean humeral curvature was 20.4 ± 4.4° (range, 9.6° to 30.5°). Determining Angle of Humeral Torsion Using Image Software Technique. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. the amount of rotation of a long bone along its axis or between two axes, measured in degrees; when this angle is oriented anteriorly, it is referred to as the angle of anteversion and most commonly describes the femur; when this angle is oriented posteriorly, it is the angle of retroversion and most commonly describes the humerus. In general, increased humeral torsion was positively associated with increased internal rotation (IR) and decreased external rotation (ER) ROM. H���Qo� ���+�#H1�i][U�Tm��6�%n�-�+'U���iҹ��J6.|�p�i�gNO��a�����,���$5��x�1Ǜ3%��)"���1��Z�C Relationship between humeral torsion and injury in professional baseball pitchers. Recent clinical studies have revived this topic by linking patterns of humeral torsion to … This angle is measured at the intersection of two lines: one that evenly bisects the articular surface of the humeral head proximally, and the second being the transepicondylar line distally . BioMedResearchInternational Male Right and Le Humeral Torsion Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. Two-Dimensional Computed Tomography scans: Which is Most Concordant with the Standard Method the present showed! The present study showed no correlation between the two methods was 0.9° the... Describes the angular difference between the two methods was 0.9° ; the maximum difference was 3° Acta Orthop. Posterior translation is as yet unknown and is likely to be multifactorial head by. To be greater on the non-throwing side growth plate is more susceptible to than! Mann-Whitney U test differences were found between gender and age groups posited to contribute to little shoulder. 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