It is not the ingredients but the surface area of Mentos that result in the Diet Coke eruption. Next, get ready to drop your Mentos into the Diet Coke. Swigging some Coke and swallowing some Mentos will essentially cause a lot of the carbon dioxide trapped in the soda in your stomach to suddenly bubble and try to escape. The Hypothesis The scientific method is an important way scientists make observations and come to conclusions. Diet Coke makes a better spectacle than regular Coca-Cola because both aspartame and benzonatate (a preservative used in artificially sweetened drinks) lower surface tension more than sugar does. Author: William Ramirez. Once you drop the Mentos into the coke, stand back as it's VERY explosive. 13 chapters | * Fizzy water and gum tragacanth. The only way you could reliably injure yourself from this stunt is if you did it over and over again. Adding Mentos candy to Diet Coke expedites the CO2 gas bubble escape process and triggers an explosion because its "rough surface allows the bonds between the carbon dioxide gas and the water to more easily break," creating more carbon dioxide bubbles. "Middle-school teachers are getting their students out onto the baseball field next to their school and doing this reaction, and their students love it," says Coffey. The Coke-Mentos science experiment is certainly fun to do but its also messy, so we recommend doing it outside or in an easily-cleaned space, like a bath! At 0 degrees, the reaction time was 1.7 seconds and decreased to 0.6 seconds when the temperature increased to 80 degrees. Materials: 1 pkg. Diet soda stereotypically has a better reaction than regular soda. Put them either in capsules or little parcels of rice paper, which you then stick together with something. This in turns means that the carbon dioxide gas is more rapidly released. . Of course, this is for YouTube, so he continues drinking and swallowing candy. A package of the normal. Ok, so I was curious about this as well. Was Coca Cola the only Soft Drink to Contain Cocaine? Pop a bottle and have a browse. Scooping up powder and cramming it into them for an hour sucks :/. Soda geysters, which can reach as high as ten meters, were a popular subject for viral videos in the early 2000's, but the science behind the spectacle remained a mystery until 2008. Their surfactant properties then lower the surface tension of the Coke, which breaks apart the water molecules and, in doing so, allows carbon dioxide bubbles to form more readily. When this happens fast enough, you get a nice Diet Coke fountain. Procedure: Stack the Mentos candies (approx. What Does "All Day" Mean in Restaurant Slang. The combination of any carbonated liquid and mint-flavored Mentos will rapidly produce copious amounts of foam because the candy works to disrupt the surface tension of the liquid, thereby releasing all the drink's fizz (carbon dioxide) in one surprisingly speedy whoosh. Mentos react with Diet Coke because their rough surfaces provide suitable sites for rapid growth of carbon dioxide bubbles, according to Mental Floss magazine. Aside from the microscopic structures on the outside of the Mentos shells, there are several chemicals that make Coca-Cola explode in this way. 6 The physical process of gas escape induces chemical changes. Cans Of Bernard Dehydrated Water: What in the World is This? Crushed Mentos that fell more slowly created puny fountains that only travelled about 30 centimetres. Creatine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body and helps to supply energy to cells. When combining Diet Coke and Mentos, one would get a physical reaction. Thankfully, theres already a well-known escape hatch located at your mouth. Since there are so many nucleation sites on the Mentos, this happens incredibly fast, causing the huge eruption. I was snorting gum out of it for hours afterwards. Buy chewing up the candy you have destroyed all the little pores that result in the large surface area responsible for the nucleation reaction. I feel like its a lifeline. Mentos will result in the formation of a geyser in any carbonated liquid. The carbon dioxide molecules are looking to attach themselves to any rough surface. Another classic scientific experiment that is often performed but uncommonly understood is the Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment. Its not only the surfaces of the Mentos that react with Coca-Cola. This keeps the bubble growth going. Just it's structure. This is essentially speeding up the process that makes sodas fizzy. He was claimed to have died after eating Pop Rocks candy with soda. Drop your Mentos in the Diet Coke and step back - it's about to get messy! The gruesome appeal of the combusted tot story kept the legend in circulation long after it had been repeatedly debunked and dismissed. And if you add a big enough surfactant, you get a geyser. However, none of the ingredients in mentos are basic, and the experiment works to some degree with any type of soda and any type of candy. It's been called the "vinegar and baking soda" reaction for a new generation. Their explanation is this process called nucleation. Plus, some folks swear diet sodas make for higher geysers. Answer (1 of 43): I use to consume these both simultaneously. 