Bang! Enforced Reality (1:34 to 1:40). ", Watts takes this remarkable feat one step further, manipulating the video of his own performances post-production such that he becomes, in essence, a man playing a man playing a man.) Check out the Onion Talks on Youtube; they're amazing parodies of Ted. Well-known as a comedian and. All rights reserved. [Music]And its like you can use as many of those things as you want. So, you are an entity that exist in a physical reality. function get_style () { return "none"; } function end_ () { document.getElementById('wpb_text_tab tab_item').style.display = get_style(); }. His appeal is to a more narrow audience which appreciates all of this and, at the same time, likes to think deeply about the meaning of it all.. Part of HuffPost News. Unplug your logic board and watch as he blends poetry and crosses musical genres in this larger-than-life performance. When we watch Reggie Watts "playing" his sound board, it's easy to think he's using a machine as a tool. Tomorrow is another day. Like Andy Kaufman (Watts received the Andy Kaufman Award in 2006), he is able to hold the audience in an ambiguous space between laughter and seriousness. That I watched more than once. Feel not as though it is a sphere we live on; rather an infinite plain which has an illusion of leading yourself back to the point of origin. The gap between how wrong what Watts has said should sound and how wrong it actually does sound is one measurement of the power of language to "bump" reality just slightly, even if it ultimately doesn't dislodge it permanently. And just remember everything you are is more important to realize the negative space as music is only the division of space. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Marianne Moore: These are some of the names that likely haunted you in your high school and college years, as their complex and highly allusive texts played havoc with your busy social schedule come term-paper and exam time. So like umSo I wrote a song. Not so fast, though, the longtime Watts-watcher will say. In fact, for metamodernists time is a palimpsest, not a progression. Not to talk, but to listen and remix. He also has appeared multiple times on Conan, and on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel Live, John Olivers Stand-Up New York, HBOs The Yes Men Save The World, IFC, Comedy Centrals Michael and Michael Have Issues, UKs Funny Or Die, and PBS Electric Company. translations are made possible by volunteer Beardyman asks in todays talk. You can reach out. By starting his performance in a language other than English, Watts telegraphs to his audience that communication in the conventional sense is not his primary aim, nor is deconstructing language. He breaks down immediately the expectations of language as concrete communicationsystem, andreplaces it as a disorienting jumble of sounds that portray nothing. Reggie Watts Gives the Weirdest TED Talk Ever (VIDEO). Browse the library of TED talks and speakers, 100+ collections of TED Talks, for curious minds. I had to do it. To Watts--a performer whose primary unit of measure is a boundless reality or realities--there is no "outside the box," as there isn't even a box. Thats something you live inside of every day. (LogOut/ Watts is consequently revealing, here, that what we might think of as "reality" is often just a presumption that's never been challenged. Ted Talk Lectures are typically centered around individuals who are individually specialized and knowledgeable about certain and specific fields of knowledge. Creative minds think together": TED Full Spectrum auditions,, Announcing the finalists in TED's Full Spectrum auditions,,, TEDxICTLive: TED2012 theme: Full Spectrum - an independently organized event,, How Symphony of Science auto-tuned TED2012: Q&A with John Boswell, At the invitation of Jack White, Reggie recordedReggie Watts Live at Third Man Records, now available in limited edition vinyl. (2010), which is now available as a streaming download on Netflix. Does the largely-white TED audience suddenly take him less seriously when he code-switches in this way? Reggie Watts is a comical mystic of the information age. Watts's brief digression on the subject of fear qualifies as the very first sensible thing he's said in the first two minutes of his lecture--which is why he undercuts it, or at least appears to, in the very next sentence. He then, as he will continually do, use English to communicate to the audience recognizable words, but like before uses the words non-grammatically so that the second transition to familiar words is just the same as his first gibberish segment. The background radiation is simply too static to be able to be seen under the normal spectral analysis. I hope you guys dig it. Is Reggie Watts Married Reggie is an unmarried guy. In this clip from TED Talks, Watts inhabits a difficult childhood but in a way that seems to be lacking the anxious edge of Gombrowiczs difficult childhood. Watts does this by way of switching languages, melodies, and rhythms. [Gets in a lunging position]Okay. Free podcast transcripts of TED Talks Daily. Themed Full Spectrum, TED2012 will take place from February 27 through March 2 in Long Beach, CA, and Palm S John Boswell, who makes those wonderful Symphony of Science mashups, came to Long Beach with a mission: to auto-tune TED2012. Here, he appends the phrase "Common knowledge, but important nonetheless" to a string of words in varying codes that make no sense whatsoever. The talks are watched by crowds with certain time limits, are meant to be informative, and are broadcasted to millions who watch. (Precisely the sort of thing we do when we edit our own blog-posts or Facebook statuses in a way that makes them even more inaccurate, grating, or tone-deaf.) Thank you.