When an area of the previously mentioned size has been healed, it will provide the Salubri with 15 Serenity Points (which works in the same way as Blood Points) each week. Enoch came rushing from the darkness like a Beast of Legend, and the man only had brief moments to wonder why his camels were fleeing into the desert in a panic. Nahstradia rolls 2, 4, 7, 9, 8, 10, 8, 5 _ she has four successes. [Nahstradia has a Humanity of 9 and 8 dice in her Willpower Pool. The Scrolls are part prophesy, part poetic recount of the Salubri history and part a philosophical tapestry woven from thoughts regarding the nature of the Salubri, the potential of humanity and the actions of their enemies. This Philosophy is the one which is associated with the Clan. Such creatures as Vishnu and Hanumat are identical to powerful Tzimisce, who could create ever new forms for himself, and a Gangrel Cainite who ruled the Giant Apes who lived in the area at that pre- historic time and he had a strength which was unrivalled. She was rumored to have mastered a special Obeah Power, which allowed her to resurrect those pure and innocent people who had been wrongly killed _ either by accident or by evil deed. Composed of no less than seven vampires, the Salubri carve out a life of survival, plotting their revenge against the usurpers, Clan Tremere. https://dusk.fandom.com/wiki/Salubri?oldid=4213. Because they have taken upon them the sins of the world, they must lead lives of complete balance. - emeryville - Added Portraits for Bayezid Gantenbein, Basil Gantenbein, Radu Bistri, Kara Vlaszy Lupescu, Rodrigue de Navarre, Vittoria Santini di Parma, Michael. They argue that he was the first to reach the blessed state of Golconda, and since he reached this state of being before returning to the Second City, he must have had the most powerful and balanced soul ever. Otherwise, the Salubri are too few in number for any generalization about their appearances to be possible. Saulot had claimed that the Curse was merely an obstacle on the path towards perfection. The followers of this Philosophy deny themselves pleasures and excesses of every kind, believing such to upset the balance of their soul and endanger their walk towards the light of Golconda. A daemonic Cainite named Eresharr haunted Sumer, and constantly threatened the safety of the Sumerian cities. They refer to themselves as "Ascensionites.". Quote: "Nothing can be considered more important than the freedom of souls. for alone among the children of Caine I have asked the One Above for forgiveness, The powers displayed by the clay people, are very violent and seemingly more like a force of nature, than a work of magick. After opening your third eye, you will become more sensitive to the energies … Therefore they are targeted for ``correction by various branches of the Technocracy who usually believe them to be Celestial Chorus Mages. Legends state that she took many mortal warlords as her lovers, sometimes solidifying their reign until the point of their death, sometimes pitting them against each other but always bidding them welcome to Valhall. This third eye, which is the same colour as their normal eyes, opens any time an Obeah power of second level or greater is in use. It has become easier for the Salubri to move in the shadows of their enemies, for they cast much longer and darker shadows now, and more and more chose to cast a shadow on their surroundings, rather than illuminate them with their inner light. Classically, the Salubri discipline was called Valeren and was divided into two paths: healer and warrior. A Salubri named Lakshimithia had special powers over the plants of the earth, and is thought to have known a special Path of Thaumaturgy which dealt with the growth of all plants and the development of new ones. Appearance: Each Salubri has a third eye in the center of their forehead. Blows which made them run around like ants who just had their nest destroyed, ants who screamed "The Nictuku", "The Secret Masters", "The Damned Blue-Bloods" and "The Setites." It demands hard work to keep an area completely healed. The Salubri began to crack under the strain of suddenly having their Founder disappear from their world, and the Philosophies began to crystallise. Given the religious thinking which permeates this Philosophy, it is hardly surprising that the most firm believers in it have True Faith. Athauzanna was a gentle creature who desired only peace, and she was loved dearly by her Brothers and Sisters. What they contain is another thing entirely. If that happened, one would come to seek the perfection of the words and not the perfection of one's deeds and soul. The antitribu Salubri also acquire the third eye, but whereas the main clan's looks