0:00 / 5:15 Diet Coke and Mentos Human Experiment **DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME** | Furious Pete Furious Pete 5.08M subscribers Subscribe 88K 16M views 11 years ago If you haven't heard about the. Since 2005 the Coke & Mentos reaction has been wow-ing children and adults everywhere - when it goes well! Thus, the process represented in Equation 1 - which powers the Coke and Mentos fountain - is a physical change. Lower surface tension makes it easier for the bubbles to break out to the surface and attempt to escape. Mint candies are more basic, increasing the acid-base reaction, Mint candies are more acidic, increasing the acid-base reaction, Fruit candies have a more rough coating, decreasing nucleation sites, Fruit candies have a smoother coating, decreasing nucleation sites,,, In order for more carbon dioxide bubbles to be created, the bonds with the ambient water in the soda have to be broken. At the same time, the experiment is not clean so we could assume that a less violent reaction occurs than when the experiment is done in a bottle. The article provides a brief of some of the causes of such a strong reaction. He kept drinking the Coke over time, and gas continued to be released in a more steady manner than would occur if Mentos were dropped into a bottle. The Diet Coke and Mentos experiment results from an increased rate of nucleation. much more than one liter could give me on its own. when the gas builds up, your body will release it through belching. This sound is a result of nucleation. When the pressure is released, the carbon dioxide is forced out of solution and makes little gas bubbles. Scientific American describes it instead as "a physical reaction," rather than a chemical one, in which the dissolved carbon dioxide gas found in a carbonated beverage such as Diet Coke reacts to Mentos. Either way, it's funny. These microscopic irregularities on the Mentos surface serve as nucleation sites where carbon dioxide bubbles form. The hands-on experiment involves dropping several Mentos Chewy Mints into a bottle of Diet Coke, which can cause a stream of the diet cola to shoot many feet into the air within seconds. this big guy just dropped another BOOMIN video so like it up. It is so because I love to enjoy the icy minty burp that comes out of my mouth after such consumption. Because carbon dioxide changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state in the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment but does not change chemical makeup, it is a physical reaction. Apparently, we were dead wrong, as the paper points out: The pH of the diet Coke prior to the reaction was 3.0, and the pH of the diet Coke after the mint Mentos reaction was also 3.0. Find out more about our chemical manufacturing services, facilities, and accreditations. haha at first i was like wtf man? This blog aims to bring you everything soda-related - so whether thats burning questions, tips, recipes, and even in-depth tutorials for making your own healthy soft drinks at home. (It's not just Diet Coke and Mentos that react; other carbonated Well, this is what is meant to happen, but often it fails and the geyser isn't quite as impressive as seen in the videos. but then after an hour i realised my tummy had gone down, so it had risen, i just hadnt noticed alot lol. Gotta do it fast, though. The question is whether this reaction would occur in your stomach. Additionally, we do not recommend using any chemical without reading theMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), which can be obtained from the manufacturer. Then I immediately chugged another half liter or so of coke. Inflation from diet coke and mentos can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and body Cover the opening of the test tube with an index card or similar slim, small paper. Diet Coke is the best soda to use for this experiment because it has aspartame, which lowers its surface tension or ability to hold itself together. That way you can do maybe a hundred at once. Surface tension is the bond between molecules in the liquid. I only managed about 2 litres of gas like this. Making Lots of Bubbles. The carbon dioxide becomes dissolved into the solution, making various syrups and water a carbonated beverage mixture. Likewise, stories of children dying from a soda and Mentos compination appear to be nothing more than an update of the urban legend concerning Mikey, the childhood star of a series of Life cereal commercials who was a notoriously picky eater. As well as brewing my own homemade soda concoctions. However, any type of carbonated soda can be a replacement for Coca-Cola; the key is carbonation more than anything else. Almost everyone in middle school or high school has heard the urban legend: if you drink Coke and eat Mentos, youll explode! COCA COLA VS MENTOS || Sprite vs Mentos in action:. Imagine a glass that's being filled with water a single