Leading Edge Rehab 01845 . Staff members of the Office of Student Involvement, their designee, or sponsoring organization representatives present at the function reserve the right to refuse admission if the validity of the identification is questionable. Apr 2022 - Jul 20224 months. The process for registering a vehicle to park at Merrimack College for the 2022-2023 academic year is now open. Effective consent is defined as informed, freely and actively given mutually understandable words or actions which indicate a willingness to participate in mutually agreed upon sexual activity. Describe sanctions the College will impose resulting from violation of standards of conduct. Email the Task Force. General Law chapter 138, section 34. Join us in ringing in our 75th anniversary, where we celebrate 75 years of enlightening minds, engaging hearts and empowering lives. The College has long recognized the dangers of illicit drug use as well as the misuse of prescription drugs, and is intent on enforcing federal, state and local regulations regarding such. Resume Help and Tips Danvers, MA. The Life Sciences Apprenticeship Program is available to current college seniors and graduate students and will involve working, learning and understanding how the animal or horticultural staff cares for its collection. It is the responsibility of the employees/owners of the off-campus establishment to be aware of and comply with state regulations. A dating partner or a former dating partner, A person with whom you have or have had a substantial relationship. Copyright 2023 Merrimack College. Though a student may not be subject to disciplinary action for violations of the alcohol and/or drug policies, other violations of the Community Standards will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to disorderly conduct, vandalism, distribution, and violence. All guests must be registered online before they arrive. Freshmen and sophomore resident students, as a general rule, should not expect to have a vehicle on campus, and opportunities for juniors will be limited. Members of the Executive Board, as well as the organizations advisor, must be present at this meeting. Possession/use of THC-based CBD products are not permitted. In addition, Merrimack College has established its own specific regulations regarding such drug use. Any investigation will be conducted by an officer trained and certified by the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council in sexual assault investigation, who will discuss the results of the investigation with the victim and explain to the victim their rights and options. Merrimack College 1984 1988 Bachelor of Science (BS), Business Administration and Management, General Experience Affirmed Networks February 2015 - Present Datawatch Corporation October 2006 - September 2013 Pennichuck Corp 2003 - 2006 Genesys Conferencing 1998 - 2002 Grant Thornton LLP 1991 - 1998 Search on PeopleLooker Dan Keefe During this 30-minute session, you will meet with a transfer counselor to gain insight into Merrimacks transfer admission and credit policies. Resident Advisor training includes information on alcohol and other drugs and recognition of abuse patterns. School of Nursing and Health Sciences at Merrimack College . All members of the sponsoring organization and the targeted constituency should be able to attend the program. A full and thorough description of rules and regulations, and the sanctions which may be imposed as a result of violations of such, are outlined in the Colleges Social and Alcohol Policy. Students who do not receive a parking decal will be placed on a waitlist. Jessica Schores, RD, LDN Andover Street . Intoxication, as assessed by college staff, administrators or the Merrimack College Police Department in their sole reasonable discretion, is not permitted during Merrimack College sponsored events, including any event sponsored by a student organization, whether on or off campus. (D) Failure to register an event or abide by the registered event policy; (E) Hosting a disruptive gathering, including (but not limited to) a gathering that is disruptive toneighbors, and/or involves excessive attendance. Maintenance/Cleaning. In addition to criminal penalties, hosts may also be sued civilly if the minor becomes ill or dies from ingesting alcohol, if the minor causes damage to property, or if the minor causes harm to another person. Residential students may also register friends to visit in the residential area for an overnight stay (including a commuter student). Two forms of positive I.D. Awakening or disturbing individuals during normal sleeping hours. Contact your network administrator for more information. Intoxication, as assessed by college staff, administrators or the Merrimack College Police Department, is not permitted during Merrimack College sponsored events, including any event sponsored by a student organization, whether on or off campus. The college in conjunction with the Sodexo will determine drink prices, and in no case shall they be lowered. The College community recognizes alcohol abuse is contrary to the mission of the College. Guests need to have the guest pass with them at all times, either on a smartphone or printed out. Winston School of Education and Social Policy, Merrimack Austin Scholars Share Service Learning Experiences, Merrimack vs. Providence Hockey Is A Family Affair, Merrimack Student Team Named Top 10 Globally in Bloomberg Trading Competition, Virtual Information Session: Higher Education Graduate Fellowships, Graduate Programs Virtual Information Session. Students are expected to carry their Mack Card ID with them at all times. Individuals who are of legal age may possess and consume alcoholic beverages as long as such possession and consumption is effected in accord with college policy and procedure. To prompt notification and explanation of the allegations. Hingham, Massachusetts, United