peaceful, the antitribu clan's looks angry. College:You can read some of the Scrolls of Salubri _ although mostly those written by young members of the Clan. When the fighting starts, the Salubri will hasten to the scene, often to participate _ but they also believe in observing, and often they remain in an abandoned area of battle to see who comes out when the storm settles; very often the powerful beings let their minions fight their dirty battles, and only come out when they believe that all is safe. All must be guided unto the Path!" Saulot's eternal soul. As the Cainite cannot contain the positive energy, it begins to permeate her entire being and finally to leak out into the Umbra, while also creating a positive field of energy around the character. Nicknames: Cyclops (although the Tremere opts for "Souleaters"). Example: Nahstradia has sneaked into the secret temple of the Setite Archcorrupter Harruman, and while an elite detachment of Templars fight off Harruman's mortal servants and Progeny, Nahstradia concentrate on the Ancient Setite. However, since Cainite history always seems to be muddled up with facts, lies and phantasies it is hard to tell if Saulot has had vast influence on that part of the Book of Nod, or if the passages in the Book of Nod may have influenced his prophesies, or if both have been influenced by something altogether different. The Elders of the Clan have left behind clues of Golconda for millennia, and to the Salubri who understands their language, their way of thinking and who can discover where the clues are, this is almost like a marked path which they have but to follow. The Daemons wants only to claim our souls for their petty rivalry for power in their Infernal Domains, whereas the Angels want to cleanse our souls of their impurities. Enoch wept tears of deep red for the breaking of his own oath, and for the shame he felt at having ended the existence of such a gentle creature. When it is activated, people believe it has the ability to see and sense objects and energies. A Salubri named Gefion was a priestess before she was Embraced, and she believed in love and hate as the prime forces of the universe. For the Power to have a payback worth the effort, this is usually a 5-square-mile area. And the dark feelings associated with unfulfilled love, unrestrained desire and hate, feelings which strengthen the evil in all creatures and feeds Those Who Wait. Vampire: The Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition, https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Salubri?oldid=274159, Pre-V20: Thieves as per Warrior Caste, Scholars as per Healer Caste. Some of Us set afire Their own Anger and fought Them in battle The Preachers agree with the Redeemers on the fact that all sentient beings must reach Golconda before all can step on to the next level of consciousness. Lead the innocent towards Golconda. The Egyptian mythology have at least two Gods which have been positively identified as Salubri. Although the number of scrolls vary, the Scrolls of Salubri are parted into four Books: The Book of Wisdom, which contains the teachings of Saulot and are entirely written by the Founder; The Book of Nights Foretold, containing the prophesies of Saulot, and those of his Progeny; The Book of Nights Not Forgotten, a huge work of poetry retracing the steps of the Salubri of each of the Three Philosophies (only the history of the Ascensionites have ever reached the world outside the two Purifier sects); and finally The Book of Thoughts, which is a not easily-accessible work of philosophy, which thoroughly dissects the world in which the Salubri exist _ both past and present. Lakshimithia is also known to have been active in Greece, where she was known as Demeter the Goddess of Fertility. Some moved to the threshold of Golconda very quickly, others fell many times alongside the road, but all did they move towards the Path of Mercy. When one begins to turn the rocks, all the slimy insects will eventually crawl out, and there are so many sorts of insects! This will begin to affect the behaviour and state of mind of the inhabitants in a very real way over time _ but remember the World of Darkness is a very dark place, and the effort needed, to heal the aura of doom which permeates everything and the depressed outlook of the people, is a lot more strenuous than it would be in the world we live in. Demeter was both the Goddess of the Corn, but was also known as Mother Earth, as she was a Goddess of the fertility of both the earth and the women. This seer differed from other Antediluvians in his explicit disquiet with the Kindred state. The belief for all three Philosophies was, that the Path to Enlightenment was far to personal and individual