The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. After the kings of Strathclyde and the Scots submitted to Edward Caldwell Name Meaning English Scottish and northern Irish: habitational name from any of several places in England and Scotland variously spelled that are named with Old English ceald 'cold' + well (a) 'spring stream'. He acknowledges the speculative character of this explanation. I have never been to Scotland. I aim to distinguish between probable (evidence from many independent sources is supportive of the conclusion), possible (scintilla of evidence), and conjectural (no known documentary or archeological evidence, but hypothesis has not been disproven). "ONE CALDWELL FAMILY HISTORY" by Mrs. Harold Walters of New Ross, IN "In 1400 there were two notorious brothers, pirates, named Barbarosa, who controlled the Mediteranrarean.. for 20 years until they were defeated by an African captain. Edward the Elder defeated the Danes in Northumbria at Tettenhall in 910. Removing this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items. The Mures of Caldwell had distinctive armorial crests. Caldwell in North Yorkshire is one major source of the surname; Caldwell in Renfrewshire in Scotland another. In 1823, Leland wrote of the Caldwell settlement in Yorkshire: There appere ruines of buildinges at Cawdewelle villageCawdewell is so caullid from a little font or spring, by the ruines of the olde place, and so rennith into a bake halfe a quarter of a mile of. Desirous of selling wool, Scot lowlanders may have driven their sheep from Renfrewshire to York, for export to Europe. All of these settlements are located in regions that were peopled by the Angles and were part of either the Kingdom of Mercia or Northumbria. Malcolm directed his chief subjects to create surnames from the names of their territorial possessions. SDB Popularity ranking: Mother with infant down the rocks. I decided to do a little investigation. Author Landon C. Bells book focused largely on the history of Lunenburg County, Virginia. In my opinion Castlewalls in this instance means Castle of the Welsh or Wallace. "He was educated at Brasenose, graduated as B.A. While others may have referred to him as Lord (Laird) Caldwell, he was not so described in those terms when Sir William Mure prepared the family tree more than four centuries later. geocities. 6.) The meaning of Caldwell is "Cold stream". The de Brus family became the Bruce family. The next record is that of William Caldwell of that Ilk Prebend[ary] of Glasgow 1342 Entry of feu (Exchq. (http://www.burkes-peerage. Notable amongst the family at this time was Blessed John Fenwick, born John Caldwell (1628-1679), an English Jesuit, executed at the time of the Popish Plot, a Catholic martyr, beatified in 1929 by Pope Pius XI. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Caldwell spelling was used by a later William Mure of Caldwell, author of numerous books. It is also common in Australia, where 4 percent are found and Canada, where 4 percent are found. Later letters used the Caldwell spelling. Gauld/Gault means pertaining to the lowlands from the Gael gallda (PH Reaney A Dictionary of British Surnames p 142). They are largely reproduced from 3rd party sources; diligence is advised on accepting their validity -, Heatmap: Dark red means there is a higher occurrence of the name, transitioning to light yellow signifies a progressively lower occurrence. But when adopting new arms, he was unable to resist an example of punning arms. A spinning wheel was then known as a torn, and his shield born Sable, a torn or, i.e., a black field on which is a golden spinning wheel. 1911encyclopedia. In fact, his on-site picture even bears a resemblance to Robert Bruces facial features. View Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for Caldwell. Bertha of Calw, 12th century sister of Pope Victor II, has been linked as kin of Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan, Scotland. At the time that William Caldwell served as Lord High Chancellor, King David II was being held for ransom by the English, leaving Lord High Chancellor Willam Caldwell arguably one of the most powerful man in Scotland. Cowan writes that there are no documents describing the official duties of the Chancellor. Two companies were instantly ordered out to pursue them, who hunted them like wild beasts, crying, Amazzi! Their distinctive pre Reformation doctrines are set forth in the Waldensian Catechism (c.1489).See study by E. Cameron (1984). (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th edition. ), The University Press, 90, p. I leave you to figure to yourself the lamentable spectacle, for I can scarcely refrain from tears while I write; nor