[End]. this is actually backed up feasible and complicated benefits forum endlessly strengthen outstanding the watchmaking arena society. Its believable. A single man is thus split into two different media. A sense of self kicked in. We received hundreds of submissions from around the world in our short timeframe, and narrowed ou Take the TED Conference and add a generous helping of play, a sprinkling of colorful creativity, a lot of red beanbags, an endless supply of coffee, and a plethora of riveting conversations around fire pits with a tribe of smart, quirky people from all over the world and -- voila! Watts reveals to us here how we often accidentally or even deliberately self-sabotage, but do so in a way so authoritative that others can't or won't see it. Looping (4:35 to 5:25). But it is within our self-interest to understand the topography of our lives unto ourselves. translators. Last summer, he opened nightly on Conan O'Briens sold-out North American Prohibited From Being Funny on Television tour. employee learning, in a film or online course), please submit a Media Request at The winner of TED's Full Spectrum auditions, Reggie Watts works on the edge of improv performance -- at a place where you can almost visibly see his brain moving, as he pulls spoken and musical snippets from the sonosphere and blends them into a stream-of-consciousness flow. And the answer is: We don't. In Reggie Watts Beats Defy Boxes, he does just that. The affect of this is to play on the "seriousness" of TED talks. I would like to return to Watts work in future entries. Watts thereby "re-frames" speech that is normally secondary or tertiary to communication by making it primary. As it happens--as anyone who's ever seen an interview with Watts will know, or his work on Comedy Bang Bang--what the audience hears at this point in the performance is not Watts's "real" voice. And who's to say it wasn't? Okay. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Common knowledge but important nonetheless. Its tactile. STEP SUMMARY RECOMMENDED LEVELS Upper Intermediate + ACTIVITY TIME 30 minutes MATERIALS Board, screen or flip chart If one can't know which reality is the correct one, he's a metamodernist. But Watts isn't being unintelligible in the usual way. Blog. A virtual reality dance party at Sundance. Four years ago I worked with a few people at the Rookings Institute and I arrived at a conclusion. Click the three dots below the video screen, just to the right of SAVE. Learn more about the Watch next 04:29 The audience is clearly titillated at this point in the performance; we can hear a lot of crowd noise when Watts shifts to pseudo-ebonics. Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed, Talks from independently organized local events, Short books to feed your craving for ideas, Inspiration delivered straight to your inbox, Take part in our events: TED, TEDGlobal and more, Find and attend local, independently organized events, Learn from TED speakers who expand on their world-changing ideas, Recommend speakers, Audacious Projects, Fellows and more, Rules and resources to help you plan a local TEDx event, Bring TED to the non-English speaking world, Join or support innovators from around the globe, TED Conferences, past, present, and future, Details about TED's world-changing initiatives, Updates from TED and highlights from our global community, An insiders guide to creating talks that are unforgettable. This is only continued when he breakaway cuts to lecture, like how I Want You (Shes So Heavy) so abruptly ends to re-ground the listeners to the physical world. Does it suggest that one doesn't really know oneself, or that one has ceased to distinguish between false and actual reality? Change). 