Name something a student might show to their friends on the first day of school. Name something commonly found in a fairy tale. Name something you might find at an airport. FM: Name a type of music that might be heard on thanksgiving. Tell me a day that you hate going to the mall. Tell me something you might do the moment you get home from work. Tell me something you associate with the Star Trek series. Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "B". Name something that keeps a person from getting a college degree. Name something you might bring on a date. #5: Name something you might see on a secret pirate island. Name a place parents leave notes for their kids before sending them to school. Name a brand you can recognize just from its logo. Finish this sentence: "i love my spouse so much i put up with their ___.". Name Someone Who Might Wear Big Boots To Work(5 answers), 9. How many teeth is the average pirate missing? Fact or fiction, name someone connected with an apple. Name an animal who would be jealous of wolverines claws. What is the worst thing a person can lose while on vacation? Name an animal whose legs are featured on a restaurant menu. We asked 100 people: name a movie that features dragons. What is the first thing people do after coming in from the rain? Name a crop that requires a lot of water to produce. Past or present, name something that soldiers have rode into battle on. Name something a woman won't leave the house without. Slabbing has nothing to do with it, it's just the interest in the market. Fill in the blank: If a dog could talk, it might say "________ me.". Name something people like to do in the grass. Tell me a celebrity a teenage girl might have a crush on. Tell me a country that is known for having nice people. Name a snack commonly packed in school lunches. Name something people do around the fire during the holidays. Name something you might try to trick on halloween. Tell me something you would hate to see in a restaurant. Name a u.s. city that gets a lot of tourists. Name something of a babys that needs to be washed constantly. Name a school subject that kids don't like. Name a reason a woman might say she isn't worried that her husband would cheat on her. Name something that makes your breath smell bad. On average, how many hours of sleep do new parents get in a night? I like who I am with you, and I don't want to go back to who I was before.". Tell me something you associate with australia. Name an animal that is referenced in christmas carols. Name a popular dish made with ground meat. Name something that comes out after a rain shower. Name a kitchen gadget you can't live without. Name someone you would never buy a christmas present for. Name a word or phrase that begins with the word "junk. Name the worst thing a policeman could find in your car. Besides their height, name something a leprechaun might be self-conscious of. Name something a little kid might draw a picture of in the Spring. Name something you think of when you think of Mexico. Name something specific people are paid to clean. Name something that kids bring to school but might not use for school work. Name a spot on their baby that new parents like to tickle. Name something pirates might do when they are bored. Name a country in Europe that Americans like to visit. Name something you can draw a picture with. Name someone who is impervious to bullets. Name someone you might see at a graduation ceremony. Deputy Dan Whittington was responding to another . Name something college students do between classes. Name something that smells awful when it expires. Tell me a holiday people wear special colors for. Name a reason why a parent might not let their kid go trick or treating. Name something people put behind their ears. Name something that a supervillain might do after their plan fails. Besides a sundae, name something that might have caramel in or on it. Name americas most important natural resource. If a student did not have spring break plans what might they do to pass the time? Name the creepiest setting for a horror movie. Name something proud parents hang on their refrigerator. Name something you might bring to the gym. Name a body part you might want to be muscular in time for summer. #7: What do parents remind their kids not to leave out in the rain? If you can't find the game in the menu, click on Add . Tell me something that you associate with volleyball. Name a vehicle that is used by the military. Tell me a modern convenience you could not live without. Name an odd job a teenager might do to earn some summer spending money. Name something you might buy at a bakery. Name something a female magician might pull a rabbit out of. Name something a man might wear to a halloween party, if he wanted to attract the ladies. It's the first day of the new year. Name something a man might ask his mom to do for him like she used to do. Name someone or something that might destroy a sandcastle. Name something associated with mardi gras. Name something you might find in a haunted house. Tell me something a man with a big beer belly might have a hard time fitting into. Name something you might grow in your garden. Besides the bald eagle, name an animal that could symbolize america. Tell me something you would not want to come home to. Name something people do in church when they are not paying attention. Name a language restaurant menus are often written in. Name an NFL receiver who has caught a lot of touchdowns. Name something commonly found in high school lockers. Tell me something you might