was there any person who, after witnessing the execution of one, could stand to look on a second. [2]. Occams Razor is the term for the concept that the simplest explanation is usually the correct explanation. Perrin and Bell overlooked the Mure of Caldwell Estate near Uplawmoor, successor to the 14th century Caldwell Estate, when Gilchrst Mure married an heiress of Caldwell. (Source: Surnames/Caldwell/Desc%20Thomas%20Caldwell%201600.htm) Although this Andrew likely was born about the same time as the Andrew Caldwell who migrated to America with Martha in 1725, the fact is that this Andrew worked in and remained in Beith, and could not be the father of Rev. 1960), Scottish former professional footballer, Douglas George "Doug" Caldwell MNZM (1928-2022), nicknamed The Maestro, New Zealand jazz pianist, composer, music teacher, and author, Ashley Caldwell (b. Bell did not use methods generally accepted by genealogists to advance claims of such important historical significance. It is far simpler to explain Caldwell as originating from Old English caeld weille as the reason for the wide-spread adoption of this as a place name throughout England and Scotland, than to argue that the wide-spread use of the surname is linked to the arrival of a particular person named Colville, Cauldwell, Calwell, etc., in a particular locality. Suffice it to say, that he put sixty females to the torture, the greater part of whom died in prison in consequence of their wounds remaining undressed. Bulmers History and Directory of North Yorkshire (1890) lists no Caldwells, but does identify Richard Nicholson as miller and owner of Caldwell mill, and George Walles as owner of Caldwell farm. This place-name may also be derived from the Old English words caeld, which means cold, and welle, which means well, and indicates that the original bearer lived near a well that gave cold water. The Romans established a trading post (emporia) at Caruthers (later called Glasgow), a fishing port, not far from the Caldwell hamlet, about 80 A.D. .. In the year 1545, a large tract of country at the south of France, inhabited chiefly by the Waldenses, was overrun and most cruelly desolated by the popish barbarians, under the command of a violent bigot, named baron Oppede. The Domesday Book of 1086 used Latin, not Anglo-Saxon, to spell Caldwell. The Wapentakes had their separate courts until 1340 A.D., when by a statute passed in the 14th year of Edward III, they were discontinued, and their business transferred to the courts of the shire (e.g., Yorkshire). html#I35940. 163.) The Caldwell family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Being laymen, they were forbidden to preach they were formally declared heretics by Pope Lucius III in 1184 and by the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. I still shudder while I think of the executioner with the bloody knife in his teeth, the dripping napkin in his hand, and his aims besmeared with gore, going to the house and taking out one victim after another, just as the butcher does the sheep which he means to kill. For example, at the time that Rev. Evn them who kept thy truth so pure of old, Anglo-Saxon ceald; v. Coldwell and Caudle. This is also true of the waterways in Renfrewshire and the Kingdom of Strathclyde. New York had the highest population of Cadwell families in 1840. Thus, a cold stream, which is a reasonable name for a village. In the United States, the name Caldwell is the 272nd most popular surname with an estimated 96,993 people with that name. Glasgow: [printed by W. Eadie for Maitland Club]. Caldwell in North Yorkshire is one major source of the surname; Caldwell in Renfrewshire in Scotland another. Galdwallys Castle is easily found by a web search. A short distance to the east lies the port of Toulon, said to be the region from where the legendenary three brothers migrated to Scotland and assumed the Caldwell surname. Robert Charles Anderson, a Certified Genealogist, and a fellow of the American Society of Genealogists, 2 Fenway, Derry, NH 03038, published in Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, 1991 of the Genealogical Journal of the Utah Genealogical Association, PO Box 1144, Salt Lake, Utah 84110, an article entitled, We Wuz Robbed! The article indicates that a genealogy authored by Gustave Anjou, entitled Caldwell Family, Call No. [Georgeway of Plean and Romilly Squire, Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia, p. In Perrins History of the Waldenses, book ii., chap. Anglo-Saxon ceald; v. Coldwell and Caudle. My Cart 0; north attleboro high school football; zinoleesky net worth in naira 2021 The Oxford New English Dictionary, 20 volumes thick, with more than 12 pages devoted to the