We're talking dirty knock knock jokes, dirty jokes, and sex jokes that would have gotten us at least a week's worth of detention. 32. 52. And Madonna doesnt have one. Otherwise it wouldve been called the teethbrush. Shhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiittttt, unknown: no, because its a yes or no question. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and the Suez Canal? 58. I go in hard, come out soft, and you love to blow me. A man falls into the water and a large fish swiftly approaches him, teeth first. Never having to buy another electric toothbrush. 49. A solar powered flashlight. Three guys begin work at a toothbrush company as salesmen. Buying new toothbrushes every 3 months is expensive! What four-letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if you cant get it you can always just use your hands? How do you know that the toothbrush was invented in the Deep South? I come with a quiver. The boss liked him and decided to give him a shot. Berry Splitter machine - 3d Movies, 3d Movies Full #shorts, 6. 55. The word begins with c, ends in t, and theres a u and an n between them. Because anywhere else it would've been called a teethbrush. 20. 36. Sometimes, giant balls hang from me. An angry nurse! The only one I know is, "In West Virginia it's called a TOOTHbrush and not a teethbrush for a reason". Because anywhere else it would've been called a teethbrush. Did you hear Oral-B and Queen Latifah are making a toothbrush together? What's long and hard and hairy on one end? What am I? Q: Why does the dentist have a TV on the ceiling for patients? People may find dirty jokes shocking or disgusting, but no one can deny they're funny as hell! Submitted by orthodontist Kami Hoss, D.D.S., M.S., co-founder of The Super Dentists, California. Little suzie sold cookies and ma. What goes in dry and hard but comes out wet and soft? Plenty of water, food, first aid kit, even three toothbrushes for the whole trip. says the second guy. The toothbrush was invented in the South 59. "Anyone else have an example?". What we ended up doing was devising a way to collect real kids toothbrushes, Shepard said. 29. Please try not to laughtoo hard and feel free to flame as much as you like-we are all likepassengers on the deck of the Titanic discussing what we're going to do whenwe get to shore.How can you tell when a mechanic has been behind your nuclear warhead? A lone camel driver was about to embark on a long journey west of the Sahara into Egypt. he says. When he is fully undressed she instructs him to lie down on the table. I am dirty, people like to put their wood in me, but only Santa goes down on me. 31. Best Toothbrush humor links - www.killsometime.com - Browse the web's #1 collection of Funny Jokes, Dirty Jokes, Blonde Jokes and much more! They concluded that the reason the head on a man's penis is larger than the shaft is to prevent your hand from flying off and hitting you in the forehead! 'That's full of germs now.' The next thing I knew, he was handing me my toothbrush. The bigger I am, the louder you scream. Today I visited the birthplace of the inventor of the toothbrush. If it had been invented anywhere else, it would be called a teethbrush. RELATED: 22 Doctor Cartoons That Will Make You Laugh Through the Pain. Q: What is the difference between a blonde and a shopping trolley? 48. If it was made anywhere else it would be called a teethbrush. Did you know the toothbrush was invented in Alabama? What am I? That really surprised us, Shepard said in a telephone interview. He goes into a bar and orders a shot. What am I? Water Coloring with Stabilo 68 Markers & Build a Bouquet Stamps, 4. What is it? Its a fun thing to do and you devote a significant amount of energy to thinking about it, but you hate knowing that your parents are doing it. Let's take a look at our favorite short jokes for adults only: As far as dirty jokes go, we can safely say that size doesn't matter. if it was invented anywhere else it would have been called the teethbrush. A simple toothbrush can do a whole lot more than clean your teeth. 68. Now I need a new toothbrush. 23. If it was from elsewhere they'd call it a teethbrush ! 17. Click here for more information. The cashier replies, "Because you're bloody ugly.". One day he was approached by a man looking for a job. Even the microbiologists thought that was pretty gross, Shepard says. It was Wale, my 4 year old, calling from the bathroom. Why is a mans voice louder than a womans? Everybody did it because they wanted the toothbrush.. Sally got up first. So if anyone knows of another way to remove dog poop from my sneakers I'd appreciate knowing. The toothbrush must had been invented in Alabama or Mississippi If I miss, I hit your bush. 2. Then, one day, they run into him at the mall, where hes set up a tobacco dip sample table. You look like the world is about to collapse.". ', buhahhaha lol @feelgood for sure am really feeling good, I regret to announce that the the unfortunate dad in this story is no other than ITUEN. Favorite this joke. Baking soda has antibacterial activity and has been found to kill bacteria that is a major contributor to tooth decay. Indonesian:"There is no such thing as a tenured doctor, it can take years!!! The man obeys. 3 men apply to a toothbrush company for a sales position. You get t, One day, a man with a lisp named Joseph walks into a toothbrush factory. 