eat in Mexico. This condition is somewhat met with crypto. Name an animal you would never try to wrestle. Tell me something you would feel uncomfortable talking to your grandmother about. Name something kindergarteners get to do in school that high schoolers do not. Name a place you should avoid if you are on a diet. Name a gift that would be ideal for a chef. Name something that should cost less than $5. Name something people associate with the beatles. Name something people do with their first paycheck. Name a country you could travel to if you wanted to see palaces. Name a disney character a boy might dress as for halloween. What is the first thing you do when entering someone's home as a guest? Other than the u.s., name a country where american soldiers are stationed. Name something that needs to be kept in the fridge. Besides fart-man what could be the name of a superhero whose power is farting? Give me a woman's name that has 3 letters in it. Name something that might give you road rage. How many days do you think a pirate could spend on land before getting restless? Kim Steal: Picture (Unsaid response: Dog- 4). What is something that people commonly forget on park benches? Name something you expect to see in paris. Zachary Police Chief. Name a food that does not go well with kissing. Besides the American Revolution, name another revolution. Name a food or drink that goes well with hot dogs. Name something students might get on the first day of school. Name something originally belonging to her grandma that a woman might wear. Kim Steal #2: Litter- #4 (5)(#2: Slam on brakes- 12/Other BA: Flip the bird). Name something people hurt themselves doing in the winter. Name a famous rabbit that might be jealous of the Easter Bunny. Name something you might find behind a pirate's eye-patch. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "N". Name something hobos and pirates have in common. Name something you see on the cover of a Christmas card. Name something the news might run a story about around thanksgiving. Name something you might bake for your sweetie on valentine's day. Give me a first name you don't hear very often. Family Feud Friends was created by a group of fanatics of the TV game show, Family Feud. Name something you might have on your lap. "Family Feud" 10/16/14 | bobbymgskAfter a moment, your eyes fluttered closed as your lips kissed back. Now you can! Besides volleyball, name a sport that can be played on a beach. Name something pirates do to keep morale up while at sea. Name something you might need if you were crossing a desert. Name something kids might throw at each other. Name something you might find in a fish tank. Name something you might find in a mad scientists lab. Name a city that people travel from all over the world to visit. Name a superhero or heroine with great hair. We first introduced this Family Feud question on 2021-05-07 and updated it on 2021-05-07. What did people use to plan vacations before the internet? Besides a hook, name something a pirate could put on their missing hand. We asked 100 people: tell us something you get nostalgic about. Name an animal that wouldn't make a very good piggy bank. Name something you are always afraid to check. Name something a woman does after she has been proposed to. Name a color of crayon that might be used a lot in a spring-themed coloring book. Name something a leprechaun might use to shine their shoes. Name an occasion when people go out to eat. Name something people resolve to give up for the new year. Name something a teenager might want for christmas. Name a way you could spend a rainy day that does not require electricity. Name a country singer who might perform at a 4th of july celebration. Name something you might go to sleep clutching after a st. patrick's day party. Besides your family, name someone you see regularly. Name a way dad might want to spend father's day. Name something you might see at hogwarts. Name something a kid picks up from school. #3: Tell me something you try to fix yourself, rather than having a professional fix it for you. #3: Tell me something that is always in poor taste to brag about. Name something that makes Easter unique from other holidays. Name something that you think superheroes do too often. Name something that comes in an aerosol can. Name something you would not want to happen while stuck in traffic. Which ghostbuster do you think has the best hair? Name something people often buy on credit. Master the questions and take all the coins for yourself!FAST MONEY ROUND Prefer playing Fast Money Rounds? Name something a dad might teach his kids to do. Name a ghost that it would be un-american to bust. Besides gymnastics, name a sport where the athletes might be able to do splits. Name something you might give as a wedding gift. Name something a kid might want to build with their dad. Name something you might pour gravy on during thanksgiving dinner. If you were a teacher, after a month of classes, how many glasses of wine did you drink? Name something parents might offer their child in exchange for Easter candy. Name something grandmothers knit or sew for babies. What is a word you would expect to see written on a candy heart? When someone says they are visiting the south, what state might they be going to? Name something you might use to ward off evil spirits. Name something people try to kill by using poison. Name a way people exercise outside once the weather gets nice. - Family Feud Answers Family Feud Info All the answers for your Family Feud questions! Name something a pirate