word, well, indicates that the Anglo-Saxon (Old English) spelling for cold was caeld, and for well, weille, waelle, or wyllan. I believe the Scotch surname Caldwell more likely derives from the Old English/Anglo-Saxon words, caeld weille, or caelde waellen, meaning cold water welling from a fissure in the earth, i.e., artesian well, than from the many alternative explanations. The Black Forest, or Schwarzwald, borders on Switzerland on the south, on the Neckar River to the East and on France to the West. Caldwell, like all of the names we have data for, is identified by the U.S. Census Bureau as a surname which has more than 100 occurrences in the United States in the Decennial Census survey. The name of the Scottish Caldwell Estates have undergone a variety of spellings. The Roman occupation during the first and second century A.D. extended to the lowlands of present day Scotland. Caldwell Anglo-Saxon Origins, 4th edition David Andrew Caldwell The meaning of Caldwell is "cold spring". IPA] Meaning & History From various English place names derived from Old English ceald "cold" and wille "spring, stream, well". The heiress could not have been a serf, to whom marriage would result in loss of Gilchrists honor if not rank. Lochwinnoch is on the border between present day Ayrshire and Renfrewshire. I cannot disprove that assertion. Approximately 150,156 people bear this surname. He ranked below the High Steward but above the Chamberlain. Vol.69 (1990). William M. Metcalfe, D.D. My approach has been to see if a clear picture emerges from the totality of the pieces. [4] And in Australia, the name Caldwell is the 583rd popular surname with an estimated 6,659 people with that name. The most Cadwell families were found in USA in 1880. 2002 David Andrew Caldwell, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Honoring Rachel Caldwell (1742-1825) by David A. Caldwell, Biography of Rev. 1729. He wrote this sonnet. In 1211 more than 80 were burned as heretics at Strasbourg, beginning several centuries of persecutionThe Waldenses proclaimed the Bible as the sole rule of life and faith. Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Included is another detailed article about Gustave Anjous life and forgery methods, entitled Gustave, We Hardly Knew Ye: by Gordon L. Remington. Remington was editor of the Genealogical Journal. Virtually all of the current place names of England, including many settlements with the place name Caeld Weille or variant spelling thereof, were in place before the Norman Invasion of 1066. Alternate Spellings: CALDWELL, COLDWELL, CALDWILL, CAULDWELL, CAULDWILL, CAWLDWELL, GUILDWELL, CALEWELL, CALDEWELL, CAUDELL, and many more. An alternate explanation was that the Caldwell Estate name was preserved because the royal charter upon which title was based referred to the land as the Caldwell Estate. First, according to A Dictionary of English of English and Welsh Surnames by Charles Wareing Bardsley, published in 1901, asserts this last name is a locational or habitational surname meaning "of Caldwell", denoting a person who lived in or came from parishes in the diocese of Ripon and Petersborough in England. Read More About This Surname Probably 'the cold-well' cold, or cald. may also be a first name. The most Caldwell families were found in USA in 1880. The British kingdom of Strathclyde (encompassing Ayr, Renfrew, Lanark, and Galloway, borderlands, and parts of northern England) eventually succumbed after the Norman Invasion. He points out that the surname Caldwell was prominent and widespread in Scotland by the 1300s, but not so in England. The first official reference to the practice in Scotland is from a general council held at Forfar in 1061, during the reign of Malcolm Canmor (1057- 1093). The position was usually given to the most learned and scholarly men of the time and most influential with the King. All rights reserved. The most Caldwell families were found in USA in 1880. In a book by George Henderson, Norse Influence on Celtic Scotland, James Maclehose and Sons, 1910, Glasgow, he states that kalda-a are the Norse words for cold stream. James B. Johnston, B.B., Place Names of Scotland, Neill & Co., 1892 Edinburgh, at p. 5, states Caldwell (Renfrew) is presumably from cold well, the cald' derived from either Old English cald or from Icelandic-Norse word, kaldr. The Calder River near Glasgow derives its name from the Norse language. Stenton, The Place Names of Nottinghamshire. Cambridge (Eng. 11.) A location name in Derbyshire, Yorkshire, etc. The place in Yorkshire is recorded as "Caldeuuella" in the Domesday Book of 1086, and shares with all the other places mentioned the same meaning and derivation, which is from the Olde English pre 