to be confined within a framework of words. If they lose their firm position on the Path of Mercy in destroying an Acolyte of Destruction, that is a small offer. His close association with the falcon and the moon draws a clear picture of a ancient Salubri named Xalmakhar the Wanderer, who walked with Saulot when he returned to the lands of Kala-At- Shergat. Those that know of Salubri often hope they never encounter one. She hated violence and war, and constantly intervened with her wisdom to settle things peacefully. The three paths of Valeren mirro… This is when the Salubri have finally learned all Saulot's lessons, and their third eye opens to see all the worlds at once for the first time. As time gnaws away at the soul of the Cainites, so does noble purpose tarnish and pure thought muddle up and far too many Elders have but an thin shell of humanity covering their Beast. No wonder even the most enlightened of us, cannot find Golconda _ the guilt weighs down upon our efforts. Saulot despaired at the ignorance of his Brothers and Sisters, despaired at the way he was prevented from healing the schism between the Generations. Why were We accused of spilling the Vitae of Our Brothers and Sisters? Manipulate the manipulators. Dey preach freedom of ze mind, suck out ze souls of ze fools who believe zeir words, and then zey play games with ze souls which macht Satan look like an amateur. The Salubri manipulated the Brujah, Tzimisce and Gangrels to attack the foul daemonic Cainites which were known as the Children of Kali. The Salubri are independent, though they do sometimes masquerade as other Clans and blend in with the Camarilla. All followers of this Philosophy are pacifists, who will defend themselves by escaping their enemies. In the wastelands of the Land of Nod, Saulot freed himself of his Beast. Eventually, the Beast would gnaw away the reason of both the Methuselahs and their Childer. the wounds from the flesh All Salubri wept blood for her, and the world is a much colder place without her presence. Thus it came to be, that the healers became afraid of using their powers, and many could only weep in silence and secrecy as their Brothers and Sisters tore themselves apart in the War of the Ages. But the Childer of Saulot does not stand alone as the Champions of Light; the Mummies, the Children of Osiris, the Tradition Mages, those Garou who have not lost sight of their real fight in intra-tribal warfare, and unfortunately very few of the Cainites, stand at their side. As such it's not necessarily biological, characters might make a glowing eye tattoo appear on their forehead when using their magical perception abilities such as Aura Vision and Blindfolded Vision. They have entered the shadows of their enemies in order to fight from the same position as them. Each Salubri has a third eye in the center of their forehead. One posed as Demeter the Goddess of Fertility (see India: Lakshimithia), and the other Athenae the Goddess of Wisdom. Each week, the Salubri must spend 10 Blood Points to intensify the feelings which arise as a result of her handywork. The magick which Freya wielded was mostly rituals which revolved around predicting the future, but she was also capable of summoning forth terrible creatures who would hunt those who betrayed their love, and laying terrible curses upon those who angered her. That is terrible and it means that a Salubri trying to hide its nature has two clan disciplines it can’t use without revealing it is just too much. They wield the Sword of Mercy and Healing _ not a weapon to scoff. Demeter was identical to the Salubri Lakshimithia. Help the Children of Seth Ascend as well, and chose a single mortal who show great promise. Therefore, the Purifiers argue, Tremere could not possibly have crushed Saulot's soul as does Diabolists normally. She disappeared some 1500 years B.C. Those who choose to follow the Philosophy of Ascension, must take five dots in the Generation Background to represent their Sire's sacrifice for them. Their ranks in modern nights have included children, the elderly, and adults of all races. The Children of Saulot constantly add material to their holy scrolls, making them more and more detailed, and thus closer and closer to the "Truth of Saulot". While the Serenity Points may seem as a blessing, they can become a burden if too many are gained. Total serenity is achieved, and the Salubri finally knows freedom from the eternal blood-thirst, and the overpowering self-pity. They fight unfathomable Dark Powers. Several Salubri are believed to have involved hemselves in the events which took place in pre-historic India, and several Gods and Goddesses have characteristics which points towards Salubri powers. Hypersensitivity. "There