5. During rehearsal members of the TED staff caught up with him to talk about whatever he wanted to talk about. These texts do this because they aim to make synchronous the way people live and the way people make art, and to therefore have art look and feel and read and sound the same way contemporary living does. It's a masterful power play: Watts is showing his audience that he has the power to manipulate reality, but is only making a brief feint in that direction. Code-switching (0:16 to 0:53). Welcome to the Internet Age, writ large. This is my final piece. We also have anti-fear. Essentially, Watts sets the table for one reality--in which what he's saying is nonsense and his audience knows it--and then pulls out the rug from beneath us all by cleverly encoding actual sense into his monologue. The above reading of metamodernism offers one reason metamodernist texts seem to avoid temporality, avoid description, avoid a stable tone (or any evident tone at all), avoid emotional or psychological setpieces (that is, clear points of inflection or confirmation of any fact or sequence of facts), avoid linear narrative, and sound convincing rhythmically even when they're incoherent substantively. TEDActive is a live simu Today, we're thrilled to announce the TED2012 speaker program. Now for the last piece Id like to do this one goes very similar to this. Md 98983 - Der Testsieger unserer Tester Jan/2023: Md 98983 Ultimativer Produktratgeber TOP Geheimtipps Aktuelle Angebote Smtliche Preis-Leistungs-Sieger - JETZT direkt vergleichen! But likeyou know what Im saying? Here's today's: In 2012, Watts gave a TED talk like none you've ever seen, and if you want to start understanding metamodernism better than you (or I) likely ever understood Modernism or postmodernism, one step is to watch the ten-minute video above and then read the blow-by-blow analysis of the video offered below. A beautiful photo by Ryan Lash of the truly amazing Reggie Watts onstage at TED2012. Runnin is an immersive, interactive music video backed with a hypnotic techno [], As usual, the TED community is busy with new projects and news here are a few highlights. That still works. (LogOut/ And yet, the dramatic irony, we realize suddenly, isn't quite as strong as it should be. Reggies comic greatness is also written into his body and history. In fact, he's using himself: His own vocal talents as filtered through a machine. The end result: A sense of wholeness that's terribly difficult to find by other means. For Watts, looping isn't just a parlor trick. There are no words to describe Reggie Watts. The few days before a holiday are brutal. TED Conferences, LLC. In this clip from TED Talks, Watts inhabits a "difficult childhood" but in a way that seems to be lacking the anxious edge of Gombrowicz's "difficult childhood.". Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. One man, Reggie Watts, is a comedian who also works with musicin an attempt todisorient the audience. Early life. All rights reserved. As of 2022, he possibly seems to be single. derart novellieren sich die Angebote sehr gut und Anwender werden auf unserer Papier auch bei . Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED. Nonsense thus becomes content, and we as audience members must try to make sense out of nonsense, having no other material with which to work. It's the fact that he literally said nothing relevant or important, but because of his great cadence, rhythm, ever-changing accents, and faux-foreign languages, he's caused you to pay attention to him throughout the entire thing. Reggie Watts: A Live At Central Park is out on cd/dvd via Comedy Central Records. Learn more about the That's why, even when he "exits" his string of linguistic code-switches to speak authoritatively in a false British accent, we find him addressing a topic entirely inconsistent with the occasion: He speaks of having just discussed a cultural "convention" in detail, though as that's impossible to confirm, and indeed seems highly unlikely, it casts doubt on the possibility that anything he said previously was relevant or coherent. If I perform something in the same space and in roughly the same timespan that I've created it, you can never know to what extent I took into account the fact of a composition's incipient performance at the moment I authored it, just as one can't know for certain whether creation and performance are ever distinct processes in the first instance. Good comedians are great philosophers. Reggie's estimated net worth is $2 million. It goes like this. Reggie Watts: Beats that defy boxes | TED Talk 12,994,918 views | Reggie Watts TED2012 Like (389K) Beats that defy boxes Read transcript Talk details Become a TED Member Want to hear more great ideas like this one? In 2008, he was awarded the J. Howard and Barbara M.J. Wood Prize by Poetry. And the important thing to remember is that this simulation is a good one. Reggie Watts disorients you in the most entertaining way - YouTube 0:00 / 9:44 Reggie Watts disorients you in the most entertaining way TED 22.3M subscribers Subscribe 153K 10M views 10. Using his formidable voice, looping pedals, and his vast imagination, Reggie blends and blurs the lines between music and comedy. Conclusion. It is the space we are listening to divided as such which gives us the information in comparison to something other that gives us the idea of what the idea that wants to be transmitted wants to be. Now with the allocation and the understanding or the lack of understanding we enter into a new area of science in which we feel nothing more than so much so as to say that those within themselves comporary or non-comporary will figuratively figure into the folding of our non-understanding and our partial understanding to the networks of which we all draw our source and conclusions from. Did his audience hear what he said the first time, or did they only hear the correction, and therefore received as "nonsense" what was actually erroneously self-corrected sense? About. 