7th Century "cald", "ceald", cold, with "well", "wella" a spring, stream or well; hence "cold stream". Even when the Mures held the Estate, they did so pursuant to royal charters issued in the name of the Caldwell Estate. For two languages are spoken amongst them, the Scottish and the Teutonic; the latter of which is spoken by those who occupy the seaboard and the plains, while the race of Scottish speech inhabits the highlands and outlying islands. The original Scopttish Caldwell Estates were located within the Paroch Church of Neilstoun, the patronage of which was given by Robert de Croc, Pro salute animae suae, to the Monks of Pasly (Paisley), in the reign of Scottish King William [1165-1214]. The name Caldwell is of English origin. John E. Caldwell, son of James Caldwell, soldier parson of the Revolution, was one of the founders of the American Bible Society. The Lord Chancellor was responsible for administering the laws and presiding at courts of justice. Paroch is a term referring to lands administered by a Catholic church prelate (such as an abbot or bishop) or presbyter (church council). Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn't mean something bad or unpleasant. The records of LDS Family History Library identify a Caldwell Estate in Annandale, near Solway Firth, since approximately 1558, headed by Alexander Caldwell. Edward, hearing of this, sent five knights to arrest him. (1840-1916), authored History of the County of Renfrew, With a Map of the County, 1905, Paisley: Alexander Gardner. John Caldwell Jun 6, 1603 - Feb 19, 1639 Mary Jane Caldwell 1632 - 1692 (2 folded), maps (folded). Burton Abbey was founded as a Benedictine monastery by Wulfuric Spot during the reign of King thelred the Unready (978-1016 A.D.). Their martyrd blood and ashes sow There, they found land and freedom, and even the opportunity to make a new nation in the American War of Independence. A detailed analysis of the Casket Letters, aka the Silver Casket Letters, can be found in a reproduction online of a 1911 encylcopeia (http://86. Upon Gilchrists marriage to the Caldwell heiress, Gilchrist became the landlord, or Laird, of the Caldwell Estate. Richard de Coldewell is noted in the Yorkshire Poll Tax Returns (1379). For a graphic illustration of this expansion into Renfrewshire, see July/August 2001 issue of the periodical, Archeology, p. 49. Lord Chancellor Caldwell pleaded for payment of the ransom, but the nobles allied themselves with France, and invaded Berwick, then held by the English. The original purpose of a crest was to provide evidence of consanguinity. They attained a high reputation for the eloquence of their poets, storytellers, bards and kings. The Caldwell family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. In The United States the number of people carrying the Caldwell surname increased 611 percent between 1880 and 2014; in England it increased 285 percent between 1881 and 2014; in Scotland it increased 110 percent between 1881 and 2014; in Ireland it declined 61 percent between 1901 and 2014 and in Wales it increased 1,541 percent between 1881 and 2014. It was not until 1890 that a portion of Neilston Parish would be renamed Caldwell Parish. Sir William Mure noted in the margins of the Caldwell Papers numerous errors that he had detected, so the Caldwell Papers have to be viewed as documents to be viewed with caution as to their accuracy. 2.) There being artesian wells thereabouts he was know as Kald of the Well. 1881), aged 23, Cornish conductor travelling aboard the ship "New York" arriving at, Eleanor Hackett Caldwell, and her sons Jacob and John, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1761, John, Caldwell Jr., who arrived in Canada in 1829, James Bill Caldwell, who arrived in Canada in 1841, Thomas Caldwell, who landed in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1843. In 1342 there is an entry of the fee of William de Caldwell. John wrote: Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. The local farms are known as Castlewalls. David Caldwell of Manitoba posted at on 2/28/02 a list of hundreds of Caldwells in Ayrshire for the period 1590-1748. (John Eric Bruce Glover, Allen Mawer, and F.M. Towns grew where they marketed their goods. Some historians claim that the 3rd Baron was, in actuality, Richard, son of King Henry III, known at one time as Norman of Torn (see Edgar Rice Burroughs, Outlaw of Torn). Caldwell is a rare given name for men but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#301 out of 150436, Top 1%). Anjou falsified documents and deliberately interwove family lineages in a quest to satisfy his wealthy patrons. (See It is held as unquestionably true, says Perrin, amongst the Waldenses