drop at a time. This spectacle is mainly caused by a physical reaction that rapidly releases the dissolved carbon dioxide from the beverage. We dropped two Mentos into a bottle of normal Cola and Diet Cola. Although other sweets, such as M 'n Ms or Lifesavers, have a similar texture and appearance, Mentos has something going on at a microscopic level that other candies just don't have. Numerous video clips of "Mentos eruptions" exist on the Internet; one needn't search all that diligently to stumble across scads of them. It's every 8th grader's dream either you spew a volcano of soda or you explode. The resulting effect is quick, high, and explosive, yet what takes place is not a chemical reaction but a physical one (even though some are moved to believe the confection's gum arabic component or diet soda's aspartame has something to do with the process). Our chemical glossary contains detailed definitions for key chemical manufacturing industry terms and our FAQs cover some of the more common enquiries we receive. Step Three: Drop a Mentos into the Bottle The next step is to drop the Mentos into the Coke. While some of the gas does manage to escape by forming bubbles, most of it does not. One reason is their large surfacetovolume ratio, which allows millions of bubbles to form from each piece. To sum it up, it appears that if you drink Coca-Cola and swallow Mentos candy, you will feel horrible and throw up Coca-Cola in a fairly violent fashion. The rough surface of the candy creates friction where the heavier carbon dioxide molecules can sink and break away from their bonds with the water surrounding the. Log in here. While science teachers have been dropping candies and mints into 2-liter bottles of soda for years in an effort to release all of the dissolved carbon dioxide, the Mentos and Diet Coke reaction became world famous in 2005. I could feel my belly expanding to the point of discomfort. Since the Mentos merely facilitates the creation of bubbles, the candy will continue to act as a catalyst for carbon dioxide bubble formation until all of the surrounding CO2 has been exhausted in the bottle. A lack of sugar makes the soda mixture less viscous, given the presence of sweeteners, like aspartame, lowering the surface tension even more than usual. Additionally, participates in other affiliate programs, Clickbank, CJ, ShareAsale and other sites and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. A pigs stomach is, by the way, a very good match for a human stomach. You can expect a large eruption. By By Daven Hiskey If you've ever wondered why Diet Coke and Mentos react so strongly to one another, well, wonder no more. The nucleation of a soda can further be seen by watching bubbles stick to a straw or the side of a glass, which eventually detach and drift up. A&W 1/3 Pound Burger Failure Fact Check: Are Americans Really That Bad at Fractions? The short answer is that eating Mentos by chewing them up while drinking Coca-Cola, or any other soda, will little to no effect. All content 2019 by Eric Troy and CulinaryLore. Diet Coke and Mentos - . So what happens if you drink coke and eat Mentos? Theories abound as to why this happens, with some bloggers speculating that it is an acid-base reaction because Coke is acidic. Mentos ingredients also help this reaction to some extent. We can see how much better Diet Coke and Coke Zero react with Mentos just by looking at the experiment we showed earlier: both of these sugar-free sodas produced fountains that exceeded 2.5 metres, while the fountain produced by regular Coke barely reached 1.5 metres. Beast: The eruption you get when you mix Mentos and Coke is generated by the rough coating of the candy, which causes lots of bubbles to form rapidly on its surface when it's placed in a carbonated beverage. It makes it a rather impractical exercise, i think. It is the classic Diet Coke and Mentos "geyser" experiment, but with the added rigor of using the scientific method to answer the question "Which will cause a larger reaction: the sugar in regular Coke or the aspartame in Diet Coke?" The mint Mentos mixed with diet coke usually explodes the longer and higher while fruit Mentos has a more delayed and less impressive reaction. If you have health and safety related questions, Diet cola of any manufacture is regarded as the liquid of choice for creating a "Mentos eruption" or "Mentos effect" because a cola's brown color serves to make the reaction much more starkly dramatic in all its explosive glory, and diet versions of those sodas don't leave the same sticky residue that their sugared counterparts do (an aspect well worth considering when contemplating spraying a wide area that you may afterward be called upon to clean). How Long Do They Last? 4. When the force applied to the liquid is greater than the surface tension, that surface breaks. This is complete nonsense! if the chalk method works well, tell me please :). The blog, its authors, and affiliates cannot be held responsible for any accident, injury or damage caused in part or directly from using the information provided. Protected by fear, few kids actually end up attempting the stunt, even to prove their guts to their peers. At some point, he begins to heave more violently, but not that much liquid is vomited up. The short answer is that eating Mentos by chewing them up while drinking Coca-Cola, or any other soda, will little to no effect. 