States. It is the responsibility of the employees of the off-campus location to verify identification for legal drinking age. Describe applicable sanctions for unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs. Sexual misconduct in all forms violates the sacredness of the human body and spirit and will not be tolerated within our community. Requests must be made at least 45 days prior to the event. Only officers of the College are authorized by the Board of Trustees to sign the contracts. This website uses scripting to enhance your browsing experience. Merrimack College. There is no need to show that the host actually supplied alcohol to the minor. The investigators will present their findings and recommendations to both parties for their review. To access information on this site: Log in with your Merrimack network credentials. Students found in violation of the Alcohol Policy will be held responsible for their decisions. Winston School of Education and Social Policy. Any of the prohibited conduct defined in the Sexual Misconduct Policy can be committed by individuals of any gender and/or sexual orientation, and it can occur between individuals of the same gender or sexual orientation or different genders and sexual orientation. Residential students may also register friends to visit in the residential area for an overnight stay (including a commuter student). No. Sexual misconduct is considered one of the most serious violations of the Community Standards of Merrimack College. 315 Turnpike St, North Andover, MA 01845 Directions Overview Massachusetts State Police will be attending Merrimack College's Spring Internship & Career Fair on March 2, 2022 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. A form of sexual harassment exists when submission to or rejection of unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature results in adverse educational or employment action, or the threat of such adverse action, or when submission is made a condition of educational or employment advancement. Common areas are: hallways, stairwells and lounges. The College expects that members of the Merrimack community of legal drinking age who choose to consume alcohol will do so responsibly and within the Colleges established policies and procedures. All students of legal drinking age entering a function will be identified (i.e. (F) If a student is aware of, or is in the presence of, a violation of Merrimack College policy and they remains in the presence of and/or fails to take reasonable actions to stop the violation, the student gives theirconsent to the violation and therefore shares in the responsibility for the violation. Restaurant, Restaurant Franchising, Restaurant Manager. To present their information surrounding the incident. Register Your Guest All guests must be registered online before they arrive. Sunday, October 23, 2022. I don't know / I'm not sure. Criminal penalties include a fine up to $2000, imprisonment for up to a year, or both, according to Mass. The Indianapolis Zoo is excited to offer a paid position for college students pursuing a career in animal or horticultural husbandry. All Rights Reserved. Admission to these programs will be restricted to students who are of legal drinking age unless the Dean of Students or designees makes an exception. No two student organization sponsored events on the same evening may have alcohol served or consumed. The board will not allow questioning which they deem to be inappropriate or unrelated to the matter being discussed. Professional and Continuing Studies Programs, Winston School of Education and Social Policy. Empty alcohol containers must be moved to one of the designated recycling or trash areas in the residential facility within twenty four hours of consumption. Depending on the nature of the offense and the history of the offender, sanctions can range from a written warning to suspension or expulsion. Or general inquiries? As a Catholic institution, Merrimack College does not condone cohabitation. Empty alcohol containers and/or other materials exceeding the personal limitations may not be stored in a student room, suite or apartment common area. Copyright 2023 Merrimack College. Copyright 2023 Merrimack College. The student, faculty or staff hosting the guest must provide the following information to the Warrior One Stop: their name, the guests name, where they are going on campus, their reason for being on campus, the date and times of their arrival/departure and license plate number. For more information on Merrimack Colleges overnight guest policy, please consult theStudent Handbook. No appointment is required. You'll get an overview of Merrimack with an introduction to your academic school, meet faculty, students and members of the Merrimack community. To expect that reports of alleged violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy will be taken seriously by Merrimack College. Long Term Substitute Teacher. Day guests must be registered at the Warrior One Stop within 24 hours in advance of their arrival. This board will ONLY be comprised of faculty and administrators. Students who would like to register an overnight guest must have consent from their roommate(s) and fill out the overnight guest registration form 72 hours in advance of the visit. Please confirm/complete the information below, hit submit, and we'll be in touch with next steps shortly. This could take several minutes and cause traffic delays so please consider signing up guests in advance. The police department in the town where the incident occurred, The Rape Crisis Hot Line (1-800-542-5212). Apply Now SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMS FIND YOUR PROGRAM With more than 100 career-focused undergraduate, professional and graduate programs, Merrimack offers you a wide variety of academic options to choose from. All students will be required to adhere to