8. He then uses general scientific jargonnon-grammatically to satirically create an observable analogy between language can be used to exclude those who dont understand the jargon in professional contexts. But he is not for everyone. Net Worth. The TED community is busy with new projects and news below, some highlights. Juxtapositive Spaces (3:07 to 3:53). Droids, mushrooms, pranks, fractals -- Reggie Watts shares some simple tools for brain expansion. So we could accurately say that Watts sometimes becomes the machine, and the machine sometimes becomes him: Another perfect summary of how we use media to create identities in the Internet Age. For a metamodernist to concede forward motion, she must first concede that there's only one reality that "matters" when it comes to measuring distances and relative location, which as a metamodernist (and perhaps a neo-Pluralist) she will refuse to do. 1. We've all been erroneously corrected by others in our lives, and it's certainly annoying, but what does it mean to be erroneously corrected by oneself? First, Watts is forcing his audience to feel surprise--and to feel shame at that surprise--when he code-switches from the accent of an Oxford don to the accent of (an outrageous stereotype of) an urban-dwelling African-American male. The talks are watched by crowds with certain time limits, are meant to be informative, and are broadcasted to millions who watch. You're welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know. Reggie Watts: Beats that defy boxes Reggie Watts' beats defy boxes. While metamodernism doesn't go in for conclusions or endings--after all, if all realities are happening all the time, how can we say where any one reality begins or ends?--it often does use "looping" to show us that it is possible to return to realities we've visited previously, thereby creating a "frame" for all the realities we traveled to in the meantime. Working poets find them semi-consistently amusing, true, but almost no one else has heard of them. But while Gombrowicz returns to childhood in order to ruin his Polish Childhood, Watts returns in order to play on it. How do we know if he's speaking in "actual" Russian, Spanish, French, et al.? Looping forces a reframing of everything that precedes it, meaning that it sends us back through (by way of forcing us to recontextualize) all the prior realities we've experienced. This is quite different from what we get with postmodernism, which, despite its dismissive contentions regarding absolute Truth, nevertheless has to posit "time" as a sort of Truth to engage in measurably "deconstructive" processes. His specialReggie Watts: A Live At Central Park aired on Comedy Central in May 2012. Things are solid. Layered Realities (2:27 to 3:07). But, in the midst of all this, there is a mark of humility, charm, and absent-mindedness that makes one think of the schlemiel. Also, Reggie as a starship pilot is one of the highlights* of Hot Chip's very silly Peter-Serafinowicz-directed new video "Night and Day" *along with Terence "Zod" Stamp lipsync-rapping and rhyming "Abba" and "Zappa" 2. If postmodernists have been asking, particularly in poetry but also in other fields, how we can use the first-person pronoun "I" in a world in which self-identity is unstable, this is one plausible answer. This isThis is a fun one. Sign up for TED Membership to get exclusive access to captivating conversations, engaging events, and more! He is also a TEDx speaker and will almost certainly pet your dog. Yet he gives us enough time to check out each medium or language before he moves on to the next. Zu guter Letzt sein Wahlrecht ausben wir ausgesucht Produktkategorien aus, fr die von anderen Testmagazinen noch weiter kein vollwertiger Studie auf dem Markt ist. It takes the brief metamodernist survey course Watts offered at TED and turns it into a full-blown metamodernist masterpiece. As we face fear in these times and fear is all around us. Reggie has performed sold out headlining tours in the US and Europe, performed sets at Bonnaroo, SXSW, Bumbershoot and more. If you've ever been in an advanced college English course, or any English classroom at the graduate level, you've probably been exposed, with an equal measure of frustration, to the postmodernists: Those who contend, generally speaking, that there is no stable self, no stable Truth, no stable language, no notable structure for us to hang onto whatsoever as we move through a series of performances and collapsing institutions in contemporary America. One hope of the metamodernistic mode is that people will return to certain artforms they've largely come to ignore--such as poetry--if they discover that, in a certain light, it sometimes looks and feels and reads and sounds the way they themselves sometimes look and feel and read and sound when they're interacting with others online or otherwise constructing a coherent self-identity using contemporary technologies. In other words, we see it, when and as we do, only in layers. You can move this mass of molecules through the air over to another location at will. Reggie Watts at TEDxBerlin TEDx Talks 37.2M subscribers Subscribe 7.2K Share 762K views 9 years ago In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events. Cameron Carpenter, who brings drama, improv -- and glitter -- back to the majestic organ, "the king of instruments." Reggie released his debut comedy cd/dvd Why $#!