43. What am I? The doctor left the room amazed, thinking how many normal people end up in mental institutions And the man said to his toothbrush: "Ha, Fifi, we tricked him!". The other two guys are jealous, but they cant figure out his secret. I grow in a bed, first white then red, and the plumper I get, the better women like me. There is no shame in accepting for your bawdy sense of humor and rolling on the floor laughing at R-rated jokes with your buddies. Q: What do you get when you cross a hedgehog with a giraffe? I reposted 4 years ago. 8. They come across this toothbrush seller, they ask for a job and end up getting it. The best part about getting older is enjoying lascivious content we would have gotten in trouble for back in high school. 10. The interviewer is dumbfounded. 57. Lisa Marie Conklin is a Baltimore-based writer who writes regularly about pets and home improvement for Reader's Digest. If somebody can tell me of a better way of getting shit stains off the back of the toilet bowl I'm all ears. He went to the address and met with the boss. A: Put your money where your mouth is. What is it? 47. Q: What is it called when an astronaut gets a cavity? Anyone else would have called it a toothbrush. Husband: Well, I bought you a toothbrush in the same color. A man is riding aimlessly through the desert on a donkey. It's possible the child was a so-called strep carrier -- someone who carries the bacteria without showing any ill-effects, she said. Were talking dirty knock knock jokes, dirty jokes, and sex jokes that would have gotten us at least a weeks worth of detention. To diaper their skyscrapers! Its not like a true health hazard but you should be aware when you take it out its not sterile, she said. 8 years ago I shared the worst joke I've ever made. Little Johnny was in economics class and was told to sell something over the weekend and see how much money they could make. He leaves and comes back in 2 hours and says "all sold". One day, Melvin's boss calls him into his office. He searches everywhere but cannot find a job. Of course the kids liked that, Shepard said. 36. What has 148 teeth and holding back a monster? If you see me in bed, you whack me off. Click here for more information. A: Because each dentist has their own floss-ophy. What is it? Q: What did the tuba player buy at the drug store? What is the latest invention from the UA Engineering program? Sometimes people lick my nuts. When the bill comes, Mike, Dave and John will do it You meet this toothbrush salesman, you ask for a job and you end up getting it. A: You don't let your best friend borrow your toothbrush. One Saturday the dentist is hungry and puts his brother to the test. The manager comes out and greets Joseph. Answer: Not as much as you think You might not need to throw away that toothbrush after a sore throat, a new study shows Featurepics.com SAVE Create your free. You put your hands on me and then go up and down. / On Top Dis Subsidy Matter, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). 60. My father bought me a Sonicare toothbrush. Q: Whats the most popular hiking trail for dentists? Jokes.com - Three guys begin work at a toothbrush company as salesmen. 26. Q: What's the difference between a blonde track team and a tribe of sly pygmies? What am I? says the first guy. 21. 3 men apply for a sales job at toothbrush company. The guy who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand, plus a dozen donuts. She informed Jim that she suffered a disease that left her breasts at maturity of a 12 years old. If you blow me, it feels really good. The most basic go-to method of sanitizing your toothbrush is to run hot water over the bristles before and after each use. Whos the most popular guy at the nudist colony? Have you seen all jokes? 29. If invented in another state, it would be called a toothbrush. A: A toilet won't follow you around after you use it. Otherwise they would've called it a teethbrush! Whats made of rubber, handed out at some schools, and exists to prevent mistakes? "Ignore my eyeball, you square baby! "Some toothbrush cleaning methods, including use of a dishwasher or microwave oven, could damage the brush.". Dirty jokes tend to be of sexual nature, make use of coarse language and can be offensive. Q: What is the dentists favorite day of the week? What does a woman have two of that a cow has four of? He says All rights reserved. AND AND AND AND. The penguin isn't the neatest eater, and he ends up covered in melted ice cream. Whats white, sticky, and better to spit than to swallow? Toothbrush moustache: The toothbrush moustache is a moustache style.The sides of the moustache are vertical (or nearly vertical) rather than tapered, giving the moustache hairs . Q: What's the difference between a blonde and your job? A man had recently lost his job when he saw an ad in the local paper for a position selling toothbrushes. Q: Why did the doughnut go to the dentist? Weirdly, I've been taking some anti-impotence medication for my sunburn. 43. otherwise it would have been called the teethbrush. Better the last time I see one of those bastards on my roommate's toothbrush, Anxious child says, "Dad says to cover my mouth when I cough because my cold is contagious! You have a 30-day trial period. 26. Had it been invented anywhere else, they would have called it the teethbrush. I told her, "This is disgusting!" What is it? 2. In one of the rooms, he saw a man walking around, dragging a toothbrush on a leash. 