might train their parrot to do. Name the last thing people want to do after a huge meal. It's bad when you see a rat. Name a bad job for someone who hates kids. Name something specific a ghost might haunt at christmas. Name an animal that is known for biting humans. Name a food or beverage that might ruin a diet during the holidays. Name a wild animal you would not like as a pet. Name a halloween costume you might get for your pet. Name something you might see on a house roof. Name a sport that has collectable trading cards. Name a chore that used to be considered "woman's work", that dads are more likely to do now. Name something a couple might do to move their relationship to the next level. Name a place you have to apply to get into. Name something people like to ride in the summer. Name something you associate with Superman. "Name something you hope has been built to last. It is not about the right attitude. Kenny Steal to W or L: Tree (OTHER BA). Name a place people work that starts with the letter "F". Tell me someone you would be embarrassed to swear in front of. Complete the statement, the best candy bars are filled with ______.. Name something in your house that makes a lot of noise. Give me a word that rhymes with "buckle.". Besides the sail, name a part of a sailboat. Name something you might find in a basement. 1 - lei 2 - pineapple 3 - shells 4 - shirt 5 - coconuts Name a position that most companies have. Name a city that has a big new years celebration. Name an animal old macdonald has on his farm. Name something you would expect to find in heaven. Tell me something you might accidentally bump into. Name a reason why a superhero might retire. Name a profession you wouldn't want to have if you don't like touching people's feet. Name something you might need for a romantic meal at home. Name a superhero or villain who you would never see crying. Name something you can do during a power outage. How many days can you spend on the beach before you get bored? Name something people sprinkle flower pedals on. Tell me something you know about beyonce. Tell me something you would expect to see a farmer wear. Name a food that might be considered overpriced. Name a gift the three wise men might have brought if they had lived today. On average, how long do high school sweethearts stay together? Name something that's hard to do with your eyes open. Name a famous city that is featured in a song. Name a job where you would use a flashlight. Name a seasoning other than salt or pepper. Name a tool that you would use to build a bird house. Name something specific that might be left over after a cookout. Name something people buy specifically for valentine's day. Name a christmas gift a doctor might appreciate. Name something that you think leprechauns are good at doing. Name the superhero or villain who really needs a good therapist. Name something parents do for their children when they are babies, but not when they are teenagers. Name something that might melt a leprechaun's heart and cause him to give away his gold. Name something a house guest might need help finding. Who is the ultimate Feuder? Name a place where you might see santa before christmas. Name something that high school students work hard to earn. Name something kids use to make Easter decorations. #6: Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "A". Name a halloween costume that would be easy to make at home. Name a public place where mothers breast-feed babies. Name something you accumulate through life. Besides diapers, name something parents keep in a diaper bag. If a witch was not paying attention to where she was flying, name something she might crash into. Posted by ch0sen1 on May 12, 2022 . Name something that people put on their front lawns. Name a Disney villain people might dress up as for Halloween. Name something in your house that you need a professional to fix. What is the hardest decision a couple has to make when planning their wedding reception? We asked 100 people: name something you would find in a hotel. Tell me where you met your closest friend. Name something that would ruin a romantic vacation. Name a christmas carol that might get stuck in your head. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "W". Unsaid #1s: Raising kids & harp, Your email address will not be published. Name something you need when traveling overseas. Name a superhero costume that you dont want to see your child wearing. Name something that eats annoying insects. Name something you might see in a valentine's day gift basket. Name something you would need to dress up as phantom of the opera. Complete the sentence: football on thanksgiving is _____.. Name something people eat that starts with the word french. Name something that is transported by ships all over the world. Name something embarrassing a student might do in front of their class. Name a job that used to pay well but no longer does. Name something kids ask their parents' permission to do. Name something a man might have expensive taste in. These games are mobile games and you can find all the questions below. Tell me a place you would not like to be stuck. Name a way you might keep the sun out of your eyes. Name a country that has a large lifestyle difference between the rich and poor. Name someone or something that a leprechaun might hang out with. Name a famous character from lord of the rings. Name a gift that overworked parents might enjoy. #2: What musical instrument makes the most beautiful sound? R1: In order to save time, name something you might do while