dwelling in the adjacent valleys, that more than three thousand persons, men and women, belonging to the valley of Loyse, perished on this occasion. Casket Letters is the name generally given to eight letters, and a sequence of irregular sonnets, all described as originally in French, and said to have been addressed by Mary, Queen of Scots, to the earl of Bothwell, between January and April 15661567. (Id.) The origin of the name of Neilston is a favourite subject of speculation, and has been accounted for in various ways by local etymologists. Rolls) Chancellor of Scotland 1349-54. This works against the notion that the name is linked to the arrival of someone from France, either as a grantee from William Conqueror, or as post-Reformation refugee. Consequently this castle was established by the Lowland Welsh. 369.] The Normans who occupied Scotland may have preferred French spelling without the w, as in Calduelle, than the Anglo-Saxon spelling, calde weille, which has the w. In time, Norman names became Anglicized. Apart from The United States Caldwell exists in 94 countries. The frequency of Caldwell has changed over time. Look at any atlas and you will see that the Rhine River begins near the Baths (artesian wells) of Calw and flows north through Germany to the Netherlands, disgorging into the sea that reaches to Southeast England. 1630, his son, Allan, b. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Caldwell ancestors lived in harsh conditions. In the 14th century, John of Fordun wrote about the languages then spoken in Scotland: The manners and customs of the Scots vary with the diversity of their speech. The people of the coast are of domestic and civilised habits, trusty, patient, and urbane, decent in their attire, affable, and peaceful, devout in Divine worship, yet always ready to resist a wrong at the hands of their enemies. Godfreys son, John Mure, was born in 1390, at the Mure of Caldwell Estate. Stenton, The Place Names of Nottinghamshire. See also, James Parker, A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, 1894. Cowan writes that there are no documents describing the official duties of the Chancellor. When all our fathers worshipped stocks and stones namescaldwell.htm takes the view that the surname Caldwell originated in Renfrewshire, Scotland, of Viking origin. 1963), American former football linebacker in the National Football League for the Washington Redskins from 1987 to 1992, Darrell Wayne Caldwell (1993-2021), known professionally as Drakeo the Ruler, an American rapper and songwriter; his fourth mixtape, Cold Devil, has been streamed over 10 million times, Donald Reche Caldwell Jr. (1979-2020), American professional football wide receiver who played from 2002 to 2008, Zoe Ada Caldwell OBE (1933-2020), Australian stage and voice actress, four-time, (Another 29 notables are available in all our, Mr. Eric Dick Caldwell, British Sergean Lieutenant Commander, who sailed into battle on the, Eric Dick Caldwell, British Surgeon Lieutenant with the Royal Navy aboard the HMS Royal Oak (1939) when she was torpedoed by U-47 and sunk; he survived the sinking, Mr. Albert Francis Caldwell, aged 26, Siamese Second Class passenger from Bangkok, Siam who sailed aboard the, Mrs. Sylvia Mae Caldwell, (ne Harbaugh), aged 28, Siamese Second Class passenger from Bangkok, Siam who sailed aboard the, Master Alden Gates Caldwell, aged 10 mths, Siamese Second Class passenger from Bangkok, Siam who sailed aboard the, Mr. Charles Caldwell Jr., American Fireman Third Class from Missouri, USA working aboard the ship "USS Arizona" when she sunk during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7th December 1941, he died in the sinking. It is only in the last few hundred years that rules have developed and the process of spelling according to sound has been abandoned. We'll also look at the race and ethnic origin of people in the United States who are named Caldwell. I bet that if you read his work, you will have a better feel why the place name and surname Caldwell, or any variant spelling thereof, likely underwent so many changes. Richard fought with Simon against Henry at the Battle of Lewes. (London). The place-names are derived from the Old English words "caeld," which means "cold," and "welle," which means "well." Early Origins of the Caldwell family 2/28/02 a list of hundreds of Caldwells in Ayrshire for the concept the. Record is that of William de Caldwell King thelred the Unready ( 978-1016 )! Spelling according to sound has been to see if a clear picture emerges from the gallda... Also look at the Battle of Lewes would be renamed Caldwell Parish the Norse language to surnames... 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