33. "My mom says my laughter is contagious!" Husband: It was a surprise but remember that pink Lamborghini you wanted so badly? 55. A: Plaque to the Future. At the end of the day, the man came up to him and said, "I sold all 100 toothbrushes, can you Two identical twin brothers live together. Submitted by Michael Rothstein, DDS, Michael Rothstein Dentistry, New City, New York. "The man says, "I would, but I already have one at home. 6. 126. Q: How do insurers classify a dentists mistake? I come in a lot of different sizes. 21. There are laughing travelling salesmen in your banana! Teacher: "Can anyone tell me where the toothbrush was invented?" Little Johnny: "In Kentucky. Did you know that the toothbrush was invented in Arkansas? When he opened the door, he found this beautiful broad spread out, just waiting for him. What is super hard and goes into a tiny hole? The couple took the new baby home. Know any West Virginia Jokes? I discharge loads from my shaft. Seeing whats between my hairy legs will make your skin crawl. Rate: Do you know a good joke which isn't here. I was at the grocery store the other day and there was this girl in front of me at the checkout, she had an apple, a pear, a toothbrush, a cup of pasta and a can of soup. If he was from anywhere else it would be called a teethbrush. The toilet paper replied: you sure?. Several years ago, Great Britain funded a study to determine why the head on a man's penis is larger than the shaft. No takers? See also best jokes rated by other visitors or new jokes. Not Eligible To Win. How do you get 100 gargoyles into a nuclear warhead? Have you ever wondered why an alligator is so angry? Will Medicare cover hearing aids in 2023? Dad! 18. Shepard says she had been curious about the toothbrush issue for a while. Q: Why is it sometimes necessary to get a second opinion from a dentist? If it was from somewhere else they would call it a toothbrush! "While there is evidence of bacterial growth on toothbrushes, there is no clinical evidence that soaking a toothbrush in an antibacterial mouthrinse or using a commercially available toothbrush sanitizer has any positive or negative effect on oral or systemic health," the group says. A guy walks in the local whorehouse, says "I want the cheapest one you got, I don't have much money." What am I? TIL that the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia What am I? Ill fill your holes when you ask me to. Each day, two of the guys sell twenty toothbrushes each, and the third guy consistently sells two hundred. Monday at school, the teacher lined up all the students and had them present their weekend homework: their assignment was to sell something and give a presentation on effective salesmanship. A man took his pregnant wife to the hospital. You use your fingers to get me off. What is soft and wet on the inside while hard and hairy on the outside? It doesn't cure it, but it keeps the sheets off my legs at night. I plead and plead for it regularly. Then, one day, they run into him at the mall, where he's set up. "Can I touch it?" Out of bad luck and very desperate, he asks to speak to the operations manager to get a job selling toothbrushes. The interviewer is dumbfounded. The HR manager says, We sell toothbrushes. Some people prefer being on top, others prefer being on the bottom, and it always involves a bed. What am I? What am I? One day the toothbrush got tired and said "Damn, I have the dirtiest job in the whole world". The woman would be connected to a machine that would transfer part of the pain to the father of the baby, thus reducing her own. You play with it at night and it vibrates. A: A group of dentists who work together. Strep can live outside the body for days, Shepard says. 22. this jokeit couldcontain profanity. If it was invented anywhere else it would be called a teethbrush. ', She didn't even look at me this time, just said, "Yes". Q: Why did the smartphone go to the dentist? If anyone can tell me a better way to remove shit stains from the toilet floor, I'm all ears. My dad bought me a Sonicare toothbrush He goes to his mother, Look mama, Im a Nazi! and she punches him in the face. Q: Did you see the new documentary about wisdom teeth on Netflix? He tells him to g. Wife:Aww Thankyou sweetheart, What you get me? What's the best thing about gardening? A single child who wasnt sick had Strep A on her toothbrush, Shepard says. A: Not everybody has been in a limo. Classic VW BuGs How to Install New Valve Guides in Beetle Ghia Bus Motor Heads, 2. Their employer tells them ok all you guys need to do is walk around town and sell as many toothbrushes as you can, then once the days over you come back to me and tell how many you sold, so they each get a box of to, A man answers an ad for a sales position. Year after year, he can repeatedly sell the most toothbrushes out of everyone who works for the company, at least tripling the the amount of sales the guy trailing him has made. There was a little boy and a little girl in a bathtub having a bath. Year after year, he can repeatedly sell the most toothbrushes out of everyone who works for the company, at least tripling the the amount of sales the guy trailing him has made. 1. What am I? How do you know if someone is a UA graduate? 9. 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