guidance provided by the College on proper cleaning. It is prohibited to be in the presence of illegal drug use. No more than one (1) alcoholic beverage may be sold to any individual per serving. The privilege to host Registered Events in the future will be taken from individuals whom are found to violate any of these policies. (L) Changing housing assignments without prior approval or residing in a residence hall space that is not assigned to the student. To be informed of the outcome and sanction of any disciplinary hearing involving sexual misconduct. Subjecting a member to cruel and unusual psychological conditions. Potential health risks resulting from alcohol and drug abuse include, but are not limited to, the following: Addiction Brain Damage Cancer Cirrhosis Heart problems, ImpotenceMood swings Malnutrition Aggression Sleep problems, Education, Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation Services. Consequently, only those individuals who present a valid Merrimack College I.D. Full Time position. Formal reports are not strictly confidential; however, only College officials who need details of the incident in order to pursue the Student Conduct process will be notified. Adequate numbers of Campus Police officers are required at all programs involving the distribution of alcoholic beverages. Listed on 2023-01-16. All overnight guests including those who have a 2021-2022 Merrimack identification card must be registered. All investigations of alleged violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy will be completed in a timely manner. Behavioral symptoms that will be considered in determining impairment include, but are not limited to, impaired motor skill/coordination, difficulty communicating, vomiting, glazed/red eyes, and verbal and/or physical aggressiveness. Above all, the victim is treated with respect and consideration. This highly popular resource is now located within the Warrior One Stop and is available to students, families, faculty and staff. Beer kegs, punch bowls, beer balls or any similar type of common source or their equivalents are prohibited from campus property. Welcome to myMack, Merrimack College's resource portal for all your online needs. (B) Possessing or providing false identification; refusing to identify oneself or to show proper College identification to any official who has properly identified themselves and who relates to the student the reason for the request. Organizations sponsoring events serving alcohol are required to meet with a representative from the Office of Student Involvement at least 45 days prior to the event. The Health and Counseling Center maintains a referral network of inpatient and outpatient programs for students. To question people presenting testimony against them. Possession and/or use of marijuana is prohibited by students on campus and in college-leased housing. Vehicles in fire lanes, service roads, or on grass are prohibited, with the exception of Opening and Closing. Forcing, requiring or pressuring an individual to shave any part of the body, including hair on the head. This website uses scripting to enhance your browsing experience. On-the-spot decisions available. Food and non-alcoholic beverages must be available at all functions involving the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages. Once all parties have answered questions from the board, the board will determine responsibility for the violation and issue sanctions. The following policies apply to hosting a guest: Guests must be with their host at all times, All overnight guests must be at least 18 years of age unless prior approval has been obtained from the Office of Residence Life, Guests must possess valid photo identification and a valid guest pass issued by the Office of Residence Life, Overnight guests may not be hosted by a resident student more than four days in a month, and guests cannot stay overnight on campus for a total of more than four days in a month, regardless of host, Guests are subject to all Merrimack College policies, Community Standards, and Residence Life policies, Hosts are responsible for the behavior of their guests and may be held accountable for any policy violations, Guests who are not accompanied by a host or who do not adhere to Merrimack College policies, Community Standards, and Residence Life policies may be asked to leave immediately and/or may be removed and trespassed from campus, Students are not permitted to host more than two guests at the same time with the exception of weekends designated by the College, during which the number may be restricted further, Guests are not permitted during break periods, reading days, or final examination periods. Serve as Peer Tutor Cabinet and liaise between . Residential students who would like to register their family member who does not have a 2021-2022 Merrimack identification card to come onto campus during the day must fill out the day guest registration form 24 hours in advance of the visit. Intoxication is not permitted during Merrimack College sponsored events, including any event sponsored by a student organization both on and off campus. In these cases, only the Offices of the President, Executive Vice President or Provost can approve. All functions involving the marketing of alcoholic beverages must adhere to Merrimack Colleges policy on solicitation of alcohol related advertising. The Admission fax number is +1-978-837-5133. Job specializations: Restaurant/Food Service. All Rights Reserved. Primary responsibility for knowing and abiding by the provisions of all components of the college Alcohol Policy rests with each individual. Winston School of Education and Social Policy, Merrimack Marching Band Featured in Whitney Houston Biopic, FAFSA completion, financial aid and scholarship review. The victim has the right to pursue additional legal options through the court system either separately