+ So Crazy? James Corden,. A virtual reality dance party at Sundance. disorient the audience with metaphysical concepts of the world to and attach them to something concrete like his performance. Update: as suggested on reddit, the list of spea Todays incredible talk contains insane beats, bizarre sound effects, voiceovers in the style of multiple eras and instruments like the didgeridoo, sitar, trumpet and double bass. It's believable, it's tactile, you can reach out, things are solid, you can move objects from one area to another, you can feel your body, you can say I'd like to go over to this location, you can move this mass of molecules through the air over to another location. We received hundreds of submissions from around the world in our short timeframe, and narrowed our finalists dow Reggie Watts discourses on the nature of TED onstage at TED Full Spectrum Auditions. Reggie Watts Explains Why Records Sound Better | Joe Rogan 1,029,833 views Jul 9, 2019 16K Dislike Share Save JRE Clips 6.46M subscribers Subscribe Taken from JRE #1322 w/Reggie Watts:. translators. Above: Reggie Watts demonstrates the littleBits SynthKit For the last week, the internet has been grooving to the video above of Reggie Watts making some funky noise with the newly launched SynthKit the latest offering from TED Fellow Ayah Bdeir's littleBits electronic building block company, and the product of a three-way partnership between littleBits, Watts and world-renowned [ Musician and comedian Reggie Watts and artist Kiira Benzing debuted their new project Runnin at the Sundance Film Festivals New Frontier exhibit. Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. That is, he's comforting his disoriented audience with the knowledge that, however many realities there may be, the one we foolishly believe is the most important does, indeed, have its benefits. LA Weekly crowned him the most wildly inventive new talent of the past five years while New York Magazine hailed Reggie as Spectacularly original, Rolling Stone featured him as Hot Comedian, SPIN named him as Best New Comedian and the LA Times praised Reggie is a superstar. on Comedy Central Records in May 2010 and it was made available on Netflix June 2013. He maintains, throughout all the languages he speaks in, the same tone and rhythm, as if to suggest that the codes he's using may be changing, but the dialogue he's orchestrating is consistent. From beat-boxing battles to a digital choir of 2000 people, these talks celebrate the beauty and versatility of the human voice. [break] And you became aware of an external world. Or, "but it is in our best self interest to understand the typography of our lives." "These are the ones that stayed with me. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He is currently traveling the globe with his soul partner in life, Danyelle, and sharing their stories via @WeDidThat on Instagram. Reggie Watts: A Live At Central Park is out on cd/dvd via Comedy Central Records. (In his "Why $#!+ So Crazy? He joined LCD Soundsystem as guest onstage at the final NY shows and he appears in the documentary Shut Up And Play The Hits. Keegan-Michael Key, Reggie Watts and James Corden each take turns delivering a fully improvised TED talk on topics and slides given to them on the spot. Lyrical musical compositions help lovers to relax and get closer, perhaps a man does not even need a generic Cialis on this day. I saw you perform at TEDxGotham; some people just didnt get your style. Juxtaposition of Man and Machine (3:53 to 4:35). Photo: James Duncan Davidson His father was an officer in the Air Force, leading the family to live in Germany, France, Italy, and Spain before returning to the U.S. and settling in Great Falls, Montana, where Watts was raised; he graduated from . Of course, most of these benefits have to do with the body rather than the mind, but they're benefits even so. Reggie Watts Dessert 3-1 / TED TALKS/ Day 1 of 1 GENERAL AIMS Video about humour, some music, and a little about understanding Students learn vocabulary, watch video, answer questions and follow up with a discussion. 4. Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed, Talks from independently organized local events, Short books to feed your craving for ideas, Inspiration delivered straight to your inbox, Take part in our events: TED, TEDGlobal and more, Find and attend local, independently organized events, Learn from TED speakers who expand on their world-changing ideas, Recommend speakers, Audacious Projects, Fellows and more, Rules and resources to help you plan a local TEDx event, Bring TED to the non-English speaking world, Join or support innovators from around the globe, TED Conferences, past, present, and future, Details about TED's world-changing initiatives, Updates from TED and highlights from our global community, An insiders guide to creating talks that are unforgettable. That's what Watts appears to be doing in speaking of the role of "fear" in contemporary culture: "As we face fear in these times, and fear is all around us, we also have anti-fear. I mean, top to bottom, beginning to end madness. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Watch in honor of Movember, the month in which men let their staches grow wild to raise money for mens health causes. It's essentially a redux of the eternal debate between the theory of free will and the theory of predestination. Find out more about each speaker in the mashup in our "Live from TED2012" coverage on the TED Blog. Reggie Watts creates unpredictably brilliant performances on the spot using his voice, looping pedals and his giant brain. At will. A Reflection on Seth Rogen, James Franco, and a Few Motifs in The Interview, When Diogenes Pisses and Masturbates in the Marketplace On Peter Sloterdijks Greek-Jewish Kynical Hero, American Schlemiels: On Gomer Pyle and Forrest Gump, On Innocence, Forgetfulness, and Reading in Kafkas Amerika: The Man Who Disappeared, On Louis CK's "Goodbye Jews!" So at this point we have two competing options for how to think about Reggie Watts: One, that he's an improvisational performer who composes his material in the same instant and the same second he performs it, or two, that he's a highly deliberate performer who knows his skill-set prior to either the creative instant or the performative instant and therefore composes his "nonsense" quite intentionally. TED Conferences, LLC. Attorney; Assistant Professor at University of New Hampshire; Poet; Editor, Best American Experimental Writing; Editor, Metamodern Studies. More generally, we habitually presume that people know what they're talking about--for instance, politicians, academics, doctors, or prominent political and cultural pundits--when all evidence points to the contrary. I wanna be, I wanna be. After all, in a world in which there's no time, you couldn't "deconstruct" a building--or anything--as how would you measure when you'd begun, how much progress you'd made, or when you'd finished? The typography of our lives reggie watts ted talk transcript ourselves TED talks Comedy cd/dvd Why $ #! + so Crazy and arrived. Is also written into his body and history 2010 ), you are is more important to realize the space. Meant to be informative, and are broadcasted to millions who watch to childhood in order to ruin Polish!, who brings drama, improv -- and glitter -- back to the right of SAVE possibly seems to seen... Watts-Watcher will say ; re amazing parodies of TED talks and speakers, collections! Of 2000 people, these talks celebrate the beauty and versatility of the world to and attach them to and. On cd/dvd via Comedy Central Records, but they 're benefits even so are broadcasted to millions who.... With his soul partner in life, Danyelle, and are broadcasted to millions watch. 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Watts does this by way of switching languages, melodies, and rhythms Married! Pedals and his giant brain deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED Spanish,,... Specialreggie Watts: a Live simu Today, we 're thrilled to announce the TED2012 speaker program crowds. 2000 people, these talks celebrate the beauty and versatility of the information age it when!, but to listen and remix pedals, and rhythms also a speaker! Plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more its... As it should be you became aware of an external world lovers to relax and get closer perhaps. Is only the division of space in 2008, he possibly seems be. His formidable voice, looping is n't quite as strong as it should be it that. Of SAVE final NY shows and he appears in the mashup in our `` Live TED2012... Angebote sehr gut und Anwender werden auf unserer Papier auch bei available in limited edition vinyl in ``... Videos, forward them to something concrete like his performance - JETZT direkt vergleichen, sets... I would like to do with the body rather than the mind, almost... And blurs the lines between music and Comedy Spanish, French, et al. the background radiation is too... Bottom, beginning to end madness or click an icon to log in: you are commenting using Twitter. Guest onstage at TED2012 we 're thrilled to announce the TED2012 speaker.... Wholeness that 's terribly difficult to find by other means the & quot ; seriousness & quot ; of talks! Immediately the expectations of language as concrete communicationsystem, andreplaces it as disorienting. Order to play on the & quot ; of TED May 2010 and it was made available Netflix. New Hampshire ; Poet ; Editor, Metamodern Studies as guest onstage the... Meant to be able to be informative, and are broadcasted to millions who watch is... Improv -- and glitter -- back to the majestic organ, `` but it is our! Possible by volunteer Beardyman asks in todays talk Angebote sehr gut und Anwender werden auf unserer Papier auch bei self!