are those who say that Our Founder surrendered to the Foul Tremere because he believed it to be wrong to fight. The rest have been battling the Forces of Evil ever since they were driven from the city of Shaitan in the lands of Kala-At-Shergat. The Ba'ali are often to be found around places of suffering and corruption, and are as drawn to such places and emotions as are the Setites, and vice versa. While the Salubri is transforming the emotional energies in an area of her choice, she can of course use her other Disciplines and personal abilities to increase the effect. Appearance: Each Salubri has a third eye in the center of their forehead. The healing of the area is done in any number of ways: the downfall of local gang leaders, removal of corrupt city officials, ensuring that public means are diverted into the area to give it a face-lift, arranging for new shelters for the homeless, etc. Why, when they knew who were pulling the strings? The Moon-god Khons from Theben, had several aspects, one of which depicted him as a man with a falcon's head crowned with the new moon and the full moon. As well as healing the psyche of the inhabitants of the area, the Salubri can also feed of the positive emotions which will be concentrated in the area _ thus removing her farther from the need for blood. Gaining Clan Prestige: Common for all the Salubri, is the way in which they award Prestige. "Fear not for the suffering you will be made to endure!The Devil will imprison some of you, to test your determination.Be faithful until death, and I will give you the wreath of Eternal Life"- Revelations 2:10 And so the Clans fell upon UsThey drove Us from Their citiesHunted Us in the nightAnd named Us criminals and murderers Why did They do this, many of Us ask?Why were We accused of spilling the Vitae of Our Brothers and Sisters?Why were We accused of burning Their Temples?Why were We accused of murd… But as well as having this darker aspect, Freya was also a compassionate and passionate being. As much as she worshipped love, she also claimed that love without hate was an unbalanced thing which could only lead to corruption _ without its counterpart, the other feeling could not exist. However, this twist of the Philosophy has been developing over the last 600-800 years and is followed mainly by the younger members of the Clan, some of the Salubri Elders believe that some Order of Tradition Mages, most likely the Celestial Chorus, have been corrupting the minds of the young and thereby gaining a very effective cover for their own activities. They are still vampires, though, and predators. He desired forgiveness, and to rid his soul of the Beast. The problem essentially had its basis in the power-lust of the True Elders of the Cainites _ the Methuselahs and the Antediluvians. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While he was in Torpor, his soul must have travelled the universe and the spheres _ finally Saulot could free it from the burden of his immortal body. Saulot created Childer of his own, and like Enoch his Beast loosened its claws from his soul and he watched in shame the actions of his Childer. If the gaze is turned upon someone who is completely good, the target immediately has her Willpower Pool replenished, and receives 2 dices to all dice pools for a number of hours equal to the Salubri's Humanity, as a feeling of complete balance spreads throughout her entire being. Hunted Us in the night Otherwise, the Salubri are too few in number for any generalization about their appearances to be possible. Those foul wyrms who suck my blood, The battle which the members of the Flames of Serenity and the Swords of Saulot fought, was nor restrained to the activities of those who posed as Gods. Harruman on the other hand, is an experienced corrupter and has Path of Typhon 8 and a Willpower Pool of 8. Let them know that those who seek salvation and Golconda shall find it." The mercy of the Father is greater than any of your kind will ever know, for he has laid open a path for you, a road of Mercy which is known as Golconda. The Salubri can roll Composure + Medicine + Obeah to hide his third eye for a scene or simply spend a blood point. Each additional dice of Serenity which the Salubri cannot contain, increases the chances of her being detected by entities from other planes _ some may even attempt to use her as a gateway. However, within the clan itself, the major distinction is between the warrior and healer caste. He did not see that his Childer began to divide into the fractions which would later become the Three Philosophies. We desired only peace. As the practise of posing as Gods was widespread amongst all supernatural creatures, it is hard to tell who are legends, who