or in conjunction with a College student conduct complaint. Required eating of anything an individual would refuse to eat otherwise. Sexual penetration includes vaginal or anal penetration by a penis, object, tongue or finger and oral copulation by mouth to genital contact or genital to mouth contact. Registration is required so we can send your receipt and notify you of any changes to your events. Registration is required. The number of officers required will vary but will equal approximately one officer for every 150 participants. No one, whether a student or guest of legal age, may enter the residence halls with more than the Maximum Possession Limit. All Rights Reserved. Mack the Warrior suggests you search again at the top right of this page or try one of the following links: 315 Turnpike StreetNorth Andover, MA 01845(978) 837-5000Directions. Failure to do so will result in referral of the responsible individual(s) to the Merrimack College Student Conduct System and/or criminal or civil action. Sadegh Asgari, associate professor of civil engineering in the School of Science and Engineering, recently co-authored an article published in theJournal of Automation in Construction, a top-tier journal in the field of construction and civil engineering. Consumption of alcohol in areas not assigned to a student, such as stairwells, entranceways, or hallways is prohibited. The parties will be allowed to bring an advisor to any formal proceedings. Students have the right to pursue additional legal options through the court system either separately or in conjunction with the Student Conduct proceedings. Failure to abide by the College Alcohol Policy, Failure to abide by the College Drug Policy, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). All Rights Reserved. It will be the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to secure a contract with the function hall. Any student who seeks out medical assistance on behalf of themselves or another student, and remains with the student until a time when help arrives, will not be subject to disciplinary action for violations of the alcohol and/or drug policies, at the discretion of the Director of Community Standards. All Rights Reserved. During College break periods, all residential areas are dry regardless of age. Job in Merrimack - Hillsboro County - NH New Hampshire - USA , 03054. Non-Merrimack College visitors, regardless of age, are prohibited from bringing alcohol onto campus except during designated events. Any such exception must be in writing, signed by the Dean of Students. All overnight guests will also be required to fill out the Overnight Guest Registration Form through the Office of Residential Life, and all guests will need to complete a COVID-19 attestation form. Questions? The College expects that these laws will be adhered to at all times and at all on and off-campus events. Students who would like to register an overnight guest must have consent from their roommate(s) and fill out the overnight guest registration form (located on the Office of Residence Life webpage) 72 hours in advance of the visit. Day guests who are not registered with the Warrior One Stop or who do not have a completed attestation form when they arrive to campus are required to fill out the paperwork at the gate. College furniture or property is not permitted to be moved to exterior areas. These behavioral expectations apply to all students no matter where or when their conduct may take place. Each member of the Merrimack College community may have different reporting requirements and different abilities to maintain victim confidentiality depending on their roles at the College. The College is only licensed to serve beer and wine. Sign up and stay up-to-date on the latest news about Merrimack College and your program of interest. To a fair, open-minded and objective consideration of the matter being discussed. Upload your commencement or graduation speech here. Do you have questions about your financial aid, billing, registration or student records? The same policies that are noted above for on-campus events where alcohol will be served apply to student sponsored off-campus functions. To an advisor, which the student(s) must arrange for themselves. Your admission counselor is your go-to person! If either party does not agree with the written findings and recommendations of the investigators, the written findings and recommendations will be forwarded to a panel of the Student Conduct Board for a hearing. Sep 2022 - Present5 months. Your . With dedicated teachers and leaders, we create a positive, fun and inclusive atmosphere which stretches far beyond the classroom. For more information or assistance obtaining an emergency protective order, contact the Merrimack College Police Department. on or off campus; no address will be given). The College does not intend through its guidelines or policies to restrict the responsible use of alcohol by members of the Merrimack College community who meet the Massachusetts legal drinking age requirement. Copyright 2023 Merrimack College. Merrimack College Address: 315 Turnpike St North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 United States Phone: +1 (978) 837-5000 Site: http://merrimack.edu General Information Merrimack College is a small, private college of the liberal arts and professions located in North Andover, Massachusetts. Merrimacks flexible and convenient evening programs make it easier than ever. Some of the best speeches are delivered in the educational context. Confidential counseling, support and referral services are available through Hamel Health and Counseling Center. Take an interactive look around where youll study, live, eat and hang out on campus. Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022. Due to the sensitivity of these types of allegations, there are unique procedures that are used to facilitate the process.