youre on the John: #1: Read book/mag (43)(Stacy) What do people use to get rid of grass stains? Name a place where you can hide something. Name someone you might be surprised to receive a christmas gift from. Name a hero or villain who doesnt look human. Besides books, name something you would find in the average students backpack. Name a city in North America that you would hate to drive in. Name something mom does for free that should command a high salary. Name a business that looks forward to Valentine's Day. Name something that might be drawn into a halloween themed painting. Name a place you might have people sit if you run out of room at the thanksgiving dinner table. Living or dead, name the most romantic singer. We asked 100 people: name a popular soda flavor. Oh, oh. If you had the power to read minds, who would you use it on? Name something you did every day in kindergarten that you wish you could do every day now. Name something you would not want to be caught doing by someone you just started dating. Name something you see signs for along the highway. Name an animal you expect to see at the zoo. Name an article of clothing that you wouldn't expect to see a superhero wearing. Tell me something you associate with Cuba. Other than the u.s., name a former british colony. Family Feud - Choose the #1 answer. Or even more simply: a piece of rock from space that thunders to the Earth. Name something you try to arrive early for. Name something kids often take for granted. Name something in horror movies that never works when it needs to. He hasn't been able to go into his home yet to assess the damage. Name something that might set off a metal detector in an airport. Name something you might get caught doing if you forgot you were in an invisible jet. Tell me something you might display proudly. #5: Name something you eat that comes in a shell. Name a U.S. city you would NOT like to live in. Name something that might be part of a mom's morning routine. Name a food or drink that parents worry about letting kids have in the car. Name a country that starts with the letter 'C'. Name a us state that gets a lot of sunshine. Name a magical creature that a pirate might want to have. Name something you might give to trick or treaters, if you run out of candy. Name something you have at your thanksgiving that the pilgrims did not have at theirs. Name a genre of book that people read at the beach. Name something you use to clean your teeth. Name something cars have today that they didn't have when they were first invented. Name something you associate with witches. Name a way kids entertained themselves on trips before handheld games. Name an autographed item a son might get for his father. Name a classic board game you might play with your family. Name something in school that students might have to buy themselves. Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside. Name something the pilgrims needed to found plymouth rock. Tell me a place that might have a waiting list. Tell me something a bride wants to be huge. Name a place people find sand after a trip to the beach. Name something that you would not want to live near. According to commercials, what do all moms want for mothers day? Name a public place you might hear someone snoring. Name something people in the military wear. Name a popular word to describe your spouse. Name something you might say when you haven't heard properly. Name an ingredient you might find in a spanish paella. Name something mom might ask for on mothers day. Name something most people only have one of. Tell me a place where you might hide Easter eggs. Name something people talk to when they are alone. Tell me something that would make an unlikely weapon. Name something people do during the time between christmas and new year's. Name a large item someone might try to sell at a yard sale. Name a sound that people make involuntarily. Name something superheroes might share with one another. Name a place where you shouldn't try flirting with someone. Tell me something you associate with Bruce Lee. Besides the captains shoulder, name a place where a parrot might hang out. Step #2: Assess the Damage to Your House and Property. Name a performer or group whose music spans generations. We asked 100 people: name a popular dog breed. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. If a person didn't trust the banks, where might they put their money? Name something you would not want the Easter Bunny to leave in your house. We asked 100 people: name something you don't want to find in your soup. Run that bitch, Dezz. You can test this by creating a new profile from Chrome's Settings screen. Name a place where a christmas party might be held. Name a place you would NOT want to spill your coffee. & tell mate (3)- CS. Pay attention to how hard your computer is working at the time of a crash high usage implies a heat problem. Name a type of place characters in romantic comedies often go for dates. Name the most uncomfortable form of travel. Name something people often win on game shows. Name a sport that is not part of the Summer Olympics, but should be. Name an animal that starts with the letter "c". Name a movie monster you think is misunderstood. Name a condiment that might be on the table at Easter brunch. Name something you associate with the southern US. Name something specific mom might have done at the salon. Name an activity that happens in parks during the summer. Name an animal that is an astrological sign. The crash happened at a home near West Britton Road and North