are Salubri and who are other Cainites, Mages or Daemons. Organization: There are varying levels of organisation to this Clan; the Ascensionites have little contact with both each other, and the other Salubri, but will do anything within their power to help other Ascensionites; the Redeemers have more regular contact, although they exist in separate units. Ninshubur was himself of prominent magickal power, and created two powerful clay entities to help him on his dangerous mission. Khons was invoked in matters of disease and healing, and was then known as Khons Who Gives Advise. the Second City destroyed and the Cainite society in ruins, Saulot and his Childer followed the streams of people to the city of Shaitan, and saw how depraved and evil his Childer had become. This particular personality-blend existed in the Salubri Sathiumarkha, whom Cainite legends hold was the most passionate undead ever, a being who knew only love and forgave those who did her wrong. - emeryville - Added blood smears. Heal the wounds they cause on their victims. Shaitan had argued that while his Sire and all other Cainites accepted the Curse, he would not! They did not see the three eyes which watched from the shadows and learned who the true enemy was. Saulot showed that his Childer should sacrifice themselves through Diablerie; in this way they could pass on their Vitae and beliefs to even the most corrupt, and give them a chance to uphold the Balance. Nahstradia was a very sensuous woman who richly deserved her aspect as the Supreme Goddess of Sexual Love, and was supposedly able to seduce both men and women _ mortal and immortal alike _ with but a glance. Sight Beyond Sight: (5) (Cbk Salubri) Your third eye can occasionally see things that are invisible to your normal sight. They speak of the Dark Ones, the Mages who serve the daemons of the Netherworld, the foul Nephandi who rival even the Ancients in power. They have chosen to manipulate their enemies and pitting the world against them, just as their enemies have been doing unto them for millennia. The Divine Salubri (as these Ancients have been nicknamed) are merely the most visible members of sects enshrouded in mystery and shadows. In social relations, this becomes rather burdening, as those who have committed even the least sin or crime, suddenly becomes repentant and want to confess to the character when she comes within 10-20 feet of them. Each Salubri in the cell oversees a specific area, and reports back to the Priest(ess) about the status of ongoing operations, new Cainites or other supernatural beings and of passing Salubri. While the Salubri's third eye looks like a normal human eye, the Wan Kuei's third eye goes from looking like a circular gemstone to looking … Being a Goddess of Love, Freya combines both sides of love and passion. She was capable of creating abundance and famine, barrenness and fertility. Perhaps this is why the black cat has been so widely associated with the familiars of witches. Classically, the Salubri discipline was called Valeren and was divided into three paths: Healer, Warrior and Watcher. These Salubri have decided that they must battle the enemy with lies, illusion and subterfuge, thus many walk a thin line between Golconda and Beast. They manipulate and corrupt as do humans, but since the vampire is the last link in the food-chain and the predator of all other species, they have taken the power-games and corruption to new depths. Open they Eye, and see the world truly, He watched as Saulot the Healer became Saulot the Beast. The power to heal is nothing at which to scoff, for the might of Obeah has saved many lives. However, once an area has been completely converted, she may begin to reach out to a wider area, while still receiving power from the already existing "Heaven", as such cleansed areas are called. Apparently, salvation had once again moved within reach and the machinations of Shaitan and his foul brethren could be undone. Here, as in all the religions in which the Salubri have played a part, it is a Goddess of Fertility. Destroy them at any chance! However, even if their fight is a seemingly doomed one, what would happen if they did not fight it? Some Salubri tire of their fellow Philosophy-followers, the constant struggle for Golconda and of the world in general. I learned from them to take the blackness from the blood Him return and stop the atrocities which his Childer who had fallen from grace, and predators and not... State of Consciousness is what We strive after constantly threatened the safety the. Are split into the fractions which would later become the three Philosophies time was right constant struggle for Golconda of... 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