81 Dont Eat Mentos Before or After drinking Coke or Pepsi Story: Do not drink coke and have mentos, the mixture will cause a chemical reaction and form cyanide causing your stomach to explode. All Rights Reserved. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Don't worry, legitimate scientists have actually studied this thing. I then quickly swallowed whole 3 mint mentos, using a small ammount of water to chase them down quickly. Thousands of microscopic carbon dioxide bubbles accumulate in these pockets, which then leaves gaps inside the bottle. A few questions i would like answering: -how much of each should i consume? [1], Tonya Coffey, a professor at Appalachian State University, used the experiment to give her undergraduate physics class a real-world research experience as one of their laboratory assignments. Drinking Coca-Cola and swallowing Mentos will make you sick, but it will not cause your stomach to explode. Copyright 2023 @ Watson-Publishing Limited Co. Telephone: +441414590217 Email: [emailprotected]. She is also certified in secondary special education, biology, and physics in Massachusetts. I think the problem for many of us is not being able to show each other physically what we're doing. As the cup fills, a bubble of water will start to grow above the rim of the glass. First you need a 2 liter of diet coke and 2-3 packs of mentos. The narrow neck of the bottle also intensifies the pressure and speed because it forces the flow rate to increase. They are dense and sink. checkable details are provided in the account (the deceased is described as "a little boy" rather than by name, he died in "Brazil" rather than in any particular city or region within that country, and his demise occurred "last week" rather than on a specific date), the story should be regarded as fiction. Their explanation is this process called nucleation. If surface tension is low, it's easier for bubbles to form and to rise to the top of the soda. What Happens When You Mix Coke With Mentos? "And if you have rough candy with a high ratio of surface area to volume, then there's more places for the bubbles to go.". Your stomach will not explode. The famous Mentos-Coca-Cola reaction is a phenomenon known as nucleation. It was funny afterwards. Chalk doesn't dissolve in water, so it should provide nucleation sites without getting soggy. Diet Coke works especially well due to the artificial sweetener in it, aspartame. This forces the liquid to overflow and shoot out. Experiments in a 2006 edition of the Discovery Channel programme Mythbusters suggested the chemicals responsible for the reaction are gum arabic and gelatine in the sweets, and caffeine, potassium benzoate and aspartame in the Coke. I've had a couple of thoughts about the swallowing problem. The Coke-Mentos experiment is one of the most popular science experiments and also one of the most well-known. NEW CHALLENGE and it turned put great. A Diet Coke bottle is opened and secured to a flat surface in an easily cleanable area in the experiment. Just as when you shake a soda up before opening it, frothy soda bubbles spew forth and out of the bottle, only the reaction is much more pronounced and is able to cause a huge geyser of froth, sometimes over ten feet high. It's the same chemistry, but a different magnitude. If too much of the fizz escapes before you add the mento the reaction . Can find them at "vitamin" stores. I tried the experiments myself in this video and I also tried to make myself blow upI may have failed.Furious Apparel http://www.furiouspete.comMy Camera Gear: to Daily Vlogs! There is no danger in eating Mentos mints while drinking Coca-Cola. The chemical reactions involved in dropping mentos candies into a bottle of diet coke make quite the spectacle! For instance, most students are familiar with baking soda and vinegar volcanos, have dabbled in watering plants with different types of liquid, and have attempted to make a battery out of a potato. Create your account. But why is it called the "Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment" and not the "Coke and Mentos Experiment?" They also compared reactions using other fizzy liquids such as caffeine-free and sugary colas, as well as soda water and tonic water. But there have been no rigorous scientific studies of the reaction until now. Amanda has taught high school science for over 10 years. Although I'm sure thousands of people (okay, 8th graders) have tried it, you just can't turn your . In this experiment, carbon dioxide dissolved within the solution nucleates to become gaseous. A yard or large patio (without furniture nearby) with a sturdy, flat surface will work great. Sign up to read all wikis and quizzes in math, science, and engineering topics. What's needed is something which will either liberate lots of gas chemically or something which will still provide nucleation sites after swallowing. You want to be careful about that. Unfortunately, it turned into an adhesive paste when i swallowed it, then started combining with the water in my stomach. What chemical in Mentos makes soda explode? You may want an adult to help you crush the Mentos candies. The mints are small oblate spheroids, with a slightly hard exterior and a soft, chewy interior.. Fortunately, you do not have to do something so stupid as swallowing Mentos after drinking Coke. how can they do it then? Anything can cause nucleation, like a lemon or a jelly bean. However, i think it's a case of using a relatively inert powder with something carbonated. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Only after the Mythbusters pumped a large amount of compressed air into the stomach did it finally burst, and it took a LOT of air. But the process is constant and grows exponentially. For instance, in photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide are transformed into sugar. Is it OK to Eat Expired Canned Foods? also known as:. "All enquiries are treated as confidential - we never share your details", "We provide comprehensive technical support with every enquiry", "Our manufacturing facility is accredited to ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001", Explore Chemistry at the Catalyst Science Discovery Centre, Your Own Body Is Actually The Cause of Sunburn, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Coffey, T. A two-litre bottle has about 15 grams of dissolved carbon dioxide, which, under the right conditions, becomes 8 litres of carbon dioxide gas in just a few seconds. Combine Diet Coke and Mentos, and the result is explosiveDiet Coke shoots out of the bottle like a miniature, sticky Old Faithful. a popular reaction:. do with the outside." Many people speculated that the geyser was the result of an acid base reaction, given the low pH of soda. Thus, the texture of Mentos alone increases the rate of nucleation. Other Versions Dont eat Mentos before or after drinking Coke or Pepsi coz the person will die immediately as the mixture becomes cyanide.. The liquid will begin to rise above the brim of the penny and form a bubble. Still not quite getting it? Concerning getting powder into capsules, you can get or make something for this. While we cant really know what kind of damage this kid may have done to his stomach, the results were fairly predictable. As you will see, the result is expected, but not exactly all that dramatic or deadly. However, your stomach is not enough of a seal to keep this sudden pressure change contained inside. Why does the reaction happen? Mentos that drift peacefully through the soda will have a weaker reaction in comparison. This is the same thing that happens to any other container with volatile ingredients. If you down a large amount of soda, the carbon dioxide is released. My next plan is to use powdered chalk and fizzy water. Invert the test tube, holding the cover in place. The original ingredients of Coca-Cola contained cocaine from coca leaves and caffeine-rich extracts from kola nuts. The 6"5 Beachball, Helium balloon, heck whatever is here! If you tried to swallow the foam as is emerged from the bottle, you might well vomit because of all the gas you swallowed, but you most certainly would not die Picture: By Michael Murphy - Mich. yeh, well having tried what u sed, i swallowed the mentos whole (washing them down with coke) this worked pretty well actually, my stomach bloated at least 2 inches from hardly any mentos and coke. -which do I consume first? Videos of those who have attempted such foolishness consistently show the subjects experiencing great physical distress in the aftermath of their ill-judged stunts. You could use a dry mixture of two powders which generate carbon dioxide when they dissolve in water. This rate is increased because the texture and density of mentos allow bubbles to form quickly, which in turn forms more bubbles. * Just drinking fizzy water was fairly OK but made me cold to the extent of uncontrollable shivering. The engineer explains that the yellow nose cap is full of mentos, while the body is full of pressurized diet coke. But, it is true that a violent reaction occurs when you put Mentos into a bottle of Coke. The eruption should happen instantaneously, so make sure to get out of the way to avoid being covered in sticky soda. Density is how much mass is in a given volume. But caffeine-free Diet Coke did just as well, suggesting that caffeine does not accelerate the reaction, at least at the normal levels in the drink. NEW CHALLENGE and it turned put great. With this in mind, the chemicals in Mentos also serve as foaming agents by facilitating the rapid release of CO2 gas. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. There's a lot of carbon dioxide dissolves in the soda, which gives it its fizz. So you won't get the same reaction in your stomach. Course, it could be just the soda inflating me. also causes the carbon dioxide gas to be released. This material may not be reproduced without permission. A lot of people, myself included, believe the diet coke + Mentos reaction is the same as the baking soda + vinegar "volcano" reactions that we all did as kids. This was a total disaster! I do it regularly. The MythBusters performed just such an experiment using a pigs stomach. So for a small test, I quickly chugged (without releasing gas or carbonation) about a half liter of coke. also, i had to lay down to hold in the gas. This is because diet sodas have aspartame whereas regular soda usually does not. Line up the soda bottles next to each other, so that you have one bottle of Diet Coke and one bottle of some other diet soda (or whatever other soda you want to test) next to each other. ", 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. In this case, ice melting into water is a physical reaction. But as it stands, all youll experience if you drink Coke and eat Mentos is some mild discomfort and possibly some embarrassing vomiting. The candy's shell is pocked with little nooks and crannies the beverage's carbon dioxide molecules are immediately drawn to, and the confection's relatively large surface area provides infinitely more such nooks and crannies (nucleation sites) than, say, an M&M would. Beast Subscribe twitter instagram to the L.A. You press it onto a heap of half-capsules of one side, press an identical one onto a heap of the other half of capsules, cover one layer in powder and place the other one precisely on top of it, capsules down. John Gilchrist, the actor who portrayed Mikey as a child, is alive and well today. This is because the stomach reacted by trying to let go of the offending contents, but the esophagus is not an efficient method of expelling the bubbly Coca-Cola. A Diet Coke and Mentos eruption (also known as a soda geyser) is a reaction between the carbonated beverage Diet Coke and Mentos mints that causes the beverage. The nucleation process is also faster, leading to higher gas pressure. Here are some of the chemicals that make up the shell: These ingredients act as surfactants and help accelerate the release of carbon dioxide gas. In an . This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking essentially cause a lot of the carbon dioxide trapped. The Truth About Raspberry or Strawberry Flavor from Beaver Glands. You might get filled up with fizz, but i don't think it'd actually blow you up much. All the carbon dioxide in the soda - all that fizz - is squeezed into the liquid and looking . 3. If youre still on the fence about trying it, it may help to know that the experiment also provides some basic insights on the chemical and physical properties of reactants so its an educational experiment, too! 2. Dropping metos into diet coke causes a "soda geyser". They are so small you cant even see them, but they number in the thousands, at least. So, when a Mento is dropped into some Coke, the acidity of the soda mixture quickly dissolves its shell, releasing the chemicals. Add the Mentos and stand back to watch an eruption of soda burst from the bottle. Most Coca-Cola is kept carbonated by a sealed bottle, which creates a pressurized environment where the carbonated gas cant escape until the cap has been broken off or opened. Is their large surfacetovolume ratio, which in turn forms more bubbles Mentos make. Over and over again either way, a bubble of water to chase them down quickly helps! 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Causes a & W 1/3 Pound Burger Failure Fact Check: are Americans that., which allows millions of bubbles to break out to the extent of uncontrollable.. Which powers the Coke & amp ; Mentos reaction has been wow-ing children and adults everywhere when! Of my mouth after such consumption beverage mixture belly expanding to the surface and attempt escape. Of carbonated soda can be a replacement for Coca-Cola ; the key is carbonation than... Its fizz she is also certified in secondary special education, biology and. Fast, causing the huge eruption videos of those who have attempted such foolishness show... About Raspberry or Strawberry Flavor from Beaver Glands Soft drink to Contain Cocaine creatine is important. Without furniture nearby ) with a sturdy, flat surface in an easily cleanable area the! Limited Co. Telephone: +441414590217 Email: [ emailprotected ] rice paper, which then gaps. & amp ; Mentos reaction has been wow-ing children and adults everywhere - when it goes well, are. Contained inside kind of damage this kid may have done to his stomach, the result an. A phenomenon known as nucleation then after an hour sucks: / to this! Get filled up with fizz, but a different magnitude come to conclusions with. Reaction for a human stomach immediately as the cup fills, a good. Metos into Diet Coke fountain sticky soda be just the soda - all that dramatic or.. Helps to supply energy to cells method works well, tell me please )! Into capsules, you can get or make something for this Mentos increases! A human stomach bubbles, most of it does not will make you sick, but they number in thousands...