Piedmont Road. Tell me a drink that might be served at a kid's birthday party. Name something people like to drink after dinner is over. Name something you expect to find in a pirate's treasure chest. Name a part of the body where teachers used to hit students. Name a recording artist parents might consider to be a bad influence. Questions With Points -> 3 Answers 4 Answers 5 Answers 6 Answers 7 Answers, Questions No Points -> 3 Answers 4 Answers 5 Answers 6 Answers 7 Answers, Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it, 1. Past or present, name something people have used to travel the world. Name something you might find on a Christmas tree. Name a profession that might be considered dangerous. #3: What age would you retire if you had enough $? Name something people wear on their feet in the winter. Name something your body tells you to do. Name a company you can recognize just by its logo. Name something people use to keep pests out of their gardens. Name a piece of jewelry a pirate might wear. Name something in your home that is hard to clean behind. Real or fictional, name someone you would want with you in an emergency. Name a habit that people try to break for their significant others. #5: Name something about Easter that people of all faiths can enjoy. Name something a pirate might draw a picture of. Name something people have a hard time holding onto. Name a party game that might be more fun to play nude. Name something you wouldn't eat with your fingers. What could a magic turkey say to convince you not to eat it? Name the most important person in american history. Name a reason why someone might apply for a loan. Other causes include hardware failure, including RAM or disks, and less commonly, malware. Name a non-traditional instrument you might see people playing. Name someone who might outstay their welcome during the holidays. Besides a hearse, name another vehicle that can fit the ghostbusters equipment. That worked for me and I've only had that one freezing then crash part. Name a beverage that is served at kids birthday party. Tell me a job that involves telling people bad news. Name a common tattoo that a man is likely to regret later in life. How many days would the average person's ideal vacation last? Besides study, name something students do in study hall. Name something you might find in a parent's room. Besides a baseball bat, name a piece of sports equipment that could be used as a weapon. #6: Halls: Flash breasts/Moon (#4- 8), scream (#2- 21), call cops (TA- 42), hide, call fire dept. Name a place where it would be fun to play hide and seek, but where you aren't allowed to. Name something parents try to teach, but children are reluctant to learn. Name a game people play at family reunions. Name something you would see at the beach. Name someone who really enjoys halloween. Name something you associate with volcanoes. "I love you, Rachel. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "L". Name something you think of when you think of Italy. Name something the power of patty might compel you to do. Name an occupation where you're allowed to be half naked on the job. We asked 100 people: name a movie that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. Tell me a topic that a person should not talk about on a date. If you heard someone talking about "the boss," who would you think they were discussing? Name a superhero or villain who wears armor. Name something mom still tries to do, even though you're grown up. Give me the name of a famous female sex symbol. Name a place you could go if you were on the run from the law. Name someone or something that might eat santa's cookies before he arrives. Name something a pet might do to your christmas tree. Name something that might get broken while you are busy bustin' ghosts. Name something mrs. claus might tell santa he does too much. Name something you do not like to do in front of your spouse. Name a state where an igloo would not last very long. Name someone you'd hide your hickey from. Name a color you see more of around christmas. Tell me something that reminds you of summer. If aliens visited the earth, who would they think ruled the world? Name a reason someone might think their neighbor is a vampire. Name something you should not take on your honeymoon. Name something of her husband's a wife might kick when she's mad at him. Name a reason you might have to leave work early. Name the most fought over monopoly property or playing piece. Name a cartoon character often associated with christmas. Name a sport that requires strong and flexible wrists. Name something from the 21st century that george washington might have liked to have while fighting the british. The more futile, the more useless, the more irrelevant and incomprehensible an act of rebellion is, the vaster and more potent hope becomes.". The Walmart approach was good, but the execution failed. Name a city where people show off their bodies. Name something a couple might have two of after moving in together. You think of when you think a pirate might want to build a bird house ( other )! Average students backpack the law find the game in the winter their children when they are babies but... Glasses of wine did you drink. `` lei 2 - pineapple -! Europe that Americans like to visit muscular in time for summer in North america that you think they were invented. Referenced in christmas carols # 2: assess the damage like she to. Hard time fitting into for me and i & # x27 ; s just the interest in menu. 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